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Lab 2: Clocks

Due: October 15, 2022 9pm

NOTE: Hand-in instructions are at the end of this document. It is very important you follow these instructions. Failure to do so might result in receiving 0 on this lab.


In this lab you will implement Lamport clocks, and vector clocks. While we covered the former in class, the later track causality and we have not talked about them before. You might want to read this paper, this video or Wikipedia to understand that. Please make sure you have read the papers corresponding with this before beginning the lab. The instructions that follow are not nearly as detailed as the instructions for Lab 1, this is because we assume that you already know Elixir, and we only provide information about the code when it is particularly different from what you have seen in the past. You might find these notes, specifically the bit about Map.merge/3 useful.

All your work in this lab goes into apps/lab2/time_lab.ex.

Getting Started

To create a repository for Lab 2 go to the URL after logging into Github. This will present a button you can use to accept the assignment, which in turn will create a repository for you under the nyu-distributed-systems.

Data Types in Elixir

Sometimes it is useful to have named fields rather than tuples. In Elixir defstruct provides a way of doing this, though structures are just glorified maps. Unfortunately a structure is associated with a single module.

As a result time_lab.ex consists of two modules:

  • VirtualTimeMessage which has a structure consisting of a Lamport clock and vector clocks.

  • TimeLab where all your logic should go.

Application Events and Failure Model

In this assignment we only consider two application events: message sends, and message receives. This is common practice for distributed logging.

You do not need to consider message losses in this project.

Part 1: Lamport Clocks (35%)

For this part you need to implement two functions:

  • update_lamport_clock/2: This function is called whenever a process receives a message. The current argument is the processes current Lamport clock, while the received argument contains the clock attached to the received message.
  • update_lamport_clock/1 is called before the process sends a message. Similar to update_lamport_clock/2 the current argument is the current process clock.

Both functions should return the updated value of the process clock. The function lamport_ping_server/1 demonstrates a case where they are used.


You can test this part of the code by running

mix test test/virtual_clock_test.exs:10:50

This syntax just means run all tests in the virtual_clock_test.ex file between lines 10 and 50. You might need to adjust this if you add or remove tests.

Part 2: Vector Clocks (50%)

2A. Updating Vector Clocks

For this part you need to update vector clocks when messages are received or sent.

Updates when messages are received

When a message is received a process that uses vector clocks will call combine_vector_clocks which gets two maps as input: current representing the vector clock at the current process, and received representing the vector clock attached to the received message.

Updating a vector requires iterating through the vector, and the Lab code accomplishes this task by using Map.merge. The Map.merge call in combine_vector_clocks will call combine_component/2 with a single component from each vector clock. You need to implement your update algorithm in this function. The combine_component function should return a non-negative integer.

Updates when messages are sent

The update_vector_clock/2 function is called whenever a process sends a message. The two arguments are proc, the process identifier and clock the current vector clock. This function should return an updated vector clock.

2B: Comparing Vector Clocks

You also need to implement the compare_vectors/2 function for comparing two vector clocks v1 and v2. This function should return:

  • :before (@before) if v1 happens before v2.
  • :after (@hafter) if v2 happens before v1.
  • :concurrent (@concurrent) if v1 and v2 are incomparable.

In order to get compare_vectors/2 working you will also need to fill out compare_component/2.


Assuming you have Lamport clocks done, you can test this part of the code by running. Otherwise read through the tests to find and pass the appropriate line numbers.

mix test test/virtual_clock_test.exs

3: Generating a few traces (15%)

Next we are going to construct a few example scenarios: (a) Implement a distributed system comprising of three processes, where each process sends at least one message to one other process. Construct a scenario (a schedule/sequence of events) where at least a pair of events are concurrent.

(b) Implement a distributed system comprising of three processes, where each process sends at least one message to one other process. Construct a scenario (a schedule/sequence of events) where no pair of events is concurrent.

Implement your examples in the test/virtual_clock_test.exs file.

Provide line numbers for your implementation here: FILL THIS IN

Implementation Notes


Handing In


To handin this assignment:

  • First make sure mix test shows that you pass all tests. If not be aware that you will loose points.
  • Second, make sure you have updated this file. This requires providing line numbers for the test you added in Part 2, potentially adding implementation notes to Part 3, and filling out the information below.
  • Commit and push all your changes.
  • Use git rev-parse --short HEAD to get a commit hash for your changes.
  • Fill out the submission form with all of the information requested.

We will be using information in the submission form to grade your lab, determine late days, etc. It is therefore crucial that you fill this out correctly.

Github username: (e.g., apanda) NYU NetID: (e.g., ap191) NYU N#: Name:



Handout for Fall 2020 Lab 2






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