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Obsidian Tears Frontend and Backend

Obsidian Tears is an RPG on the Internet Computer. This project contains the game backend and frontend canisters. The game is built in Unity, packaged in WebGL, and displayed via React.

The backend canister contains all game data. Loss of data will result in players losing saved progress, gold, xp, stats, non-nft items, etc. Proceed with caution.

These canisters interact with several other canisters, including the obsidian tears character nft canister and obsidian tears items nft canister. Be aware that if the interface of these nft canisters changes, it may break this canister as a result.

How to update unity build

  • 1 - On Unity Hub. File -> Build -> WebGL, double check if options make sense.
  • 2 - Go to obsidian_tears repo (probably by opening VS Code), open terminal and write:
  • 3 - "git status" (ensure no file was added, if so, do "git checkout .")
  • 4 - "git pull origin main" (this will update your branch to most recent version of main)
  • 5 - delete current build files (obsidian_tears -> src -> obsidian_tears_frontend -> assets -> unity)
  • 6 - copy/move there the current build files
  • 7 - "dfx identity list" (check you are using the right identity, if need to change: dfx identity use {identity name})
  • 8 - dfx deploy --network ic

Video showing these steps (no sound):

Local Setup

  • create a "parent" folder (like "obsidian")
  • install git-lfs (see section below)
  • git clone all 4 repos (see list below)
  • on this repo, solve the Psychadelic Package issue (see section below)
  • npm install & mops install on all that need
  • on all files, add your dfx principal to the Admins array
  • on this repo, scripts/ file, add your account to the hero nft mint
  • on this repo, do "npm run local"

Install GIT Large File Storage (LFS) for OT Game

OT Game stores a lot of assets and builds in GIT directly, in order to properly clone / download repo you need to have installed the extension of git, called git-lfs. More info:

How to solve the Psychedelic Package token issue

npm install won't work until you generate an access token to github. Go to this section and follow instructions:

Order of creation on local network

The IC is deterministic, so if the order of canisters created on a network (after dfx start --clean) is the same, it will end up with the same canister IDs.

The order is:

  1. OT Frontend & Backend (bd3sg-teaaa-aaaaa-qaaba-cai, bkyz2-fmaaa-aaaaa-qaaaq-cai);
  2. OT Hero NFT (br5f7-7uaaa-aaaaa-qaaca-cai);
  3. OT Items NFT (b77ix-eeaaa-aaaaa-qaada-cai);
  4. OT Game -> Webserver (avqkn-guaaa-aaaaa-qaaea-cai);

Generic IC instructions

Welcome to your new obsidian_tears project and to the internet computer development community. By default, creating a new project adds this README and some template files to your project directory. You can edit these template files to customize your project and to include your own code to speed up the development cycle.

To get started, you might want to explore the project directory structure and the default configuration file. Working with this project in your development environment will not affect any production deployment or identity tokens.

To learn more before you start working with obsidian_tears, see the following documentation available online:

If you want to start working on your project right away, you might want to try the following commands:

cd obsidian_tears/
dfx help
dfx config --help

Running the project locally

If you want to test your project locally, you can use the following commands:

# Starts the replica, running in the background
dfx start

# Deploys your canisters to the replica and generates your candid interface
dfx deploy

Once the job completes, your application will be available at http://localhost:4943?canisterId={asset_canister_id}.

Additionally, if you are making frontend changes, you can start a development server with

npm start

Which will start a server at http://localhost:4943, proxying API requests to the replica at port 4943.