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Class 13

Memory Management

Remember from the discussion in Class 2 that the memory used to store the data and code of a program at run-time is split into three parts:

  1. the data segment
  2. the stack, and
  3. the heap

The data segment stores objects whose lifetime comprises the entire program execution (e.g. global variables, code of functions, auxiliary tables generated by the compiler such as vtables etc.).

The stack is used to store the values of local variables in function activation records. When it comes to memory management, allocating data on the stack is generally prefered because it has low overhead and the allocated space is automatically freed when the data is no longer needed (e.g. a local variable goes out of scope). However, there are two limitations for stack allocated data:

  • The lifetime of objects stored on the stack is given by the LIFO order of function invocations. If the lifetime of an object is dynamic and not correlated with any function invocation, then it cannot be allocated on the stack (e.g. function closures).

  • Objects that are allocated on the stack cannot change their size dynamically. For instance, if we want to implement resizable arrays, then such data structures cannot be stored on the stack.

Objects whose lifetime or size is dynamic must be allocated on the heap.

With heap allocated objects, memory management becomes more complicated because it is more difficult to determine when an object should be deallocated. Broadly programming languages fall into two categories:

  • heap memory is managed manually by the programmer, or
  • heap memory is managed automatically by the language run-time environment

Manual memory management is generally more efficient than automatic memory management. However, it is also a source of common bugs such as

  • use after free errors (accessing dangling pointers)
  • double free errors (deallocating objects multiple times)
  • memory leaks (not deallocating objects after they are no longer used)

These errors can be eliminated or mitigated by relying on automatic memory management techniques. In the following, we will discuss three techniques for automatic memory management that are widely used by different languages:

  • Garbage collection
  • Reference counting
  • Ownership types

Garbage Collection

Garbage collection (GC) refers to any algorithm for automatic deallocation. These algorithms are typically implemented in the run-time environments of high-level programming languages (e.g. the JVM in the case of Java/Scala, and the OCaml or Python run-time).

The most common garbage collection variations are:

  • Mark/sweep

    • Variant: compacting
    • Variant: non-recursive
  • Copying

    • Variant: incremental
    • Variant: generational

During garbage collection, the aim is to deallocate any object that will never be used again. Though, how do you know if an object will never be used again?

An approximation is the set of objects that are live. An object x is live if:

  • x is pointed to by a variable,

    • on the stack (e.g., in an activation record)
    • that is global (i.e. resides in the program's data segment)
  • there is a register (containing a temporary or intermediate value) that points to x, or

  • there is another object on the heap (e.g., y) that is live and points to x

All live objects in the heap can be found by a graph traversal:

  • Start at the roots: local variables on the stack, global variables, registers
  • Any object not reachable from the roots is dead and can be reclaimed.

Mark/Sweep GC

Mark/sweep is a simple garbage collection algorithm that works as follows:

  • Each object has an extra bit called the mark bit

  • Mark phase: the collector traverses the heap and sets the mark bit of each live object encountered

  • Sweep phase: each object whose mark bit is not set goes on the free list

  for each root pointer p do

  if p->mark != 1 then
    p->mark = 1;
    for each pointer field p->x do

  for each object x in heap do
    if x.mark == 0 then insert(x, free_list);
                   else x.mark = 0;

Copying GC

A more sophisticated GC algorithm that is commonly used in practice is based on copying live objects. The basic algorithm works as follows:

  • Heap is split into 2 parts: FROM space, and TO space
  • Objects allocated in FROM space
  • When FROM space is full, garbage collection begins
  • During traversal, each encountered object is copied to TO space
  • When traversal is done, all live objects are in TO space
  • Now we flip the spaces -- FROM space becomes TO space and vice-versa
  • Since we are moving objects, any pointers to them must be updated: this is done by leaving a forwarding address
  for each root pointer p do
    p = traverse(p);
  if *p contains forwarding address then
    p = *p;  // follow forwarding address
    return p;
    new_p = copy (p, TO_SPACE);
    *p = new_p; // write forwarding address
    for each pointer field p->x do
      new_p->x = traverse(p->x);
    return new_p;

A variant of Copying GC is Generational GC.

