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[MERGE] forward port branch saas-14 up to abfd662
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KangOl committed Nov 13, 2017
2 parents 90ca872 + abfd662 commit 0e1ac93
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Showing 14 changed files with 218 additions and 627 deletions.
211 changes: 41 additions & 170 deletions addons/account/models/
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
import math

from odoo.osv import expression
from import float_round as round, float_is_zero as is_zero
from import float_round as round
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -648,7 +648,6 @@ def _compute_amount(self, base_amount, price_unit, quantity=1.0, product=None, p
price_unit * quantity eventually affected by previous taxes (if tax is include_base_amount XOR price_include)
price_include = self._context.get('force_price_include', self.price_include)
if self.amount_type == 'fixed':
# Use copysign to take into account the sign of the base amount which includes the sign
# of the quantity and the sign of the price_unit
Expand All @@ -662,11 +661,11 @@ def _compute_amount(self, base_amount, price_unit, quantity=1.0, product=None, p
return math.copysign(quantity, base_amount) * self.amount
return quantity * self.amount
if (self.amount_type == 'percent' and not price_include) or (self.amount_type == 'division' and self.price_include):
if (self.amount_type == 'percent' and not self.price_include) or (self.amount_type == 'division' and self.price_include):
return base_amount * self.amount / 100
if self.amount_type == 'percent' and price_include:
if self.amount_type == 'percent' and self.price_include:
return base_amount - (base_amount / (1 + self.amount / 100))
if self.amount_type == 'division' and not price_include:
if self.amount_type == 'division' and not self.price_include:
return base_amount / (1 - self.amount / 100) - base_amount

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -700,58 +699,13 @@ def compute_all(self, price_unit, currency=None, quantity=1.0, product=None, par
'analytic': boolean,
} """

# 1) Flatten the taxes.

def collect_taxes(self, all_taxes=None):
# Collect all the taxes recursively ordered by the sequence.
# Example:
# group | seq | sub-group |
# ------------|-----------|
# | 1 | |
# ------------|-----------|
# t | 2 | | seq | |
# | | | 4 | |
# | | | 5 | |
# | | | 6 | |
# | | |
# ------------|-----------|
# | 3 | |
# ------------|-----------|
# Result: 1-4-5-6-3
if not all_taxes:
all_taxes = self.env['']
for tax in self.sorted(key=lambda r: r.sequence):
if tax.amount_type == 'group':
all_taxes = collect_taxes(tax.children_tax_ids, all_taxes)
all_taxes += tax
return all_taxes

taxes = collect_taxes(self)

# 2) Avoid dealing with taxes mixing price_include=False && include_base_amount=True
# with price_include=True

base_excluded_flag = False # price_include=False && include_base_amount=True
included_flag = False # price_include=True
for tax in taxes:
if tax.price_include:
included_flag = True
elif tax.include_base_amount:
base_excluded_flag = True
if base_excluded_flag and included_flag:
raise UserError(_('Unable to mix any taxes being price included with taxes affecting the base amount but not included in price.'))

# 3) Deal with the rounding methods

if len(self) == 0:
company_id = self.env.user.company_id
company_id = self[0].company_id
if not currency:
currency = company_id.currency_id

taxes = []
# By default, for each tax, tax amount will first be computed
# and rounded at the 'Account' decimal precision for each
# PO/SO/invoice line and then these rounded amounts will be
Expand All @@ -776,144 +730,61 @@ def collect_taxes(self, all_taxes=None):
if not round_tax:
prec += 5

# 4) Iterate the taxes in the reversed sequence order to retrieve the initial base of the computation.
# tax | base | amount |
# /\ ----------------------------
# || tax_1 | XXXX | | <- we are looking for that, it's the total_excluded
# || tax_2 | | |
# || tax_3 | | |
# || ... | .. | .. |
# ----------------------------

base = round(price_unit * quantity, prec)

# Keep track of subsequent recomputed bases in order to avoid some rounding issues.
# For example, 399.99 computed with a tax 20% price_include leads to
# base = 399.99 / 1.2 = 333.32500000000005
# tax_amount = base * 0.2 = 66.665
# round(base) + round(tax_amount) = 333.33 + 66.67 = 400.0 (!= 399.99: WRONG)
# To fix such issues, base_gaps will contains amount between two bases.
# In our example, the gap between 333.32500000000005 and 399.99 is 66.66499999999996
# Then, when processing the tax and because 66.665 - 66.66499999999996 is close to zero,
# the real gap is returned and so:
# tax_amount = 66.66499999999996
# round(base) + round(tax_amount) = 333.33 + 66.66 = 399.99 (CORRECT)
base_gaps = []

def recompute_base(base_amount, fixed_amount, percent_amount):
# Recompute the new base amount based on included fixed/percent amount and the current base amount.
# Example:
# tax | amount |
# ------------------
# tax_1 | 10% |
# tax_2 | 15 |
# tax_3 | 20% |
# ------------------
# if base_amount = 145, the new base is computed as:
# (145 - 15) / (1.0 + ((10 + 20) / 100.0)) = 130 / 1.3 = 100
if fixed_amount == 0.0 and percent_amount == 0.0:
return base_amount
new_base = (base_amount - fixed_amount) / (1.0 + percent_amount / 100.0)
base_gaps.append(base_amount - new_base)
return new_base

