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Use cases and user stories

aanton edited this page Jun 21, 2019 · 2 revisions

Table of Contents

  1. Special seats reserved for people with reduced mobility who use wheels
  2. Accessible stops
  3. Reserved seats
  4. Pets and animals in PT
  5. Public WC/Restrooms at stops/stopStations
  6. Performance of the PT network in terms of users
  7. Third party business/services inside the PT network
  8. Transportation exchange
  9. Carbon print awareness
  10. Garbage collection system
  11. Fares

Special seats reserved for people with reduced mobility who use wheels

  1. Description

    Special seats reserved for people with reduced mobility who use a wheel chair or a baby buggy are very important piece for PT agencies in order to allow everyone to use the PT, including people with functional diversity, babies, elderly people and their companions.

    PT agencies have done a big effort in the last years to adapt the whole network, the stops and stopsStations and eventually the coaches to allow this users to drive safely. However, some customers have complained to the PT authorities because they can get on the coach when they are at the Stop because those seats are full.

    In order to improve the service and offer real time availability information, every time one special seat is occupied there should be a sensor or a manual device that sends the information to the system. Some coaches have one special seat, others two or more. The information of the availability of the seat is spread throught the open data portal and the information devices located at the stops (in each mean of transport).

  2. Actors

    • PT authorities/agencies
    • Customers
    • Third parties
  3. Workflow

    Someone need to know the availability of a reserved seat in the PT involved in the trip planned. The first request is made to know whether there is a reserved seat for his/her trip or not (Information of the system). Sometimes is one simple trip but sometimes is complex, so he/she will need to make further checks (SIRI). Others would like to get the full picture of the information system (number of lines, buses and timetables) and others segregated data (historic data exchange, OpRA) including how long it took the stop in the stops, how long it took the whole line.

  4. User Stories

    1. Baby stroller/buggie carriage/wheeling chair users

      Mothers/fathers/families with a baby stroller/buggy need to know the availability of the seat reserved for people with reduced mobility in the trip.

    2. Wheeling chair users

      Peoplee with reduced mobility in wheeling chairs need to know the availability of the seat reserved for people with reduced mobility in the trip.

    3. Third party offer the availability of every seat in the line requested

      PT agencies and third parties want to know the availability of every special seat reserved for people with reduced mobility in real time. They need to repeat the request every N time. They have an app freely available at the main stores.

    4. PT agency wants to improve its service

      In order to improve its service, PT agency wants to analyze the use of the reserved seats and they can improve the service with extra seats taking into account the data usage.

    5. Journalists/Academy research about the usage of the reserved seats

      Some Journalists/Academy researchers want the data of the usage of the reserved seats (lines, time, dates) but also how long it takes the trip when reserved seats are used and how long when they are not.

    6. An NGO/CSO wants to analyze the commitment of the accessibility law

      This NGO/CSO has tackled the accessibility commitment in the PT network throughout raw data.

Accessible stops

  1. Description

    Most of bus stops are accessible but some subway or rail stations/stops aren't fully accessible. Some of them allow exchange of lines but its accessibility doesn't reach the entry or exit of passengers. This is something compulsary for people with some functional diversity so as they can plan the right trip.

  2. Actors

    • PT Authorities
    • Customers with functional diversity
    • PT staff
  3. Workflow

    People with some functional diversity search for accesible stops/stopStations in his/her trip in order to plan it properly. The actors need specific detailed information disaggregated of the accesibility of the stops/stopStations marked as accesible, for instance whether there is an elevator or not, sensorial accessibility, station access alerts, there is a space in the platform to safely accommodate wheelchairs (Open Data Portal). This information is subject to last minute changes (SIRI).

  4. User Stories

    1. PT alert: new accesibility radar

      As a Transit Authority has developed an Accessibility Status Alert where you can sign to receive text or e-mail updates for elevators as well as planned or unplanned service changes that affect bus or rail service on your route ( as Chicago Transit Authority Updates service does)

    2. TP App

      As a TP you want to offer the best service for users with functional diversity who request for accessible stops for their trips. The TP also provide an alert service for a trip in real time.

    3. Companion of a user with functional diversity

      As an actor the companion is organizing a trip with an user with functional diversity and needs to know what stops and stopsStations are fully accessible.

    4. Man/woman carrying a baby buggie

      As a person carrying a baby buggie you need to know what stops and stopStations have elevators and/or electric chairs in the entry and in the platform.

    5. PT information service

      The PT service provider has a service where you can search for the status of the accessibility infrastructures of every station (as ratp Paris does).