Observation: the older an object gets, the longer it is expected to stay around. This is because

  • Many objects are very short-lived (e.g., intermediate values)
  • Objects that live for a long time tend to make up central data structures in the program, and will probably be live until the end of the program.

Idea: instead of 2 heaps, use many heaps, one for each "generation".

  • Younger generations collected more frequently than older generations (because younger generations will have more garbage to collect)
  • When a generation is traversed, live objects are copied to the next-older generation
  • When a generation fills up, we garbage collect it.

Reference Counting

One issue with garbage collection is that the points when the garbage collector are invoked are usually not under the control of the programmer. While the garbage collector is running, the program will be either halted (in the case of a sequential GC algorithm) or at the very least slowed down (in the case of a concurrent GC algorithm). This makes garbage collected languages often unusable for applications that need to satisfy strict timing guarantees (e.g. real-time applications such as multi-media apps, video games, embedded controllers, etc.).

An alternative approach to automated memory management is reference counting. Here, the idea is to keep track of how many references point to an object and free it when there are no more. That is:

  • Set reference count to 1 for newly created objects.

  • Increment reference count whenever we copy the pointer to the object.

  • Decrement count when a point to the object goes out of scope or stops pointing to the object.

  • When the count gets to 0, we can deallocate the object


  • More predictable performance: Memory can be reclaimed as soon as no longer needed. Rather than spending a lot of time on executing individual GC cycles, the time spent on memory management is more evenly distributed throughout program execution, which increases responsiveness.

  • Simplicity: Can be done by the programmer for languages not supporting GC.


  • Additional space is needed for keeping track of the reference count.

  • We still have some run-time overhead to perform the necessary bookkeeping for creating/deleting/updating the counters.

  • Will not reclaim circular reference structures (e.g. a cyclic list on the heap).

Implementing Reference Counting with Smart Pointers

A common way to implement reference counting is in the form of a smart pointer library. We demonstrate how to do this in C++, which allows us to implement smart pointers in a way that mimics a regular pointer in syntax and semantics, making it convenient to use for clients.

  • With smart pointers we can do some of what a garbage collector does for us (i.e. automatically deallocate heap memory that is no longer needed).

  • Our smart pointer will do reference counting, as discussed above.

  • An implementation of this is included in this repository. The library is implemented as a template class Ptr<T> that represents a smart pointer to some value of type T.

  • One core question, though: if we want to track the reference count of every object, where in memory do we store that information?

    • Do we store the count as a field inside each Ptr instance (internal containment)?

    • That has problems...

      • When two instances of Ptr point to the same underlying object and one of them goes out of the scope, both counters in the two Ptrs need to be decremented.

      • Clunky and difficult to access internal state of separate instance.

    • How about inside the data layout of the referenced values T.

      • We don't want to implement this either because we want our code to support pointers to values of primitive types like int and also null pointers, neither of which have a data layout.
    • How about we store the counter as a separate object on the heap with a reference to it in each Ptr? (external containment)

      • With this approach the counter can be shared across all Ptrs that reference the same object.

      • Whenever we do an assignment or a copy of a Ptr we increment the shared counter (respectively, decrement the counter to the previously referenced object).

Here is the basic skeleton of our smart pointer class:

template<typename T>
class Ptr {
  T* addr; // pointer to referenced object
  size_t* counter; // pointer to counter shared by all Ptrs that point to addr.

The notation, template<typename T> is C++'s way of defining a generic class or function. Here, we define a generic class Ptr that is parameterized by a type T (the type of values to which we point)`.

Each instance of Ptr<T> have two fields:

  • a pointer addr to a value of type T. This is the raw pointer that is managed by the smart pointer.

