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[demo] Got Shed Skin to generate C++ code, but it doesn't compile.
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We probably need to put everything in the same Python module.

One problem is that we use class attributes to simulate namespaces in
ASDL, which I think confuses the Shed Skin compiler.
  • Loading branch information
Andy Chu committed Jan 3, 2019
1 parent e20b69f commit 8786934
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Showing 6 changed files with 1,012 additions and 0 deletions.
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions demo/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
# Usage:
# ./ <function name>

set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
set -o errexit

# Problems
# - loading pickle for metadata. It has to dynamically look up classes.
# - it won't compile the pickle module due to its use of marshal!
# - TODO: we don't need metadata at all?

# Fixed
# - import posix removed in
# - _CheckType uses AttributeError: Shed Skin doesn't like it

# Unfortunately the ShedSkin compiler crashes after 17 seconds with this error!
# ts = typestrnew(gx, types, cplusplus, node, check_extmod, depth, check_ret, var, tuple_check, mv=mv)
# File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/shedskin/", line 193, in typestrnew
# elif not node or infer.inode(gx, node).mv.module.builtin:
# AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'module'
# real 0m17.210s
# user 0m17.083s
# sys 0m0.084s

# 0.9.4 was released in 2015. Supposedly fixed in git!

install-latest() {
# NOTE: I manually transcribed what I did. Could use virtualenv?
pushd ~/git/languages/shedskin
python build
sudo python install

make-tree() {
local out=_tmp/shedskin
mkdir -p $out
#cp -v asdl/{,} _devbuild/gen/ $out

# dependencies of generated code
# unpickle probably won't work
cp -v asdl/{,} $out

run-python() {
pushd demo/shedskin
./ '1+2'

# With latest, this generates C++ code, but it doesn't compile.
# TODO: Try something based on that is a single module? There are too
# many modules here.

compile() {
pushd demo/shedskin
time shedskin arith_parse

count-output() {
wc -l demo/shedskin/*.{cpp,hpp} Makefile

249 changes: 249 additions & 0 deletions demo/shedskin/
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Parse shell-like and C-like arithmetic.
from __future__ import print_function

import sys

import tdop
from tdop import CompositeNode

import demo_asdl

arith_expr = demo_asdl.arith_expr
op_id_e = demo_asdl.op_id_e

# Null Denotation -- token that takes nothing on the left

def NullConstant(p, token, bp):
if token.type == 'number':
return arith_expr.Const(token.val)
# We have to wrap a string in some kind of variant.
if token.type == 'name':
return arith_expr.ArithVar(token.val)

raise AssertionError(token.type)

def NullParen(p, token, bp):
""" Arithmetic grouping """
r = p.ParseUntil(bp)
return r

def NullPrefixOp(p, token, bp):
"""Prefix operator.
Low precedence: return, raise, etc.
return x+y is return (x+y), not (return x) + y
High precedence: logical negation, bitwise complement, etc.
!x && y is (!x) && y, not !(x && y)
r = p.ParseUntil(bp)
return CompositeNode(token, [r])

def NullIncDec(p, token, bp):
""" ++x or ++x[1] """
right = p.ParseUntil(bp)
if right.token.type not in ('name', 'get'):
raise tdop.ParseError("Can't assign to %r (%s)" % (right, right.token))
return CompositeNode(token, [right])

# Left Denotation -- token that takes an expression on the left

def LeftIncDec(p, token, left, rbp):
""" For i++ and i--
if left.token.type not in ('name', 'get'):
raise tdop.ParseError("Can't assign to %r (%s)" % (left, left.token))
token.type = 'post' + token.type
return CompositeNode(token, [left])

def LeftIndex(p, token, left, unused_bp):
""" index f[x+1] """
# f[x] or f[x][y]
if not isinstance(left, demo_asdl.ArithVar):
raise tdop.ParseError("%s can't be indexed" % left)
index = p.ParseUntil(0)
if p.AtToken(':'):
end = p.ParseUntil(0)
end = None


# TODO: If you see ], then
# 1:4
# 1:4:2
# Both end and step are optional

if end:
return demo_asdl.Slice(left, index, end, None)
return demo_asdl.Index(left, index)

def LeftTernary(p, token, left, bp):
""" e.g. a > 1 ? x : y """
true_expr = p.ParseUntil(bp)
false_expr = p.ParseUntil(bp)
children = [left, true_expr, false_expr]
return CompositeNode(token, children)

def LeftBinaryOp(p, token, left, rbp):
""" Normal binary operator like 1+2 or 2*3, etc. """
if token.val == '+':
op_id_ = op_id_e.Plus
elif token.val == '-':
op_id_ = op_id_e.Minus
elif token.val == '*':
op_id_ = op_id_e.Star
raise AssertionError(token.val)
return arith_expr.ArithBinary(op_id_, left, p.ParseUntil(rbp))

