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Class 2: Names, Binding, Scoping


What is a name in a program?

An identifier, made up of a string of characters, used to represent something else.

What can be named?

  • Execution points (labels)
  • Mutable variables
  • Constant values
  • Subroutines (functions, procedures, methods)
  • Types
  • Type constructors (e.g., list or vector)
  • Classes
  • Modules/packages
  • Execution points with environment (continuation)

Names are a key part of abstraction, which helps to make programming easier:

  • Abstraction reduces conceptual complexity by hiding irrelevant details
  • Names for subroutines: control abstraction
  • Names for types/classes: data abstraction


A binding is an association of two things, such as:

  • Names and the things they name
  • A question about how to implement a feature and the answer to that question.

Binding time is the time at which the association is made.

  • Language design time: built-in features such as keywords
  • Language implementation time: implementation dependent semantics such as bit-width of an integer
  • Program writing time: names chosen by programmer
  • Compile time: bindings of high-level constructs to machine code
  • Link time: final bindings of names to addresses
  • Load time: physical addresses (can change during run time)
  • Run time: bindings of variables to values, includes many bindings which change during execution such as the binding of function parameters to the passed argument values.

Static binding (aka early binding) means before run time; Dynamic binding (aka late binding) means during run time.

What are some advantages of static binding times?

  • Efficiency: the earlier decisions are made, the more optimizations are available to the compiler.

  • Ease of implementation: Static binding makes compilation easier.

What are some advantages of dynamic binding times?

  • Flexibility: Languages that allow postponing binding give more control to programmer

  • Polymorphic code: Code that can be used on objects of different types is polymorphic. Examples:

    • subtype polymorphism (dynamic method dispatch)

    • parametric polymorphism (e.g. generics)

Typically, early binding times are associated with compiled languages and late binding times with interpreted languages.


The period of time between the creation and destruction of a name-to-object binding is called the binding's lifetime.

The time between the creation of an object and its destruction is the object's lifetime.

Is it possible for these to be different?

  • When a variable is passed by reference, the binding of the reference variable has a shorter lifetime than that of the object being referenced.

  • If there are multiple pointers to an object and one of the pointers is used to delete the object, the object has a shorter lifetime than the bindings of the pointers.

  • A pointer to an object that has been destroyed is called a dangling reference. Dereferencing a dangling pointer is usually a bug.

Static Allocation

Static objects are objects whose lifetime spans the entire program execution time. Examples:

  • the contents of global variables
  • the actual program instructions (in machine code)
  • numeric and string literals
  • tables produced by the compiler

Static objects are often allocated in read-only memory (the program's data segment) so that attempts to change them will be reported as an error by the operating system.

Under what conditions could local variables be allocated statically?

  • The original Fortran did not support recursion, allowing local variables of functions to be allocated statically.

  • Some languages (e.g. C++) allow local variables of functions to be declared static which causes them to be treated as static objects.

Dynamic Allocation

For most languages, the amount of memory used by a program cannot be determined at compile time (exceptions include earlier versions of Fortran).

Some features that require dynamic memory allocation:

  • Recursive functions
  • Pointers, explicit allocation (e.g., new, malloc)
  • First-class functions

We distinguish stack-based and heap-based dynamic allocation.

In languages with recursion, the natural way to allocate space for subroutine calls is on the stack. This is because the lifetimes of objects belonging to subroutines follow a last-in, first-out (LIFO) discipline.

Each time a subroutine is called, space on the stack is allocated for the objects needed by the subroutine. This space is called a stack frame or activation record.

Objects in the activation record may include:

  • Return address
  • Pointer to the stack frame of the caller (dynamic link)
  • Arguments and return values
  • Local variables
  • Temporary variables
  • Miscellaneous bookkeeping information

Even in a program that does not use recursion, the number of subroutines that are active at the same time at any point during program execution is typically much smaller than the total number of subroutines in the program. So even for those programs, it is usually beneficial to use a stack for allocating memory for activation records, rather than allocating that space statically.

Some objects may not follow a LIFO discipline, e.g.

  • objects allocated with new, malloc,
  • the contents of local variables and parameters in functional languages.

The lifetime of these objects may be longer than the lifetime of the subroutine in which they were created. These objects are therefore allocated on the heap: a section of memory set aside for such objects (not to be confused with the data structure for implementing priority queues).