    6. PT: Accessibility in timetables

      One of the most important things when you are traveling are the information panels, even more when there are last minute changes. The PT offers an accessible panel at the entry of every stop/stopStation.

    7. Challenge faced by blind people

      As someone who is totally blind, every day presents its own little challenges. But the biggest issue she ever had to face is travelling on public transport. As a commuter, he/she needs to know the accessibility of his/her journey into the office.

Reserved seats

  1. Description

    In every mean of transport there are some reserved seats for elderly, pregnant women, people holding a baby or those who are injured. They are considered reserved seats but not exclusive seats. For some people it's very important to count on a seat before taking the bus/subway.

  2. Actors

    • PT authorities
    • Elderly, pregnant women, people holding a baby or those who are injured.
    • Customers
  3. Workflow

    When you are at the stop/stopStation and you are about to take the coach you need to know whether there is a reserved seat available or not. This information can be spread in real time (SIRI).

  4. User Stories

    1. CSO/NGO report

      A CSO/NGO of people with visual impairment want to know if there are free reserved seats in the next coach (SIRI)

    2. TP provides specific information about it

      This app offers RT information with a probability of the availability of a free reserved seat.

    3. PT authorities analyze data of the network

      Regarding there are some lines/journeys/dates where customers who use reserved seats are more than a half PT authorities analyze data in real time PT to balance the fleet.

    4. City Council Elderly Area

      A research from the City Council Elderly Area analyze the use of reserved seats and how many of these come from elderly.

    5. CSO/NGO family

      The CSO/NGO wants to know the lines/journeys/dates with highest probability of availability of a reserved seat.

Pets and animals in PT

  1. Description

    Someone who travels with pets or animals wants to know the rules about taking your pet or animal on public transport. Do you have to pay for a ticket for your four-legged friend? Are ther different rules for different means? When do they need muzzle and belt? Do they need a pet transport bag? What if they piss and/or shit?

  2. Actors

    • PT authorities
    • The operators
    • The owners of pets/animals
    • The PT workers
    • Other customers
  3. Workflow

    This kind of data should be available in the official portal (Open Data Portal, NeTEx) of the mean of transport/PT authority and duplicated in the operator company if needed. It should be spreaded through the public information system of the transport network. There must be also updated when the conditions change, for instance when there is a massive friends of the pets' meeting and it's gonna be full of pets or when they are forbidden because of some particular situation (SIRI).

  4. User Stories

    1. Customer: Visit to the veterinary

      What are means of transport where pets or animals are allowed? Does the animal need a pet bag? Can the animal take the escalator? Does they need a charge? What if I have two pets? And what about three?

    2. Researchers

      What lines use pets more and what is the anonymized profile of the owner; where do they live and how do they move in the city.

    3. Veterinary business

      They would like to know where are the stations more pet friendly or with more customers who take pets with them in orden to start a business

    4. PT authorities

      Which are the routes for pets/animals in order to improve the cleaning service.

    5. Official Veterinary School

      As researchers they want to analyze the data from the PT pets usage and cross it with their databases.

    6. SCO/NGO friend of the pets

      They are organizing a Pet Faire and want to choose a place that people can reach easily bringing/taking pets.

    7. SCO/NGO of the people with visual impairment (functional diversity)

      Althought guide dogs are allowed in the whole network, the NGO wants to know what lines are more frequently used by pets owners in order to avoid them.

Public WC/Restrooms at stops/stopStations

  1. Description

    There are many stop/stopStations with public WC and/or restrooms. Customers need to know it in order to attend some situations but also TP entities are interested in offering this information or in using for further purposes like installing some vending machines or setting up business.

  2. Actors

    • PT authorities
    • Customers
    • Third parties
  3. Workflow

    Someone need to know whether there is a public WC at the stop/stopStation or not and what does it provide: bathroom, changing table, etc. (Open Data Portal, NeTEx). If there is a change in the state of the WC, it will be posted in the open data portal.

  4. User Stories

    1. Looking for a changing table

      One family is looking for a WC with changing table in order to use it in the middle of his/her journey trip. It is important to know whether they are available at the women's WC, the men's or both of them.

    2. Emergency: diaper duty

      One family in a journey looks for a changing table as long as diaper duty has come up.

    3. Looking for a lactation room

      Some of the restrooms are considered also lactation room or lactation friendly. Some mums are interested in getting this information to attend this duty.