  • a pointer counter that points to the counter (of type size_t) used to keep track of how many references we have to the value pointed to by addr.

Before we go into the details of the implementation, we need to briefly discuss how memory management works in C++.

Explicit Memory Management in C++

In C++, heap allocated objects need to be managed explicitly. When a heap allocated object is no longer needed, it must be deallocated explicitly by the program. Otherwise, the program leaks memory.

There are three important methods related to memory management that every C++ class A needs to implement:

Copy constructor: this constructor is used whenever the compiler automatically creates a copy of an A instance. This happens e.g. when an instance is passed by value to a function or when one instance is used to initialize another:

A x; // allocate an A instance on the stack (calls default constructor of A)
A y = x; // calls copy constructor of A with x as argument to initialize y

Assignment operator: this method is called whenever we assign another instance of the class to the current instance of the class:

A x; 
A y;
y = x; // calls assignment operator of `A` on y with x as argument.

Destructor: intuitively, you can think of a destructor as the opposite of a constructor. A destructor is a method which is automatically invoked when the object is destroyed, i.e., when the memory of the instance is to be freed. Its main purpose is to free the resources (memory allocations, open files etc.) which were acquired by the instance along its life cycle. Destructors are necessary because C++ does not have fully automatic memory management. The destructor of a class A is denoted by ~A.

  • If an instance of a class A is allocated on the stack, the destructor ~A is called automatically when the instance goes out of scope.

  • If an instance of a class A is allocated on the heap (via new A(...);), the destructor ~A is called when the instance is explicitly deallocated with a delete statement.

    Unlike Scala, C++ does not automatically reclaim heap-allocated memory when it is no longer reachable from any global or stack variable. It is the program's responsibility to delete heap-allocated instances via explicit delete calls.

If the programmer does not define these three methods explicitly, then the C++ compiler will add them automatically. The semantics of the default implementations are:

  • Destructor - Call the destructors of all the object's class-type members (note that for pointer-typed members, the destructors of the referenced external objects are not called by the default destructors).

  • Copy constructor - Construct all the object's members from the corresponding members of the copy constructor's argument (shallow copy).

  • Assignment operator - Assign all the object's members from the corresponding members of the assignment operator's argument (shallow copy).

If one of the three methods has to be defined with a different semantics than the compiler-generated version, it means that the compiler-generated versions of the other two methods also likely do not fit the needs of the class. This is known as the Rule of Three.

Typically, the way to go about memory management in C++ is that the references to heap allocated objects are encapsulated in other objects which are stored as values on the stack. The copy constructors, assignment operators, and destructors of the stack-allocated objects take care of managing the heap allocated objects and freeing them when they are no longer needed. Since destructors of stack-allocated objects are called automatically when the objects are popped from the stack, this approach yields a semi-automatic memory management strategy.

Where things get more complicated is when heap allocated objects are shared between several stack allocated objects. So in this case, it is in general unclear which object is responsible for cleaning up. This is where smart pointers come into play.

Back to our smart pointer class

We discuss the methods of our smart pointer class Ptr in turn:

  • Standard constructor

    Ptr(T* _addr = 0) : addr(_addr), counter(new size_t(1)) {}

    This constructor is called when we create a Ptr to wrap around a raw pointer _addr to a new heap allocated object of type T. We use _addr to initialize the field addr of the Ptr instance and create a new counter on the heap. The counter is initialized to 1 since this Ptr holds the only pointer to *addr.

  • Copy constructor

    Ptr(const Ptr<T>& other) : addr(other.addr), counter(other.counter) {

    When copying a Ptr instance other, we initialize the copy with a pointer to the same counter on the heap and increment the counter.