The heap is finite: if we allocate too many objects, we will run out of space.

Solution: deallocate space when it is no longer needed by an object. Different languages implement different strategies for managing the deallocation of dynamic objects:

  • Manual deallocation with e.g., free, delete (C, Pascal)

  • Automatic deallocation via garbage collection (Java, Scala, C#, OCaml, Haskell, Python, JavaScript, ...)

  • Semi-automatic deallocation using destructors, smart pointers, and reference counting (C++, Ada, Objective-C, Rust)

    • Automatic because the destructor is called at certain points automatically

    • Manual because the programmer writes the code for the destructor and/or needs to decide which smart pointer type to use.

Manual deallocation is a common source of bugs:

  • Dangling references
  • Memory leaks

We will discuss automatic memory management in more detail later. However, it is helpful to understand how allocation and deallocation requests by the program are implemented.

Ultimately, a program's requests for fresh heap memory are relayed to the operating system via system calls. The operating in turn grants the program access to memory blocks that it can use to store its dynamically allocated objects. Since system calls are expensive, the program's memory management subsystem usually requests large memory blocks from the operating system at a time which it then manages itself to satisfy dynamic allocation requests for smaller chunks of memory that fit into the large block.

The heap thus starts out as a single block of memory. As objects are allocated and deallocated, the heap becomes broken into smaller subblocks, some in use and some not in use.

Most heap-management algorithms make use of a free list: a singly linked list containing blocks not in use.

  • Allocation: a search is done through the free list to find a free block of adequate size. Two possible algorithms:
    • First fit: first available block is taken
    • Best fit: all blocks are searched to find the one that fits the best
  • Deallocation: the deallocated block is put back on the free list

Fragmentation is an issue that degrades performance of heaps over time:

  • Internal fragmentation occurs when the block allocated to an object is larger than needed by the object.
  • External fragmentation occurs when unused blocks are scattered throughout memory so that there may not be enough memory in any one block to satisfy a request.

Some allocation algorithms such as the buddy system are designed to minimize external fragmentation while still being efficient.


The region of program text where a binding is active is called its scope. Notice that scope is different from lifetime. Though, the scope of a binding often determines its lifetime.

Kinds of scoping include

  • Static or lexical: binding of a name is determined by rules that refer only to the program text (i.e. its syntactic structure).
    • Typically, the scope is the smallest block in which a variable is declared
    • Most languages use some variant of this
    • Scope can be determined at compile time
  • Dynamic: binding of a name is given by the most recent declaration encountered during run-time
    • Used in Snobol, APL, some versions of Lisp
    • Considered a historic mistake by most language designers because it often leads to programmer confusion and bugs that are hard to track down.

To understand the difference between dynamic and static scoping, consider the following Scala code

 1: var x = 1
 3: def f () = { println(x) }
 4: def g () = { 
 5:  var x = 10
 6:  f ()
 7: }
 8: def h () = { 
 9:  var x = 100
10:  f ()
11: }
13: f (); g (); h ()

Scala uses static scoping, so the occurrence of x on line 3 always refers to the variable x declared on line 1. So the program will print 1, 1, and 1.

If Scala were to use dynamic scoping, the occurrence of x on line 3 will always refer to the most recent binding of x before f is called. For the first call to f on line 13 this is x on line 1. For the call to f via g, it is x on line 5 and for the call to f via h, it is x on line 9. So in this case the program will print 1, 10, and 100.

Nested Scopes

Most languages allow nested subroutines or other kinds of nested scopes such as nested code blocks, classes, packages, modules, namespaces, etc. Typically, bindings created inside a nested scope are not available outside that scope.

On the other hand, bindings at one scope typically are available inside nested scopes. The exception is if a new binding is created for a name in the nested scope. In this case, we say that the original binding is hidden, and has a hole in its scope.

Many languages allow nested scopes to access hidden bindings by using a qualifier or scope resolution operator.

  • In Ada, A.x refers to the binding of x created in subroutine A, even if there is a lexically closer scope that binds x.

  • Similarly, Java, Scala, and OCaml use A.x to refer to the binding of x created in class (package, object, or module) A.

  • In C++, A::x refers to the binding of x in namespace A, and ::x refers to the global scope.

Scope qualifiers can be nested, e.g. A.B.x refers to the binding of x in nested scope B of scope A. Qualified names are typically interpreted relative to the scope in which they occur (respectively, the global scope). For instance a qualified name B.C.x that occurs in scope A may refer to (1) A.B.C.x or (2) B.C.x relative to the global scope.