    4. Looking for a potty available WC

      A family is in the midst of piss duty and search in the open data portal whether there is a pooty available WC in the stopStation or not and if not what is the nearest potty available WC.

    5. TP service company report about public restrooms

      A report of a TP service company has revealed most of the public WC or restrooms have no changing tables in men's ones. After that they have commited to provide 5000 changing tables in public restrooms.

Performance of the PT network in terms of users

  1. Description

    Many times there are situations where the performance of the PT network is critical for its behaviour. It is important to know about its features but also for its performance. There is a typical performance of every day but also a performance unique and furthermore a special one.

    Features can also change depending on the performance of the network and because of improvements, failures, reparations or maintenance works.

  2. Actors

    • PT Authorities
    • Customers
    • Third parties
  3. Workflow

    The information about the features and performance of the network and the means of transport must be available in the Open Data Portal (NeTEx) and if there is a change it must be streamed as soon as it happens to the Open Data Portal (NeTEx and SIRI), agents or third parties can make proper requests to satisfy their needs.

  4. User Stories

    1. Insurance services request for capacity

      There has been an accident with a lot of people injured. The insurance service checks historic data of that coach and determines there were more people than the allowed in the PT mean. So the health assistance is not covered by the insurance policy.

    2. PT authorities

      The PT authorities have noticed that sometimes there have been more people than the maximum allowed using the means of transport. They study all the data and determine than the capacity is overcome very often. So there must be developed/installed/improved an automatic and a manual way to analyze it.

    3. Data traffic driven recommendation of routes

      PT authorities cross traffic data with the use of its network and determine which are the best routes for customers to take and they put this information on the data stream.

    4. PT operators

      Taking into consideration the state of the PT network a PT operator can determine whether is a good idea or not to increase the number of units of the lines that are absorbing the demand.

    5. Journalist: the smart PT customer comes true

      A journalist dresses as a customer to experience their daily PT routines comparing their opinions to data extracted from the open data portal, how long it takes to commute, to go shopping, to go to the museum, how many people use that stops in different times.

    6. Taking your bike, foldable bicycles and/or personal mobility services on board

      Public transport is first and foremost about getting you somewhere

      PT authorities want to increase the multimodal transport and want to ease the use of bikes in PT. So as they have identified the means of transport where a bike is allowed to be carried on and they have crossed the data with the accesibility of the stops/stopStations. PT Authorities have identified the fleet and the stops or stopStations that meet the conditions to allow transport of bikes.

    7. Public WC available

      Some trains or coaches have a public WC available. Someone inside the coach/train is wondering if there is a WC available, where is located and whether it is free or not

    8. Percentage of commuters using PT

      A group of researchers from the University N wants to know the porcentage of commuters using PT instead of a personal vehicle.

    9. TP availability on approaching buses/trains/coaches

      A TP provide estimated information about how empty an oncoming bus is according to the data provided by the PT authorities (SIRI) of time consumed in every stop and crossing that data with its own data collected from their users.

    10. Tourist in transit wants to use a security locker

      Tourists some time need to stay in transit for some time. In order to do some tourism they need to know whether it is a security locker area in the PT network or not.

    11. Night Stops at Convenience

      Some city council are concerned with the violence against women. Some of the harrassment and the offenses occur at night. In order to prevent dangerous situations, some PT authorities allow bus drivers to stop at convenience so as women can get closer to their destination. Women using PT by night request for lines where stops at convenience are available.

    12. CSO focused on pedestrian and bike journeys

      A group of partisan pedestrian and bike users want to integrate the data from its project called Safety Stories with data from transport network. Safety Stories aim to find and share snapshots of strategies, programs, and tools used by professionals, advocates and community residents to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety but also to reduce transportation-related injuries and fatalities. With that information there will made up a draft for a better transportation journey plan and a set of recommendations and best practices for promoting safe active travel.

Third party business/services inside the PT network

As people spend more time in PT networks some services need to be satisfied inside or close to the network. This can be the meal of the day, the shop of the week or some kind of paperwork. Someone needs to know what sort of services and what business are available inside or near the stopStation.

  1. Actors

    • PT authorities
    • Business data officers
    • Customers
  2. Workflow

    Information about TP services and business must be up to date in the Open Data Portal. As long as there are changes, new business/services or updates, the information must be spreaded throughout the system.

  3. User stories

    1. Person who wants to buy basics products or a present

      Someone wants to know whether there is another market/shop open in your path or how much do you have to change it and how long it is gonna take it.

