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Algorithms using Java built with ❤️ using Maven

This repository is contribution friendly. If you'd like to add or improve an algorithm, your contribution is welcome!

Please go through this comprehensive guide to setup the repository in your local enviornment using this guide

If you're an algorithms enthusiast and want to add or improve an algorithm your contribution is welcome! Please be sure to include tests

➜  algorithms git:(master) ./mvnw verify

Adding a new algorithm

The procedure to add a new algorithm or snippet of code is:

  1. If there doesn't already exist an issue, then file a new issue explaining the algorithm/change you want to do.
  2. Make sure the algorithm doesn't already exist! We don't want duplicate algorithms.
  3. Identify the category folder your algorithm belongs to. For example, a sorting snippet would belong to the src/main/java/xyz/subho/algorithms/sort folder. You may also create a new category folder if appropriate.
  4. Add the algorithm implementation to: src/main/java/xyz/subho/algorithms/category/
  5. Add tests for FooAlgorithm in: src/test/java/xyz/subho/algorithms/category/
  6. Test your algorithm thoroughly.
  7. Run ./mvnw spotless:apply to format all Java code according to Google Style Guide.
  8. Send pull request for review.

Running an algorithm implementation

To compile and run any of the algorithms here, you need at least JDK version 11. Maven can make things more convenient for you, but it is not required.

Running with Maven (recommended)

This project supports the Maven Wrapper. The Maven wrapper automatically downloads dependecies at the first time it runs, so expect a delay when running the first command below.

If you are on Windows, use mvnw instead of ./mvnw below.

Run a single algorithm like this:

./mvnw compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="<algorithm-subpackage>.<algorithm-class>"

For instance:

./mvnw compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="xyz.subho.algorithms.sort.QuickSort"

Compiling and running with only a JDK

Create a classes folder

cd algorithms
mkdir classes

Compile the algorithm

javac -sourcepath src/main/java -d classes src/main/java/ <relative-path-to-java-source-file>

Run the algorithm

java -cp classes <class-fully-qualified-name>

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Subhrodip Mohanta

📆 🚧

Souptik Hari




This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


Algorithms using Java built with Maven for testing using Junit




Code of conduct




Contributors 4

