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exit crash fix + updated SDK
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I was experiencing an exit crash while running multiple threaded
objects.  Added a delete method…  Also updated all Leap SDK files to
  • Loading branch information
jasonrwalters committed Apr 1, 2013
1 parent dbf9841 commit cb2e85b
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Showing 19 changed files with 301 additions and 12 deletions.
Binary file added .DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions ofxLeapMotion.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
Expand Up @@ -420,6 +420,7 @@
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Binary file not shown.
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
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Binary file added src/ofxLeapMotion/libs/include/.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
172 changes: 165 additions & 7 deletions src/ofxLeapMotion/libs/include/Leap.h
Expand Up @@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ class KeyTapGesture : public Gesture
* You can get the point of intersection between the screen and a ray
* projected from a Pointable object using the Screen::intersect() function.
* Likewise, you can get the closest point on the screen to a point in space
* using the Screen::distanceToPoint() function. Again, the screen location
* using the Screen::project() function. Again, the screen location
* must be registered with the Screen Locator for these functions to
* return accurate values.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1355,7 +1355,7 @@ class Screen : public Interface {
* (i.e. it is pointing parallel to or away from the screen), then the
* components of the returned vector are all set to NaN (not-a-number).
* @param pointable The pointing finger or tool.
* @param pointable The Pointable object to check for screen intersection.
* @param normalize If true, return normalized coordinates representing
* the intersection point as a percentage of the screen's width and height.
Expand All @@ -1375,10 +1375,127 @@ class Screen : public Interface {
* the closest point on the clamping border before the vector is returned.
* @returns A Vector containing the coordinates of the intersection between
* this Screen and a ray projecting from the specified Pointable object.
* this screen and a ray projecting from the specified Pointable object.
LEAP_EXPORT Vector intersect(const Pointable& pointable, bool normalize, float clampRatio = 1.0f) const;

* Returns the intersection between this screen and a ray projecting from
* the specified position along the specified direction.
* Set the normalize parameter to true to request the intersection point in
* normalized screen coordinates. Normalized screen coordinates are usually
* values between 0 and 1, where 0 represents the screen's origin at the
* bottom-left corner and 1 represents the opposite edge (either top or
* right). When you request normalized coordinates, the z-component of the
* returned vector is zero. Multiply a normalized coordinate by the values
* returned by Screen::widthPixels() or Screen::heightPixels() to calculate
* the screen position in pixels (remembering that many other computer
* graphics coordinate systems place the origin in the top-left corner).
* Set the normalize parameter to false to request the intersection point
* in Leap coordinates (millimeters from the Leap origin).
* If the specified ray points outside the screen's border (but still
* intersects the plane in which the screen lies), the returned intersection
* point is clamped to the nearest point on the edge of the screen.
* You can use the clampRatio parameter to contract or expand the area in
* which you can point. For example, if you set the clampRatio parameter to
* 0.5, then the positions reported for intersection points outside the
* central 50% of the screen are moved to the border of this smaller area.
* If, on the other hand, you expanded the area by setting clampRatio to
* a value such as 3.0, then you could point well outside screen's physical
* boundary before the intersection points would be clamped. The positions
* for any points clamped would also be placed on this larger outer border.
* The positions reported for any intersection points inside the clamping
* border are unaffected by clamping.
* If the specified ray does not point toward the plane of the screen
* (i.e. it is pointing parallel to or away from the screen), then the
* components of the returned vector are all set to NaN (not-a-number).
* @param position The position from which to check for screen intersection.
* @param direction The direction in which to check for screen intersection.
* @param normalize If true, return normalized coordinates representing
* the intersection point as a percentage of the screen's width and height.
* If false, return Leap coordinates (millimeters from the Leap origin,
* which is located at the center of the top surface of the Leap device).
* If true and the clampRatio parameter is set to 1.0, coordinates will be
* of the form (0..1, 0..1, 0). Setting the clampRatio to a different value
* changes the range for normalized coordinates. For example, a clampRatio
* of 5.0 changes the range of values to be of the form (-2..3, -2..3, 0).
* @param clampRatio Adjusts the clamping border around this screen.
* By default this ratio is 1.0, and the border corresponds to the actual
* boundaries of the screen. Setting clampRatio to 0.5 would reduce the
* interaction area. Likewise, setting the ratio to 2.0 would increase the
* interaction area, adding 50% around each edge of the physical monitor.
* Intersection points outside the interaction area are repositioned to
* the closest point on the clamping border before the vector is returned.
* @returns A Vector containing the coordinates of the intersection between
* this screen and a ray projecting from the specified position in the
* specified direction.
LEAP_EXPORT Vector intersect(const Vector& position, const Vector& direction, bool normalize, float clampRatio = 1.0f) const;

