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CESNET, UCT Prague and NTK wrapper around invenio v3

This meta-package contains a curated and tested set of dependencies on Invenio and OArepo libraries. It should be considered as a base building block for creating any OA repository applications.

The package contains the following dependency bundles:

Bundle name Description
deploy All the dependencies needed for a basic repository deployment
deploy-es7 All the ElasticSearch 7 compatible dependencies needed for a basic repository deployment
openid Dependencies needed for openid authentication
multisum Support for multiple file checksums (deprecated)
files Support for uploading files
acls ACLs support
links Enable linking to another records
models Includes all the common data models (DCObject, multilingual fields, Invenio model,...)
includes Adds support to compose ES mappings by including another mappings
taxonomies Adds support for taxonomic trees
tests Includes test dependencies
draft Adds support for draft records
iiif Adds support for file (image) preview generation
micro-api A WSGI app to serve API-only apps under the /api prefix

They could be installed, depending on needs of each repository application, by running:

pip install oarepo[bundle-name]