Some languages allow bindings of other named scopes to be imported into the current scope so that they can be referred to without qualifiers

  • In Java, import java.util.ArrayList; imports the class ArrayList from package java.util into the current scope, whereas import java.util.* imports all classes of that package.

  • Scala uses similar syntax for imports as Java but allows import directives to occur in any scope and not just at the top-level scope of a package.

  • In C++, using std::cout; imports the name cout from namespace cout into the current scope. On the other hand, using namespace std; imports all bindings made in namespace std.

  • In OCaml, the directive open Format imports all bindings of module Format into the current scope.

Often, the visibility of bindings of names whose scope is outside of the path to the current scope can be restricted using visibility modifiers (e.g. public, protected, and private).

Some languages, such as Ada, support nested subroutines, which introduce some extra complexity to identify the correct bindings. Specifically, how does a nested subroutine find the right binding for an object declared in an outer scope?


  • Maintain a static link to the parent frame
  • The parent frame is the most recent invocation of the lexically surrounding subroutine
  • The sequence of static links from the current stack frame to the frame corresponding to the outermost scope is called a static chain.

Finding the right binding:

  • The level of nesting can be determined at compile time
  • If the level of nesting is j, the compiler generates code to traverse the static chain j times to find the right stack frame.

Declaration Order

What is the scope of x in the following code snippet?

  var x = 5;
  • C, C++, Ada, Java: statements2
  • JavaScript, Modula3: entire block, but value of x will be undefined when read in statements1.
  • Pascal, Scala, C#: entire block, but not allowed to be used in statements1! If x is used in statement1, the compiler will reject the program with a static semantic error.

C and C++ require names to be declared before they are used. This requires a special mechanism for recursive data types, which is to separate the declaration from the definition of a name:

  • A declaration introduces a name and indicates the scope of the name.
  • A definition describes the object to which the name is bound.

Example of a recursive data type in C++:

struct manager;              // Declaration
struct employee {
  struct manager* boss;
  struct employee* next_employee;

struct manager {             // Definition
  struct employee* first_employee;


Some languages (in particular, interpreted ones) allow names to be redeclared within the same scope.

function addx(x) { return x + 1; }

function add2(x) {
  x = addx(x);
  x = addx(x);
  return x;

function addx(x) { return x + x; } // Redeclaration of addx

What happens if we call add2(2)?

In most languages that support redeclaration, the new definition replaces the old one in all contexts, so we would get 8.

In languages of the ML family like OCaml, the new binding only applies to later uses of the name, not previous uses. For example, the corresponding OCaml code of the above example looks like this

let addx x = x + 1

let add2 x =
  let x1 = addx x in
  let x2 = addx x1 in

let addx x = x + x

Calling add2 with value 2 now yields 4 instead of 8.

Scala Intro

Setting up your Scala toolchain

I will provide support and instructions for OSX and Linux (Ubuntu). If you have a system running Windows, you are on your own. However, you can install a Ubuntu virtual machine using VirtualBox and follow the instructions for Ubuntu. VirtualBox is free. Instructions can be found here.

Make sure to give your system plenty of disk space, at least 30 GB, if possible. Don't worry VirtualBox will only actually use what it needs.

Once you've followed the above instructions, start the VM. Open the Devices menu option and click 'Insert guest additions CD image.' You will be prompted to run some software from that image. Follow the instructions and install the guest additions. This will give you better screen resolution.

Homebrew [OSX only]

Homebrew is a package manager for OSX, which makes installing development software much easier. We will use it to install Sbt. You will find it useful in the future for install of other things as well.

  • [OSX] Install using the instructions here

XCode [OSX only]

XCode is a development environment for Macs. We will not be using it, but installing it installs a number of useful Unix command line tools.

  • [OSX] Install the most recent version of XCode from here


  • [Ubuntu] Git is pre-installed on Ubuntu.
  • [OSX] From terminal: brew install git
  • You can test the install of git on your system by running the command git from terminal. You should see usage information.
  • Finally run the following commands from terminal:
    git config --global ""
    git config --global "Your Name"
    (The email should be the same email you used to register your github account)

Here are some Git-related resources:


Sbt is an open source build tool for Scala projects. More information can be found here. (You will need this to run Scala code that I provide)

  • [OSX] From terminal: brew install sbt
  • [Ubuntu] From terminal:
    echo "deb /" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list
    sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 642AC823
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install sbt
  • Confirm success by running the command from terminal: sbt (Sbt should start. Use Ctrl+c to quit or type exit.)