    2. A tourist needs to send a postcard

      There is a tourist who wants to send a postcard. He/she is almost fully occupied in tourism visits. She/he will look for a postbox in the PT network or at least near one stop/stopStation.

    3. Business association report

      The Bussines Association wants to know how many business there are in the PT network and what is the evolution of this number in the last ten years (OpRA). They will cross this data with it own data to determine how useful is to set up business inside or near the stops/stopStations, what sort of business are set up.

    4. Having lunch in the Subway

      A group of students wants to know if they can eat and drink on the bus in his/her way to the hotel. This information will be provided by the Open Data Portal. They will also look for a place near their trip.

    5. Park & Ride areas

      It is very common in many cities the park & ride area, extremely useful for tourists who get to the city by car/van but they want to visit the city by PT. They will look for this information in the Open Data Portal.

    6. Performing public paperwork

      Sometimes public paperwork is needed for different authorities as the Tax Office (once a year), the Post Office (elections), the Traffic Office (the sticker for each type of car) or maybe you need something like your passport because it is out of date and your flight departures in three hours. Information about public services available in the PT network will be published in the Open Data Portal.

    7. It's an emergency, where do I go?

      You are near a stop/stopStation and you get injured. You need to know information about Emergency what should be in the Open Data Portal but also information about the nearest health public services available.

Transportation exchange

  1. Description

    The PT network allows to exchange most of the times from one line to another, from one mean to another within the same stopStation. However, sometimes the exchange is in between two closed stopStations. Sometimes there is an underground passage to get to the other stopStation but sometimes not. Sometimes you have to wait for the next mean/line. Many users aim to know whether there is a plan B to spend that amount of time or they have to wait in a Rest Room.

  2. Actors

    • PT authorities
    • Tourism Office
    • Customers
  3. Workflow

    This information will be provided automaticaly from the Open Data Portal. It can be requested manually by the customer or automaticaly if there is a journey planned.

  4. User Stories

    1. Tourism Office takes advantage of transportation exchange

      Regarding transportation exchange is extremely ugly in some paths there is an alert service linked to the tourism office where they provide the best places to visit along the milestones of your trip.

    2. Next train delayed

      There have been a delay in the next train. Although you were trying to get to your destination you are able to get information of cultural activities in the PT network.

    3. Third party project provide livelihoods services

      Services as walkscore improve their service with data (Open Data Portal) from PT authorities to cross its own information with the information of the PT network.

    4. Cultural magazine

      A cultural magazine aims to include in its information provided the information about cultural services in the PT network as libraries, temporal exhibitions, performances and other artistic expressions

    5. Customers want some cultural time

      Taking into account the waste of time in PT services customers value cultural activities inside the PT network. They request for information in the Open Data Portal.

    6. Community service Tranquilcity

      Tranquilcity search for kind paths along the city. As part of its list of services they also search for kind paths from one stopStation to the other. They need to know what transport needs are solved.

    7. PT Business Opportunities

      A business set up startup request for data from the Open Data Portal in terms of people passing time out of the mean of transport but inside the PT network.

Carbon print awareness

  1. Description

    The awareness of climate emergency has increased dramatically in the last months. The way PT can contribute to the smart and sustainable city is a data driven aproach to produce lower carbon print metrics. Every mean of transport has a speed but also a carbon print heritage regarding the inversion to built it and the infrastructure work spent plenty of energy. Now the electric train seems to be the cleanest mean of transport but it carries with it a carbon print heritage. Sometimes bus can get straight to the destination but sometimes the traffic jam makes it slower and slower so it wastes a lot of diesel. The traffic scenario and the weather conditions have to be taken into account too. This carbon print can even change throughout the trip.

  2. Actors

    • Local Environment Agency
    • Local Weather Agency
    • Local/Regional authorities
    • NAP
    • Local Police
    • Customers
    • Operators
    • PT agencies
  3. Workflow

    Some actors want to get the carbon print of the public transport in an specific day/week/month. Others want to know when the performance of the PT was the best. This information must be provided in the front page of the PT authorities and PT operators website but also in the PT Open Data Portal and streamed in real time (SIRI).

  4. User Stories

    1. Customer wants to reduce his/her carbon print

      Someone aware of the climate emergency wants to reduce as much as possible the carbon print made with the use of the PT. You want to know the carbon print of every mean of transport, the carbon print of your planned trip and the carbon print in real time.

    2. TP app that wants to facilitate the data of the carbon print

      In order to allow customers to know the carbon print in real time a company wants to get the data from the PT authorities, analyze it and provide data visualizations to customers who have installe the app.

