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This project create docker images for Oracle Java ME.

As a subset of Java SE for embedded, it is probably the smallest JVM ever made by Oracle.

Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links


What are these?

tl;dr : Busybox + libc 64bit + libc 32 bits + Embedded JRE = Small Java Container

All image are based on Busybox with 32 bits (and 64 bits) libs (see docker-busybox-jvm and docker-busybox-lib32 ).

The overhead on top of a JRE is around 8 MB.

Size matters

The biggest advantage of this image is its size : only 21 MB !!!

It's 24 times smaller than the official java image (not really fair cause it's a full 64 bits JVM and based on a full Debian) !

Here is a list of some java image.

REPOSITORY                  TAG          IMAGE ID        CREATED         VIRTUAL SIZE
ofayau/j2me                 latest       f56c31b1cc20    26 hours ago    21.73 MB
frolvlad/alpine-oraclejdk8  latest       8e87306ea37d    7 weeks ago     170.4 MB
jeanblanchard/busybox-java  8            f9b532dbdd9f    3 months ago    162 MB
java                        8-jre        b0f21df5333b    5 months ago    478.7 MB


  • rather old truncated JRE : based on a J2SE 1.4, it doesn't contain every java package.

  • 32 bits only : you can't run 64 bits code.

  • the command is cvm, not java.

  • JRE, not JDK : hence there is no compiler (javac) included, only runtime executor (cvm). You have to compile somewhere else (i.e. a standard jdk).


Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

The Java softwares (including JDK or JRE) belong to Oracle and this redistribution is not for commercial use.

The ojec1.1.1 directory is the unzipped version of available (with login) on Oracle

Installation & Usage

Download or update image :

docker pull ofayau/j2me

Showing java version (default command) :

docker run --rm -it ofayau/j2me
Product version "Oracle Java Micro Edition Embedded Client 1.1.1"
*Java(TM) ME CDC 1.1.2 Runtime Environment (build 1.1.1-b02)*
Components: CDC JSR218, FP JSR219, JAAS JSR219, JCE JSR219, JSSE JSR219, RMI JSR66, JDBC JSR169, XML JSR280
JVM:        CVM (mixed mode)

Simple runs

# Run a fat jar from current dir with full JRE
docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/tmp/myapp -w /tmp/myapp ofayau/j2me cvm -jar myFatJar.jar

Compile and run for j2me

# Compile with jdk (outside container)
javac -target 1.4
# Run a "HelloWorld" class from current dir
docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/tmp/myapp -w /tmp/myapp ofayau/j2me cvm HelloWorld.class


Docker Image for Java Mobile Edition (j2me)






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