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Learn x86 ASM

Reading PC Assembly Language by Paul Carter.

Watching Introductory Intel x86 by

Reading Programming Intel i386 Assembly with NASM by Yorick Hardy.

Looking wantonly at Zen of Assembly Language by Michael Abrash.


The stuff here runs (on a good day) in 32-bit mode on Ubuntu 14.04 x64 with gcc-multilib installed.


  • 14 instructions account for ~90% of x86 ASM [source]
  • Knowing 20-30 instructions is enough


Data types

Bytes Bits C ASM
1 8 char byte
2 16 short word
4 32 int dword
8 64 long qword


Decimal Binary Hex Decimal Binary Hex
0 0000 0 8 1000 8
1 0001 1 9 1001 9
2 0010 2 10 1010 a
3 0011 3 11 1011 b
4 0100 4 12 1100 c
5 0101 5 13 1101 d
6 0110 6 14 1110 e
7 0111 7 15 1111 f

Learn in chunks of 4. Recognize the first two bits.

Bits Value Hex
00xx 0 + xx 0 + xx
01xx 4 + xx 4 + xx
10xx 8 + xx 8 + xx
11xx 12 + xx c + xx

Negative numbers

1's complement: Flip all bits

2's complement: 1's complement + 1

Negative numbers are 2's complement of the positive number.

Dec. Hex Binary 1's comp. 2's comp. Neg. Neg. hex
1 01 00000001 11111110 11111111 -1 ff
4 04 00000100 11111011 11111100 -4 fc
26 1a 00011010 11100101 11100110 -26 e6

Sign extension

Extending a signed number means extending the sign bit to all the new high order bits.

2c -> 002c
81 -> ff81


2's complement arithmetic works exactly the same as unsigned arithmetic, so ADD and SUB works on both signed and unsigned numbers.

  002c      44
+ ffff  +  (-1)
------  -------
  002b      43

Multiplication and division require specific instructions for signed numbers: MUL vs IMUL and DIV vs IDIV.

8-bit number line

Unsigned: 0                127    128              255
Binary:   00000000    01111111    10000000    11111111
Hex:      00                7f    80                ff
Signed:   0                127    -128              -1
          |------------------|    |------------------|
                Positive                Negative

32-bit number line

Unsigned: 0                2,147,483,647    2,147,483,648    4,294,967,295
Hex:      00000000              7fffffff    80000000              ffffffff
Signed:   0                2,147,483,647    -2,147,483,648              -1
          |----------------------------|    |----------------------------|
                     Positive                          Negative



Instruction set Instructions Registers Architectures
CISC Many Few x86


Determines byte order of multi-byte values. Does not affect bit order.

      BIG ENDIAN                               LITTLE ENDIAN

 register                 high memory      register
 +----+----+----+----+   +----+   +----+   +----+----+----+----+
 | de | ad | be | ef |   | 00 | 5 | 00 |   | de | ad | be | ef |
 +----+----+----+----+   +----+   +----+   +----+----+----+----+
    |    |    |    |     | 00 | 4 | 00 |     |    |    |    |
    |    |    |    |     +----+   +----+     |    |    |    |
    |    |    |    +-----| ef | 3 | de |-----+    |    |    |
    |    |    |          +----+   +----+          |    |    |
    |    |    +----------| be | 2 | ad |----------+    |    |
    |    |               +----+   +----+               |    |
    |    +---------------| ad | 1 | be |---------------+    |
    |                    +----+   +----+                    |
    +--------------------| de | 0 | ef |--------------------+
                         +----+   +----+
                          low memory


Least significant byte stored at low address.

x86 memory layout is little-endian. Registers are big-endian.

Makes sense when looking at memory from top to bottom, e.g. when looking at the stack.


Most significant byte stored at low address.

Most architectures except for x86 are entirely big-endian.

Network traffic is big-endian.

Makes sense when looking at memory from left to right.


General registers

Register Nickname Usage
EAX Accumulator Return values, arithmetic
EBX Base (Memory) Memory access base pointer
ECX Counter Loop counter
EDX Data I/O pointer, arithmetic
ESI Source Source pointer for copying
EDI Destination Destination pointer for copying
EBP Base (Stack) Stack frame base pointer
EIP Instruction Offset of next instuction

The low order bits of EAX, EBX, ECX and EDX can be addressed as such:

31                 EAX                  0
                    15       AX         0
                    15  AH   8 7   AL   0
                    |--------| |--------|

The low order bits of ESI, EDI, EBP and EIP can be addressed as such:

31                ESI                 0
                   15       SI        0


Bit Label Description
0 CF Carry
2 PF Parity
4 AF Auxiliary carry
6 ZF Zero flag. 1 iff last result is 0.
7 SF Sign flag. Sign bit of last result.
8 TF Trap
9 IF Interrupt enable
10 DF Direction
11 OF Overflow
12-13 IOPL Privilege level
14 NT Nested task
16 RF Resume
17 VM Virtual 8086 mode
18 AC Alignment check (486+)
19 VIF Virutal interrupt
20 VIP Virtual interrupt pending
21 ID ID

Calling conventions

Register calling conventions

Caller preserves EAX, EDX and ECX, if needed.

Callee preserves and restores EBP, EBX, ESI, and EDI, if modified.

Parameter calling conventions

Determines how parameters are pushed to the stack before a call, and how they are cleaned up afterwards.


Two primary conventions:

  • cdecl
  • stdcall

Common properties of these conventions:

  • Parameters are pushed from right to left
  • 32-bit values returned in EAX
  • 64-bit values returned in EDX:EAX
  • Callee saves old stack frame pointer and sets up new stack frame


Caller cleans up stack. Used by most C compilers.


Callee cleans up stack. Mostly used by the Win32 API.