    3. Company wants to reduce the carbon print of their employees: contest

      A company wants comply with the 2030 Challenge and aims to reduce the carbon print of their employees in general terms. The best employees will get a prize. They want to know the carbon print of their employees ac(one person, one family, one company, the PT organization or even the company owners) is

    4. PT Authorities: Less Carbon Print Prizes

      PT Authorities want to know what are the best means of transport, what vehicles in terms of consumption.

    5. Getting better carbon copy metrics for PT (EU Air Quality Framework Directive)

      The local consortium aims to adapt the carbon copy of its network to the environmental conditions. This means if there is an antyciclone period, it should be necessary to boost the train and subway transport but also some buses lines. A dashboard shows the information from the weather, air quality and traffic agencies and the use and carbon print of PT. There can be decissions to be taken.

    6. Relationship between urban population density and energy consumption per capita

      A researcher wants to test the relationship in between urban population density and energy consumption per capita. Some researchers sustain there is a relationship in between urban population density and energy consumption per capita which explains why some people aim to build towers instead of cottage houses. However, this is not the only factor for energy consumption in the city. Regarding the public transport approach, how this relationship works according to the use of PT by citizens/customers? The Researcher(s) has/have to get, analyze and analyse data and get insights and conclussions that will be read and discussed in the academic community.

Garbage collection system

  1. Description

    An association of consumers want to know how does the PT network performance contributes to zero waste policy as part of a circular economy system. Local authorities aim to meet with the zero waste and circular economies principles and have ordered a set of waste separation bins. There is waste separation bins in every stop of the PT network but in the coaches so people in transit have to wait until the next destination/exchange stop to get rid of it. There are explanation posters/advertising helping to spread the message. Litter bins can use sensors to indicate its state. Every day bins get clean. A customer service must be deployed to improve the service.

  2. Actors

    • PT authorities
    • PT operators
    • TP
    • Customers
    • Staff
  3. Workflow

    The data of the garbage collected by the Open Data Portal is provided by the Open Data Portal and it is updated every day. There is also information about the sort of bins (shape), the sort of garbage collected (paper, glass, plastic, etc.), its location, its capacity, where does it go or the percentage of every garbage collected.

  4. User Stories

    1. Zero waste policy commitment

      Researchers from the University are studying the use of trash bins in the public network regarding the data from the PT network compared to other cities.

    2. PT authorities commitment with Circular economy

      PT authorities have signed 2030 agreements and want to study how is working the garbage collection system.

    3. Local authorities: percentage of garbage collected from PT

      Local authorities want to know how PT contribute to the cleaning of the city and what percentage of trash comes from PT.

    4. An user reads a newspaper and wants to recycle it

      An user request for paper bins in order to recycle his newspaper.

    5. Customer CSO

      A customer CSO has requested data from the Open Data Portal and has noticed there are some stops/stopStations without trash cans so they have created the project Operation CleanStop where everyone was able to adapt a stop/stopStation and started a crowdfunding campaign to buy new trash cans.

    6. TP wants to set up a zero-packaging store

      A new business focused on zero-packaging wants to be set up and they think one of things to take into consideration is the availability of recycling bins near the store if they are effectively bein used.


  1. Description

    Everytime you use the PT network you have to pay for the service. There are a lot of fares depending on your age (under 4, under 7, under 21, under 30, over 65, etc.), your rol (citizen, tourist), your place of residence (downtown, outskirts, metropolitan area, rural area, etc.), how many seats you occupy (pets are allowed but if you need a place in some means of transport you have to pay for it), how many stations you go through, what areas –in case there are different areas– you go throught, special services with special fares (airport line or another line); or the ticket itself (single, card, others, none).

  2. Actors

    • PT authorities
    • PT operators
    • Customers
  3. Workflow

    The information about the fares must be in the Open Data Portal and is fully accesible.

  4. User Stories

    1. Customers CSO

      A customers CSO wants to know how many customers use each fare and what are the journeys they do.

    2. Responsable Travel Agency

      A responsable Travel Agency wants to sell packs of trips to green areas. They cross data of destinations with data of nearby stops/stopStations and request for the fares of those destinations.

    3. A Family takes the train to the mountains.

      A family of two adults, one baby under three, one baby under 5, a child over 7 and under 16 and a big pet wants to buy tickets for the train to the sky station. They want to play the journey so they need to request for the tickets for the journey.

  5. Description

  6. Actors

  7. Workflow

  8. User Stories