More detailed instructions can be found here.

IntelliJ Idea

I will be using the IntelliJ Idea Java IDE to demonstrate Scala and Java code in class. While it is not necessary for you to install an IDE, I recommend using it as it will make your life easier.

  • Sign up for free student licenses (Reminder: use your NYU email address)
  • In the meantime, download the Ultimate Edition Free 30-day trial of Intellij.
  • [Ubuntu] Untar the downloaded archive by clicking it and then using the "Extract" menu item. Extract to location of your choice. Open that location and follow the instructions inside the "Install-Linux-tar.txt" file.
  • [OSX] Open the disk image and use the installer.
  • When prompted, select "Evaluate for 30 days". Install the license when you get them in an email from Jetbrains.
  • During the "Customize" phase on the "Featured plugins screen", select and install the 'Scala' plugin. It should be in the top left corner of this screen. This is necessary to get sbt integration and Scala support in Intellij.
  • For reference, here is a link to the Intellij documentation.

There are many free plugins available for Intellij. You should feel free to install anything that sounds useful to you. You can explore what is available from the "Preferences" menu in Intellij.

Importing a Scala Sbt Project into Intellij

To import the Scala sbt project for Class 2 into Intellij, do the following:

  • Choose a place on your computer for your project files to reside and open a terminal to that location.

  • Clone this repository from Github by executing the following git command in your terminal:
    git clone

  • Open Intellij and click the "Import Project" menu item (Alternatively, press Ctrl+Shift+a [Ubuntu] or Command+Shift+a [OSX] and type 'import project'. Then select the command 'Import Project' from the drop down menu).

  • Navigate to your cloned repository and select the "class02" directory and click "Import".

  • Click the radio button "Import project from external model".

  • Highlight sbt. Click Next.

  • Check "Use sbt shell for build and import", and under "Download: check "Library sources" and "sbt sources". Do not hit "Finish" yet.

  • The dropdown for the Project SDK will mostly likely be empty. We need to configure a JVM.

    • Click "New" and then "JDK".
    • Most likely IntelliJ will guess correctly where your JDK is. If not..
    • [Ubuntu] it is /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
    • [OSX] Where your JVM is depends on what version of OSX you are using. On newer versions of OSX you can use this command to find the location of the JDK /usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8).
    • Select the JDK folder.
  • Under "JVM Options" below "Global sbt settings", remove the text in the field labeled "VM parameters". Click "Finish".

  • It may take IntelliJ a few minutes to initialize the project. Future project imports will be faster.

  • If you are prompted with a message like "Unregistered VCS root detected", simply click "Add root".

  • Open the worksheet src/main/scala/pl/class02/ and type in some Scala expressions (see below). Alternatively, start the Scala REPL by typing console in the sbt shell. If the sbt shell is not already open, you can open it by pressing Crtl+Shift+s [Ubuntu] or Command+Shift+s [OSX].

  • Post on Piazza if you need help, most likely others have had the same problem and may have figured it out.

Scala Basics

In the following, we assume that you have started the Scala REPL. Though, (almost) all of these steps can also be done in a Scala worksheet.

Expressions, Values, and Types

After you type an expression in the REPL, such as 3 + 4, and hit enter:

scala> 3 + 4

The interpreter will print:

res0: Int = 7

This line includes:

  • an automatically generated name res0, which refers to the value resulting from evaluating the expression,
  • a colon :, followed by the type Int of the expression,
  • an equals sign =,
  • the value 7 resulting from evaluating the expression.

The type Int names the class Int in the package scala. Packages in Scala partition the global name space and provide mechanisms for information hiding, similar to Java packages. Values of class Int correspond to values of Java's primitive type int (Scala makes no difference between primitive and object types). More generally, all of Java's primitive types have corresponding classes in the scala package.