  • 1st parameter goes in ECX
  • 2nd parameter goes in EDX
  • Remaining parameters go on the stack, pushed from right to left

The Stack

LIFO data structure. ESP points to the top byte of the stack.

Grows downward in memory.

Memory beyond the top of the stack is considered undefined.

EBP points to the base of the current stack frame.

Directly above EBP is usually the current return address. Above that are the function parameters.


For C programs, the initial stack will contain the argv pointers.

argv[0] is at the low address.

$ ./program hello world

        high memory
        | 6400 | d.
        | 726c | rl
     +--| 776f | wo
     |  +------+
     |  | 6f00 | o.
     |  +------+
     |  | 6c6c | ll
     |  +------+
  +--^--| 6865 | he
  |  |  +------+
  |  |    ...
  |  |  +---------+
  |  +--| argv[2] |
  |     +---------+
  +-----| argv[1] |
        | argv[0] |
        | argc    |
        low memory

Stack frames

Linked list of function-local variables for every function in the call hierarchy.

The value in EBP is the address of the parent function's EBP value.

The function's arguments are at EBP + x.

The function's local variables are at EBP - x.

Addressing forms

Angle brackets [<value>] is used for memory addressing and dereferencing.

The angle brackets can contain the following arithmetic:

[base + index * scale + displacement]

  • base: Starting point in memory of the array
  • index: Current array element
  • scale: Size of the array elements (allowed values are [1, 2, 4, 8])
  • displacement: Offset into current element (useful for small structs?)



Does nothing, alias for XCHG EAX, EAX.

Common usage is to pad code for word boundary alignment.

Also good for stack smashing.


Push a value to the stack. Argument can be inline value or a register.

Decrements ESP by the amount of bytes pushed.

Cannot push a value in memory directly to the stack. Must first load into register.

Can specify value size when pushing inline values:


Pushing a DWORD is default in x86 32-bit mode.


Pop a value from the stack into a register.

Increments ESP by the amount of bytes pushed.


Call a function.

  • Pushes EIP to the stack
  • Loads a new address into EIP

Address can either be absolute or relative to the CALL instruction.


Return from a function.

  • Pops the stack into EIP

Optional argument for cleaning up parameters on the stack. Used by stdcall functions.

RET 0x4 will increment the stack pointer by 4 bytes, e.g. cleaning up a 32-bit argument.


Move data.

  • Register to register
  • Register to memory
  • Memory to register
  • Inline value to memory
  • Inline value to register

Can not move memory to memory.

Intel syntax uses MOV <dst>, <src>.

AT&T syntax uses MOV <src>, <dst>.


Load a register with the result of a memory offset computation.

Useful both for loading memory addresses into registers, and performing general arithmetic on multiple register values simultaneously.


Perform addition and subtraction.

Works the same for signed and unsigned numbers.

Modifies the OF, SF, ZF, AF, PF and CF flags.


Move an 8 or 16 bit value to a larger register and set the high order bytes to zero.


Move an 8 or 16 bit value to a larger register and set the high order bytes to the sign bit.


Signed and unsigned multiplication.


Sign extend a dword in EAX to EDX:EAX.

CDQ must be called after setting EAX if EDX is not manually initialized (as in 64/32 division) before (I)DIV.


Signed and unsigned division. Remember to sign extend EDX with CQD.


Add with carry.

If the carry flag is 0, there is no difference from add.

operand1 = operand1 + carry_flag + operand2
add eax, ecx ; add lower 32 bits
adc edx, ebx ; add upper 32 bits


Subtract with carry (borrow).

If the carry flag is 0, there is no difference from sub.

operand1 = operand1 - carry flag - operand2
sub eax, ecx ; subtract lower 32 bits
sbb edx, ebx ; subtract upper 32 bits


Create a stack frame.

enter frame_size, nesting_level

Nesting level is used for nested functions in higher level languages.

Branch instructions

Two types of branches: unconditional and conditional.

Conditional branches use the FLAGS register.


Compare two values.

Computes the difference between the left and right operand. Updates the FLAGS register accordingly.

Does what SUB does and ignores the result.

Relevant flags for unsigned comparison:

  • lhs = rhs => ZF=1 CF=0
  • lhs > rhs => ZF=0 CF=0
  • lhs < rhs => ZF=0 CF=1

Relevant flags for signed comparison:

  • lhs = rhs => ZF=1
  • lhs > rhs => ZF=0 SF=OF
  • lhs < rhs => ZF=0 SF!=OF


Unconditional jump.

There are three variations of the jump instruction:

  • JMP SHORT - encoded with a small displacement, jump at most 128 bytes
  • JMP NEAR - default, jump anywhere within a segment
  • JMP FAR - jump across segments, absolute addressing

There is also an rm32 version of JMP. Also available for CALL, which is used for implementing function pointers.

JMP -2 is a 2-byte instruction which is equivalent to an infinite loop. Useful in malware analysis to inject breakpoints without attaching a debugger.

Conditional jumps

Less than used when talking about unsigned numbers.

Below used when talking about signed numbers.

State Signed Unsigned
lhs = rhs JE JE
lhs != rhs JNE JNE
lhs < rhs JL, JNGE JB, JNAE
lhs <= rhs JLE, JNG JBE, JNA
lhs > rhs JG, JNLE JA, JNBE
lhs >= rhs JGE, JNL JAE, JNB

Sections or segments

Relates to the different segments of an object file.

Section Purpose
text Program code
data Globally accessible data
bss Reserved memory for uninitialized variables

bss is originally an acronym for Block Started by Symbol.

Program design

Jumping and branching is the only actual control structure available.

Write structured programs by thinking in higher level control structures, translating to corresponding ASM.


Learning some x86 ASM






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