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Raspberry Pi 3 on OP-TEE

Sequitur Labs did the initial port which besides the actual OP-TEE port also patched U-boot, ARM Trusted Firmware and Linux kernel. Sequitur Labs also pulled together patches for OpenOCD to be able to debug the solution using cheap JTAG debuggers. For more information about the work, please see the press release from June 8 2016.


  1. Disclaimer
  2. Upstream?
  3. Build instructions
  4. Known problems
  5. NFS boot
  6. OpenOCD

1. Disclaimer

This port of ARM Trusted Firmware and OP-TEE to Raspberry Pi3

                   IS NOT SECURE!

Although the Raspberry Pi3 processor provides ARM TrustZone
exception states, the mechanisms and hardware required to
implement secure boot, memory, peripherals or other secure
functions are not available. Use of OP-TEE or TrustZone capabilities
within this package _does not result_ in a secure implementation.

This package is provided solely for educational purposes.

2. Upstream?

This is an initial drop with a working setup. But, there are quite a few patches that are put on top of forks and some of the patches has been put together by just pulling files instead of (correctly) cherry-pick patches from various projects. For OP-TEE related gits, we will rather soon put together proper patches and merge it upstream. But for the other projects it could take some time to get the work accepted upstream. Due to this, everything will initially not be on official Linaro git's and everything will be kept on a separate branch. But as time goes by we will gradually move it over to the official gits. We are fully aware that this is not the optimal way to do this, but we also know that there is a strong interest among developers, students, researches to start work and learn more about TEE's using a Raspberry Pi. So instead of delaying this, we have decided to make what we have available right away. Hopefully there will be some enthusiast that will help out making proper upstream patches sooner or later.

Project Base fork What to do
build the official build master branch Rebase and do a pull request
optee_os the official optee_os master branch Rebase and do a pull request
linux commit: 51d1fa5c3208f15e80d25d85ce03330909916cc8 Two things here. 1. The base is a fork itself and should be upstreamed. 2. The current OP-TEE patches should be replaced with cherry-picked patches from the official OP-TEE Linux kernel branch
arm-trusted-firmware commit: bdec62eeb8f3153a4647770e08aafd56a0bcd42b This should instead be based on the official OP-TEE fork or even better the official ARM repository. The patch itself should also be upstreamed.
U-boot This is just a mirror of the official U-boot git. The patches should be upstreamed.

3. Build instructions

  • First thing to pay attention to are the prerequisites stated here in the file. If you forget that, then you can get all sorts of strange errors.

  • From the, you should follow section 5.1, 5.2. In short if you have repo installed, what you need to do is something like this:

$ mkdir rpi3
$ cd rpi3
$ repo init -u -m rpi3.xml
$ repo sync -j3

Now it's probably a good idea to read the Tips and tricks section also, since that will save a lot of time in the long run.

  • Next step is to get the toolchains
$ cd build
$ make toolchains
  • Then it is time to build everything. Note that the initial build will download a couple of files, like the official Raspberry Pi 3 firmware, the overlay root fs etc. However, that is only done once, so subsequent builds won't re-download them again (as long as you don't delete them).
$ make all
$ make update_rootfs
  • The last step is to partition and format the memory card and to put the files onto the same. That is something we don't want to automate, since if anything goes wrong, in worst case it might wipe one of your regular hard disks. Instead what we have done, is that we have created another makefile target that will tell you exactly what to do. Run that command and follow the instructions there.
$ make img-help
  • Boot up the Pi. With all files on the memory card, put the memory card into the Raspberry Pi 3 and boot up the system. On the UART (we will add some wiring diagram soon, but until then, please use Google and search for UART on Raspberry Pi and you will get lots of guides) you will see the system booting up. When you have a shell, then it's simply just to follow the instructions on here in the to load tee-supplicant and run xtest.

4. Known problems

We encourage anyone interested in getting this into a better shape to help out. We have identified a couple issues while working with this. Some are harder to solve than others.

