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Egeria Meeting 10th 12th October 2018

mstrelchuk edited this page Oct 22, 2018 · 19 revisions

Egeria Meeting 10th-12th October 2018

10th October 2018

9h - 17h


  • Mandy Chessell
  • David Radley
  • Nigel Jones
  • Ferd Scheepers
  • Maryna Strelchuk
  • Mike Nicpan
  • Bogdan-Mihail Sava
  • Jing Zhou
  • Ruxandra-Gabriela Rosu
  • Guy Ackermans
  • Chris Replogle
  • Daniela Otelea
  • Raluca Popa


  • Updates from everyone:
    • MS PowerBI hackathon
      • demo: --- moved to afternoon
      • open points:
    • Updates/open points on the components:
      • IV OMAS:
      • Subject Area OMAS:
      • GE OMAS:
      • Asset Catalog OMAS:
      • IGC Event Mapper/Connector:
      • Atlas:
      • OMRS, Compliancy pack
      • Virtualizer
    • meet new team members Raluca and Yuefeng
  • OMASes:
    • Start-up OMAS:
    • "Zone discovery"/"Tell me what" OMAS:
    • "Delta" OMAS:
  • Authentication for APIs
  • Walk through points for Cognos and Big SQL(short)
  • Update on the common dev and demo environment
  • Issue tracker capabilities for the Egeria.
  • Milestones and frequencies for next releases
  • Lineage discussion
    • Item:

To Do:

  • Best practices for OMASes:
    • exceptions when OMASes sees inconsistencies
    • behaviour of OMASes in certain situations
  • To fix in OMRS picking up the sub-assets that is not working
  • GE OMAS: provide assets structures

11th October 2018

9h - 17h


  • 9h - 12:15h Lineage discussion (continuation)
  • OMRS Updates
    • Instance provenance
    • Effectivity dating
  • OMAS validation of Cohort
  • Governance OMASs Update
  • Topics for next workshop (November, SAS, NC)
  • 12:15h - 13h Lunch
  • 13h - 17h Open Metadata type system and models deep dive
    • Open Metadata type system overview
    • Models deep dive

12th October 2018

9h - 16:30h


  • SonarQube
  • Atlas Connector