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Next.js Full Stack App with Downsampled Data Visualization

This is a full-stack web application built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Material-UI, showcasing data visualization of a downsampled dataset. The backend of the application, developed using Next.js, downsampled a dataset containing 69,000 records by applying the mean method, aggregating data on a yearly basis. The downsampled data is then passed to the frontend, where it is visualized using a line chart from Material-UI.


  • Full Stack: Utilizes Next.js for both frontend and backend development, providing a seamless full-stack experience.

  • Tailwind CSS: The frontend is styled using Tailwind CSS, offering a utility-first CSS framework for a clean and responsive design.

  • Data Downsampling: The backend employs the mean method to downsample a large dataset (69,000 records) into yearly aggregates.

  • Material-UI Chart: The downsampled data is visualized on the frontend using a line chart from Material-UI, providing an interactive and aesthetically pleasing representation.

Getting Started

Follow these steps to run the project locally:

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd your-nextjs-project
  2. Install Dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Run the Development Server:

    npm run dev

    The application will be accessible at http://localhost:3000.

Project Structure

  • /app: Contains Next.js pages, representing different routes in the application.
  • /components: Holds React components used throughout the application.
  • app/api: Houses backend API routes, where data downsampling is performed.

Technologies Used


Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions or find any issues, please feel free to open an issue or create a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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