4.1 Root file system

Currently we are using a cpio archive with busybox as a base, that works fine and has a rather small footprint it terms of size. However in some cases it's convenient to use something that reminds of what is used in distros. For example having the ability to use a package manager like apt-get, pacman or rpm, to make it easy to add new applications and developer tools.

Suggestions to look into regarding creating a better rootfs

  • Create a setup where one use buildroot instead of manually creating the cpio archive.
  • Create a 64bit Raspbian image. This would be the ultimate goal. Besides just the big work with building a 64bit Raspian image, one would also need to ensure that Linux kernel gets updated accordingly (i.e., pull 64bit RPi3 patches and OP-TEE patches into the official Raspbian Linux kernel build).

5. NFS Boot

Booting via NFS and TFTP is quite useful for several reasons, but the obvious reason when working with Raspberry Pi is that you don't have to move the SD-card back and forth between the host machine and the RPi itself. Below we will describe how to setup both the TFTP part and the NFS part so we have both ways covered. We will get kernel, optee.bin and the device tree blob from the tftpd server and we will get the root fs from the NFS server. Note that this guide doesn't focus on any desktop security, so eventually you would need to harden your setup. Another thing is that this seems like a lot of steps, and it is, but most of them is something you do once and never more and it will save tons of time in the long run.

Note also, that this particular guide is written for the ARMv8-A setup using OP-TEE. But, it should work on plain RPi also if you change U-boot and filesystem accordingly.

In the description below we will use the following terminology:

HOST_IP=   <--- This is your desktop computer
RPI_IP=    <--- This is the Raspberry Pi

5.1 Configure TFTPD

There are several different servers to use, but in the description we're going to use atftpd, so start by apt-get that package.

$ sudo apt-get install atftpd

Next edit the configuration file for atftpd

$ sudo vim /etc/default/atftpd

And change the file so it looks exactly like this, nothing less, nothing more!

OPTIONS="--tftpd-timeout 300 --retry-timeout 5 --mcast-port 1758 --mcast-addr --mcast-ttl 1 --maxthread 100 --verbose=5 /tftpboot"

Create the tftpboot folder and change the permissions

$ sudo mkdir /tftpboot
$ sudo chmod -R 777 /tftpboot
$ sudo chown -R nobody /tftpboot

And finally restart the daemon

$ sudo /etc/init.d/atftpd restart

5.2 Configure NFS

Start by installing the NFS server

$ sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server

Then edit the exports file,

$ sudo vim /etc/exports

In this file you shall tell where your files/folder are and the IP's allowed to access the files. The way it's written below will make it available to every machine on the same subnet (again, be careful about security here). Let's add this line to the file (it's the only line necessary in the file, but if you have several different filesystems available, then you should of course add them too).


Next create the folder

$ sudo mkdir /srv/nfs/rpi

After this, restart the nfs kernel server

$ service nfs-kernel-server restart

5.3 Prepare files to be shared.

We need to prepare and put the files on the tftpd and the NFS-server. There are several ways to do it, copy files, symlink etc.

5.3.1 Image, optee.bin and *.dtb

We're just going to create symlinks. By doing so you don't have to think about copy files, just rebuild and you have the latest version available for the next boot. On my computer I've symlinked like this (in my /tftpboot folder):

$ ll
lrwxrwxrwx  1 jbech  jbech         65 jul 14 09:03 Image -> /home/jbech/devel/optee_projects/rpi3/linux/arch/arm64/boot/Image
lrwxrwxrwx  1 jbech  jbech         85 jul 14 09:03 optee.bin -> /home/jbech/devel/optee_projects/rpi3/arm-trusted-firmware/build/rpi3/debug/optee.bin
lrwxrwxrwx  1 jbech  jbech         90 Sep 13 11:19 bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb -> /home/jbech/devel/optee_projects/rpi3/linux/arch/arm64/boot/dts/broadcom/bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb

5.3.2 The root FS

We are now going to put the root fs on the location we prepared in the previous section (5.2). The path to the filesystem.cpio.gz will differ on your machine, so update accordingly.