  • Destructor

    ~Ptr() {
      if (0 == --(*counter)) {
        delete addr;
        delete counter;

    When the current Ptr is destroyed, its destructor is called. The destructor first decrements the reference counter, since we now have one fewer reference to addr. When the counter becomes 0, i.e., we are destructing the last reference to addr. In this case, both the counter value on the heap, as well as the referenced object are deleted.

    Note that we do not need to safeguard against deleting addr when it is a NULL pointer because delete has no effect when its operand is NULL.

  • Assignment Operator

    Ptr& operator=(const Ptr& right) {
      if (addr != right.addr) {
        if (0 == --(*counter)) {
          delete addr;
          delete counter;
        addr = right.addr;
        counter = right.counter;
      return *this;

    Whenever we do an assignment between two Ptr instances, we first do a self-assignment check: if we try to assign a Ptr instance to itself, then there is nothing to be done and we simply return.

    Otherwise, we decrement the counter for the object that addr currently points to. If that counter becomes 0, the current Ptr was the last one pointing to it. So we can delete both the counter and the object.

    Then we copy over the values of addr and counter from the other instance right and increment the new counter since we now hold one more reference to the object pointed to by right.

    Note that the self-assignment check is critical for the correctness of the implementation. If the current instance is the only instance holding a reference to addr when the assignment operator is called, then without the self-assignment check we would delete the object and counter, which would lead to use after free error when we subsequently try to increment the deleted counter.

Let's see this in action:

1: {
2:   Ptr<int> p = new int(3);
3:   Ptr<int> q = p;
4:   cout << *q << endl;
5: } 
  1. In line 2, we allocate an int on the heap which is initialized to 3. Then we call the constructor Ptr(int*) to create p on the stack, passing to the constructor the address of the int value 3 on the heap.

  2. In line 3, we call the copy constructor Ptr(const &Ptr<int>) with p as argument to create q on the stack.

  3. In line 4, we call Ptr::operator* which returns the value pointed to by the field addr of p, which is 3, and then pass it to cout which prints 3.

  4. In line 5, both p and q go out of scope. Hence, they are popped from the stack and the destructor ~Ptr is called for each of them. The first destructor call will decrement the value of the counter associated with the int value on the heap to 1. The second destructor call will decrement it to 0 and then delete both the counter as well as the int value.

Here is another example

1: struct Node {
2:   Ptr<Node> next;
3: };
5: {
6:   Ptr<Node> p = new Node(); 
7:   p->next = p;
8: }

When line 8 is executed, we set the smart pointer inside of the Node object on the heap that is pointed to by p back to itself, creating a cyclic pointer structure. I.e. at this point, we have one counter associated with the Node object created on line 6 and its value is 2 because we have two references to the object: one from p and one from p->next.

When p goes out of scope on line 8, then p is popped from the stack and its destructor is called. The destructor will decrement the counter associated with the Node object to 1. Since the counter is not 0 (we still have the cyclic reference from p->next back to p), the Node object and its counter are not deleted. That is, here we leak memory despite the usage of the smart pointers. Thus, when using smart pointers, you have to be careful not to create cylic structures with them.

You can find the smart pointer implementation in the file src/ptr.h and a test program in src/ptr_test.cpp.

To compile the test program you can use the cmake build tool. If you have cmake installed, then run the following command once at the root of the repo:

cmake .

Then you can run


whenever you want to compile and run the test program.

Ownership Types

While reference counting is a relatively light-weight approach to realize automated memory management, it still has the run-time overhead for the booking of the counters.

An alternative approach is to move all the reasoning involved in determining which references are alive at what time from run-time to compile-time. That is, can we get automated memory management without any run-time overhead? The answer is, perhaps surprisingly "yes".

One way to realize this by implementing a more sophisticated static type system in the compiler that keeps track of which pointer owns which heap-allocated object and is, hence, responsible for deleting the object when it is no longer needed. An example of language with such an ownership type system is Rust.

See here for a tutorial explaining the basics of how memory management works in Rust.


Notes and Code for Class 13






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