* Returns the projection from the specified position onto this screen.
* Set the normalize parameter to true to request the projection point in
* normalized screen coordinates. Normalized screen coordinates are usually
* values between 0 and 1, where 0 represents the screen's origin at the
* bottom-left corner and 1 represents the opposite edge (either top or
* right). When you request normalized coordinates, the z-component of the
* returned vector is zero. Multiply a normalized coordinate by the values
* returned by Screen::widthPixels() or Screen::heightPixels() to calculate
* the screen position in pixels (remembering that many other computer
* graphics coordinate systems place the origin in the top-left corner).
* Set the normalize parameter to false to request the projection point
* in Leap coordinates (millimeters from the Leap origin).
* If the specified point projects outside the screen's border, the returned
* projection point is clamped to the nearest point on the edge of the screen.
* You can use the clampRatio parameter to contract or expand the area in
* which you can point. For example, if you set the clampRatio parameter to
* 0.5, then the positions reported for projection points outside the
* central 50% of the screen are moved to the border of this smaller area.
* If, on the other hand, you expanded the area by setting clampRatio to
* a value such as 3.0, then you could point well outside screen's physical
* boundary before the projection points would be clamped. The positions
* for any points clamped would also be placed on this larger outer border.
* The positions reported for any projection points inside the clamping
* border are unaffected by clamping.
* @param position The position from which to project onto this screen.
* @param normalize If true, return normalized coordinates representing
* the projection point as a percentage of the screen's width and height.
* If false, return Leap coordinates (millimeters from the Leap origin,
* which is located at the center of the top surface of the Leap device).
* If true and the clampRatio parameter is set to 1.0, coordinates will be
* of the form (0..1, 0..1, 0). Setting the clampRatio to a different value
* changes the range for normalized coordinates. For example, a clampRatio
* of 5.0 changes the range of values to be of the form (-2..3, -2..3, 0).
* @param clampRatio Adjusts the clamping border around this screen.
* By default this ratio is 1.0, and the border corresponds to the actual
* boundaries of the screen. Setting clampRatio to 0.5 would reduce the
* interaction area. Likewise, setting the ratio to 2.0 would increase the
* interaction area, adding 50% around each edge of the physical monitor.
* Projection points outside the interaction area are repositioned to
* the closest point on the clamping border before the vector is returned.
* @returns A Vector containing the coordinates of the projection between
* this screen and a ray projecting from the specified position onto the
* screen along its normal vector.
LEAP_EXPORT Vector project(const Vector& position, bool normalize, float clampRatio = 1.0f) const;

* A Vector representing the horizontal axis of this Screen within the
* Leap coordinate system.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1476,7 +1593,7 @@ class Screen : public Interface {
* Returns an invalid Screen object.
* You can use the instance returned by this function in comparisons testing
* whether a given Hand instance is valid or invalid. (You can also use the
* whether a given Screen instance is valid or invalid. (You can also use the
* Screen::isValid() function.)
* @returns The invalid Screen instance.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1843,8 +1960,7 @@ class ScreenList : public Interface {
* and returns the Screen with the closest intersection.
* If no intersections are found (i.e. the ray is directed parallel to or
* away from all known screens), then an invalid Screen object is
* returned.
* away from all known screens), then an invalid Screen object is returned.
* *Note:* Be sure to test whether the Screen object returned by this method
* is valid. Attempting to use an invalid Screen object will lead to
Expand All @@ -1856,6 +1972,44 @@ class ScreenList : public Interface {
* any known screen, an invalid Screen object.
LEAP_EXPORT Screen closestScreenHit(const Pointable& pointable) const;