We can reuse the automatically generated name res0 to refer to the computed value in subsequent expressions (this only works in the REPL but not in a worksheet):

scala> res0 * res0
res1: Int = 9 

Java's ternary conditional operator ? : has an equivalent in Scala, which looks as follows:

scala> if (res1 > 10) res0 - 5 else res0 + 5
res2: Int = -2

In addition to the ? : operator, Java also has if-then-else statements. Scala, on the other hand, is a functional language and makes no difference between expressions and statements: every programming construct is an expression that evaluates to some value. In particular, we can use if-then-else expressions where we would normally use if-then-else statements in Java.

scala> if (res1 > 2) println("Large!") 
       else println("Not so large!")
res3: Unit = ()

In this case, the if-then-else expression evaluates to the value (), which is of type Unit. This type indicates that the sole purpose of evaluating the expression is the side effect of the evaluation (here, printing a message on standard output). In other words, in Scala, statements are expressions of type Unit. Thus, the type Unit is similar to the type void in Java, C, and C++ (which however, has no values). The value () is the only value of type Unit.


We can use the val keyword to give a user-defined name to a value, so that we can subsequently refer to it in other expressions:

scala> val x = 3
x: Int = 3
scala> x * x
res0: Int = 9

Note that Scala automatically infers that x has type Int. Sometimes, automated type inference fails, in which case you have to provide the type yourself. This can be done by annotating the declared name with its type:

scala> val x: Int = 3
x: Int = 3 

A val is similar to a final variable in Java or a const variable in JavaScript. That is, you cannot reassign it another value:

scala> x = 5
<console>>:8: error: reassignment to val
       x = 5

Scala also supports mutable variables, which can be reassigned. These are declared with the var keyword

scala> var y = 5
y: Int = 5
scala> y = 3
y: Int = 3

The type of a variable is the type inferred from its initialization expression. This type is fixed. Attempting to reassign a variable to a value of incompatible type results in a type error:

scala> y = "Hello"
<console>:8: error: type mismatch;
 found   : String("Hello")
 required: Int
       y = "Hello"


Here is how you write functions in Scala:

scala> def max(x: Int, y: Int): Int = {
         if (x > y) x
         else y
max: (x: Int, y: Int)Int

Function definitions start with def, followed by the function's name, in this case max. After the name comes a comma separated list of parameters enclosed by parenthesis, here x and y. Note that the types of parameters must be provided explicitly since the Scala compiler does not infer parameter types. The type annotation after the parameter list gives the result type of the function. The result type is followed by the equality symbol, indicating that the function returns a value, and the body of the function which computes that value. The expression in the body that defines the result value is enclosed in curly braces.

If the defined function is not recursive, as is the case for max, the result type can be omitted because it is automatically inferred by the compiler. However, it is often helpful to provide the result type anyway to document the signature of the function. Moreover, if the function body only consists of a single expression or statement, the curly braces can be omitted. Thus, we could alternatively write the function max like this:

scala> def max(x: Int, y: Int) = if (x > y) x else y
max: (x: Int, y: Int)Int

Once you have defined a function, you can call it using its name:

scala> max(6, 3)
res3: Int = 3

Naturally, you can use values and functions that are defined outside of a function's body in the function's body:

scala> val pi = 3.14159
pi: Double = 3.14159

scala> def circ(r: Double) = 2 * pi * r
circ: (r: Double)Double

You can also nest value and function definitions:

scala> def area(r: Double) = {
         val pi = 3.14159
         def square(x: Double) = x * x
         pi * square(r)
area:(r: Double)Double

Recursive functions can be written as expected. For example, the following function fac computes the factorial numbers:

scala> def fac(n: Int): Int = if (n <= 0) 1 else n*fac(n-1)
fac: (n: Int)Int

scala> fac(5)
res4: Int = 120


Scala's scoping rules are similar to Java's:

val a = 5
// only a in scope
  val b = 4
  // b and a in scope

  def f(x: Int) = {
    // f, x, b, and a in scope
    a * x + b 
  // f, b, and a in scope
// only a in scope

There are some differences to Java, though. Scala allows you to redefine names in nested scopes, even if that name has already been bound in an outer local scope:

val a = 3;
  val a = 4 // hides outer definition of a
  a + a     // yields 8

However, as in Java, you cannot redefine a name in the same scope:

  val a = 3
  val a = 4 // does not compile

Also, unlike in Java, you can't refer to a name before it is bound in the same block, even if that name has been bound in an outer scope:

  val x = 2;
    println(x) // Forward reference to `x` declared in this  block. Does not compile
    val x = 3;
    x + x