$ cd /srv/nfs/rpi
$ sudo gunzip -cd /home/jbech/devel/optee_projects/rpi3/build/../gen_rootfs/filesystem.cpio.gz | sudo cpio -idmv
$ sudo rm -rf /srv/nfs/rpi/boot/*

5.4 Update uboot.env

We need to make a couple of changes to that file to ensure that it will try to boot using everything we have prepared. So, start by inserting the UART cable and open up /dev/ttyUSB0

# sudo apt-get install picocom
$ picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0

Power up the Raspberry Pi and almost immediately hit any key and you should see the U-Boot> prompt. First add a new variable which will gather all files and boot up the device. For simplicity I call that variable optee. So in the prompt write (pay attention to the IP's used as described in the beginning of this section):

U-Boot> setenv optee 'usb start; dhcp ${kernel_addr_r}; dhcp ${fdt_addr_r}${fdtfile}; dhcp ${atf_load_addr}${atf_file}; run boot_it'

Also ensure that you have the variables stored that are used in the optee U-Boot environment variable above. If you don't, then do:

U-Boot> setenv fdtfile 'bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb'
U-Boot> setenv atf_file 'optee.bin'

Next, we should update the kernel commandline to use NFS, to easier understand what changes needs to be done I list both the unmodified command line and the changed and correct one for NFS boot.


setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootfs=ext4 ignore_loglevel dma.dmachans=0x7f35 rootwait 8250.nr_uarts=1 elevator=deadline smsc95xx.macaddr=b8:27:eb:74:93:b0 bcm2708_fb.fbwidth=1920 bcm2708_fb.fbheight=1080 vc_mem.mem_base=0x3dc00000 vc_mem.mem_size=0x3f000000'

Updated for NFS boot

setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/nfs rw rootfstype=nfs nfsroot=,udp,vers=3 ip=dhcp ignore_loglevel dma.dmachans=0x7f35 rootwait 8250.nr_uarts=1 elevator=deadline smsc95xx.macaddr=b8:27:eb:74:93:b0 bcm2708_fb.fbwidth=1920 bcm2708_fb.fbheight=1080 vc_mem.mem_base=0x3dc00000 vc_mem.mem_size=0x3f000000'

If you want those environment variables to persist between boots, then type.

U-Boot> saveenv

And don't worry about the FAT: Misaligned buffer address ... message, it will still work.

5.5 Network boot the RPi

With all preparations done correctly above, you should now be able to boot up the device and kernel, secure side OP-TEE and the entire root fs should be loaded from the network shares. Power up the Raspberry, halt in U-Boot and then type.

U-Boot> run optee


5.6 Tricks

If everything works, you can simply copy paste files like xtest, the trusted applications etc, directly from your build folder to the /srv/nfs/rpi folders after rebuilding them. By doing so you don't have to reboot the device when doing development and testing. Note that you cannot make symlinks to those like we did with Image, bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb and optee.bin.

5.7 Other root filesystems than initramfs based?

The default root filesystem used for OP-TEE development is a simple CPIO archive used as initramfs. That is small and is good enough for testing and debugging. But sometimes you want to use a more traditional Linux filesystem, such as those that are in distros. With such filesystem you can apt-get (if Debian based) other useful tools, such as gdb on the device, valgrind etc to mention a few. An example of such a rootfs is the linaro-vivid-developer-20151215-114.tar.gz, which is an Ubuntu 15.04 based filesystem. The procedure to use that filesystem with NFS is the same as for the CPIO based, you need to extract the files to a folder which is known by the NFS server (use regular tar -xvf ... command).

Then you need to copy xtest and tee-supplicant to <NFS>/bin/, copy* to <NFS>/lib/ and copy all *.ta files to <NFS>/lib/optee_armtz/. Easiest here is to write a small shell script or add a target to the makefile which will do this so the files always are up-to-date after a rebuild.

When that has been done, you can run OP-TEE tests, TA's etc and if you're only updating files in normal world (the ones just mentioned), then you don't even need to reboot the RPi after a rebuild.

6. OpenOCD

TDB (instructions how to debug OP-TEE using OpenOCD and JTAG debuggers).

6.1 Debug cable / UART cable