* Gets the closest Screen intercepting a ray projecting from the specified
* position in the specified direction.
* The projected ray emanates from the position along the direction vector.
* If the projected ray does not intersect any screen surface directly,
* then the Leap checks for intersection with the planes extending from the
* surfaces of the known screens and returns the Screen with the closest
* intersection.
* If no intersections are found (i.e. the ray is directed parallel to or
* away from all known screens), then an invalid Screen object is returned.
* *Note:* Be sure to test whether the Screen object returned by this method
* is valid. Attempting to use an invalid Screen object will lead to
* incorrect results.
* @param position The position from which to check for screen intersection.
* @param direction The direction in which to check for screen intersection.
* @returns The closest Screen toward which the specified ray is pointing,
* or, if the ray is not pointing in the direction of any known screen,
* an invalid Screen object.
LEAP_EXPORT Screen closestScreenHit(const Vector& position, const Vector& direction) const;

* Gets the Screen closest to the specified position.
* The specified position is projected along each screen's normal vector
* onto the screen's plane. The screen whose projected point is closest to
* the specified position is returned. Call Screen::intersect(position)
* on the returned Screen object to find the projected point.
* @param position The position from which to check for screen projection.
* @returns The closest Screen onto which the specified position is projected.
LEAP_EXPORT Screen closestScreen(const Vector& position) const;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2393,7 +2547,7 @@ class Controller : public Interface {
* You can either handle the onConnect event using a Listener instance or
* poll the isConnected() function if you need to wait for your
* application to be connected to the Leap before performing some other
* gesture.
* operation.
* @returns True, if connected; false otherwise.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2562,6 +2716,10 @@ class Listener {
* std::cout << "Disconnected" << std::endl;
* }
* Note: When you launch a Leap-enabled application in a debugger, the
* Leap library does not disconnect from the application. This is to allow
* you to step through code without losing the connection because of time outs.
* @param controller The Controller object invoking this callback function.
LEAP_EXPORT virtual void onDisconnect(const Controller&) {}
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ofxLeapMotion/libs/include/LeapMath.h
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ static const float DEG_TO_RAD = 0.0174532925f;
static const float RAD_TO_DEG = 57.295779513f;

* The Vector struct represents a three-component mathematical vector or point
* such as a direction or position in three-dimensional space.
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Binary file added src/ofxLeapMotion/libs/lib/.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added src/ofxLeapMotion/libs/lib/osx/.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified src/ofxLeapMotion/libs/lib/osx/libLeap.dylib
Binary file not shown.
Binary file removed src/ofxLeapMotion/libs/lib/vs2010/Leap.dll
Binary file not shown.
Binary file removed src/ofxLeapMotion/libs/lib/vs2010/Leap.lib
Binary file not shown.
Binary file removed src/ofxLeapMotion/libs/lib/vs2010/Leapd.dll
Binary file not shown.
Binary file removed src/ofxLeapMotion/libs/lib/vs2010/Leapd.lib
Binary file not shown.
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/ofxLeapMotion/src/ofxLeapMotion.h
Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,9 @@ class ofxLeapMotion : public Listener{

//note we don't delete the controller as it causes a crash / mutex exception.
/// close(); /// JRW - we do not need this
/// close(); /// JRW - we do not need this...
/// JRW - seems fine in this demo but, when I add
/// JRW - threaded objects the Leap controller crashes on exit.

void close(){
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -235,6 +237,11 @@ class ofxLeapMotion : public Listener{
virtual void onDisconnect(const Controller& contr){
ofLogWarning("ofxLeapMotionApp - onDisconnect");

virtual void onExit(const Controller& contr){
ofLogWarning("ofxLeapMotionApp - onExit");

//if you want to use the Leap Controller directly - inhereit ofxLeapMotion and implement this function
//note: this function is called in a seperate thread - so GL commands here will cause the app to crash.
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