# For the computation of move lines, we could have a negative base value.
# In this case, compute all with positive values and negative them at the end.
if base < 0:
base = -base
sign = -1
base_values = self.env.context.get('base_values')
if not base_values:
total_excluded = total_included = base = round(price_unit * quantity, prec)
sign = 1

# Keep track of the accumulated included fixed/percent amount.
incl_fixed_amount = incl_percent_amount = 0
for tax in reversed(taxes):
if tax.include_base_amount:
base = recompute_base(base, incl_fixed_amount, incl_percent_amount)
incl_fixed_amount = incl_percent_amount = 0
if tax.price_include:
if tax.amount_type == 'fixed':
incl_fixed_amount += quantity * tax.amount
elif tax.amount_type == 'percent':
incl_percent_amount += tax.amount
# Start the computation of accumulated amounts at the total_excluded value.
total_excluded = total_included = base = recompute_base(base, incl_fixed_amount, incl_percent_amount)

# 5) Iterate the taxes in the sequence order to fill missing base/amount values.
# tax | base | amount |
# || ----------------------------
# || tax_1 | OK | XXXX |
# || tax_2 | XXXX | XXXX |
# || tax_3 | XXXX | XXXX |
# \/ ... | .. | .. |
# ----------------------------

def compute_amount(tax):
# Compute the amount of the tax but don't deal with the price_include because it's already
# took into account on the base amount except for 'division' tax:
# (tax.amount_type == 'percent' && not tax.price_include)
# == (tax.amount_type == 'division' && tax.price_include)
# In case of price_included tax, subtract the amount to the corresponding
# gap between the current base and the next one.
amount = tax.with_context(force_price_include=False)._compute_amount(
base, price_unit, quantity, product, partner)

if not tax.price_include or not base_gaps:
return amount

# Compute the new gap after subtracting of the tax amount
new_gap = base_gaps[-1] - amount

# If the newly computed gap is very close of zero, return the current gap to avoid
# rounding issues (see comments above base_gaps).
if is_zero(new_gap, prec):
return base_gaps.pop()

# Update the current gap with the new one
base_gaps[-1] = new_gap
return amount

taxes_vals = []
for tax in taxes:
tax_amount = compute_amount(tax)
total_excluded, total_included, base = base_values

# Sorting key is mandatory in this case. When no key is provided, sorted() will perform a
# search. However, the search method is overridden in in order to add a domain
# depending on the context. This domain might filter out some taxes from self, e.g. in the
# case of group taxes.
for tax in self.sorted(key=lambda r: r.sequence):
if tax.amount_type == 'group':
children = tax.children_tax_ids.with_context(base_values=(total_excluded, total_included, base))
ret = children.compute_all(price_unit, currency, quantity, product, partner)
total_excluded = ret['total_excluded']
base = ret['base'] if tax.include_base_amount else base
total_included = ret['total_included']
tax_amount = total_included - total_excluded
taxes += ret['taxes']

tax_amount = tax._compute_amount(base, price_unit, quantity, product, partner)
if not round_tax:
tax_amount = round(tax_amount, prec)
tax_amount = currency.round(tax_amount)

# Suppose:
# seq | amount | incl | incl_base | base | amount
# -----------------------------------------------
# 1 | 10 % | t | t | 100.0 | 10.0
# -----------------------------------------------
# ... the next computation must be done using 100.0 + 10.0 = 110.0 as base but
# the tax base of this tax will be 100.0.
if tax.price_include:
total_excluded -= tax_amount
base -= tax_amount
total_included += tax_amount

# Keep base amount used for the current tax
tax_base = base

if tax.include_base_amount:
base += tax_amount

# The total_included amount is computed as the sum of total_excluded with all tax_amount
total_included += tax_amount

'name': tax.with_context(**{'lang': partner.lang} if partner else {}).name,
'amount': sign * tax_amount,
'base': round(sign * tax_base, prec),
'amount': tax_amount,
'base': tax_base,
'sequence': tax.sequence,
'analytic': tax.analytic,

return {
'taxes': taxes_vals,
'total_excluded': sign * (currency.round(total_excluded) if round_total else total_excluded),
'total_included': sign * (currency.round(total_included) if round_total else total_included),
'base': round(sign * base, prec),
'taxes': sorted(taxes, key=lambda k: k['sequence']),
'total_excluded': currency.round(total_excluded) if round_total else total_excluded,
'total_included': currency.round(total_included) if round_total else total_included,
'base': base,

Expand Down

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