def LeftAssign(p, token, left, rbp):
""" Normal binary operator like 1+2 or 2*3, etc. """
# x += 1, or a[i] += 1
if left.token.type not in ('name', 'get'):
raise tdop.ParseError("Can't assign to %r (%s)" % (left, left.token))
return CompositeNode(token, [left, p.ParseUntil(rbp)])

def LeftComma(p, token, left, rbp):
""" foo, bar, baz
Could be sequencing operator, or tuple without parens
r = p.ParseUntil(rbp)
if left.token.type == ',': # Keep adding more children
return left
children = [left, r]
return CompositeNode(token, children)

# For overloading of , inside function calls

def LeftFuncCall(p, token, left, unused_bp):
""" Function call f(a, b). """
args = []
# f(x) or f[i](x)
if not isinstance(left, demo_asdl.ArithVar):
raise tdop.ParseError("%s can't be called" % left)
func_name = # get a string

while not p.AtToken(')'):
# We don't want to grab the comma, e.g. it is NOT a sequence operator. So
# set the precedence to 5.
if p.AtToken(','):
return demo_asdl.FuncCall(func_name, args)

def MakeShellParserSpec():
Create a parser.
Compare the code below with this table of C operator precedence:
spec = tdop.ParserSpec()

spec.Left(31, LeftIncDec, ['++', '--'])
spec.Left(31, LeftFuncCall, ['('])
spec.Left(31, LeftIndex, ['['])

# 29 -- binds to everything except function call, indexing, postfix ops
spec.Null(29, NullIncDec, ['++', '--'])
spec.Null(29, NullPrefixOp, ['+', '!', '~', '-'])

# Right associative: 2 ** 3 ** 2 == 2 ** (3 ** 2)
spec.LeftRightAssoc(27, LeftBinaryOp, ['**'])
spec.Left(25, LeftBinaryOp, ['*', '/', '%'])

spec.Left(23, LeftBinaryOp, ['+', '-'])
spec.Left(21, LeftBinaryOp, ['<<', '>>'])
spec.Left(19, LeftBinaryOp, ['<', '>', '<=', '>='])
spec.Left(17, LeftBinaryOp, ['!=', '=='])

spec.Left(15, LeftBinaryOp, ['&'])
spec.Left(13, LeftBinaryOp, ['^'])
spec.Left(11, LeftBinaryOp, ['|'])
spec.Left(9, LeftBinaryOp, ['&&'])
spec.Left(7, LeftBinaryOp, ['||'])

spec.LeftRightAssoc(5, LeftTernary, ['?'])

# Right associative: a = b = 2 is a = (b = 2)
spec.LeftRightAssoc(3, LeftAssign, [
'+=', '-=', '*=', '/=', '%=',
'<<=', '>>=', '&=', '^=', '|='])

spec.Left(COMMA_PREC, LeftComma, [','])

# 0 precedence -- doesn't bind until )
spec.Null(0, NullParen, ['(']) # for grouping

# -1 precedence -- never used
spec.Null(-1, NullConstant, ['name', 'number'])
spec.Null(-1, tdop.NullError, [')', ']', ':', 'eof'])

return spec

def MakeParser(s):
"""Used by tests."""
spec = MakeShellParserSpec()
lexer = tdop.Tokenize(s)
p = tdop.Parser(spec, lexer)
return p

def ParseShell(s, expected=None):
"""Used by tests."""
p = MakeParser(s)
tree = p.Parse()

sexpr = repr(tree)
if expected is not None:
assert sexpr == expected, '%r != %r' % (sexpr, expected)

#print('%-40s %s' % (s, sexpr))
return tree

def main(argv):
s = argv[1]
except IndexError:
print('Usage: ./ EXPRESSION')
tree = ParseShell(s)
except tdop.ParseError as e:
print('Error parsing %r: %s' % (s, e), file=sys.stderr)

if __name__ == '__main__':
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions demo/shedskin/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

DEFAULT_INT_WIDTH = 3 # 24 bits

# 2^24 - 1 is used as an invalid/uninitialized value for ASDL integers.

# Why? We have a few use cases for invalid/sentinel values:
# - span_id, line_id. Sometimes we don't have a span ID.
# - file descriptor: 'read x < f.txt' vs 'read x 0< f.txt'
# Other options for representation:
# 1. ADSL could use signed integers, then -1 is valid.
# 2. Use a type like fd = None | Some(int fd)
# I don't like #1 because ASDL is lazily-decoded, and then we have to do sign
# extension on demand. (24 bits to 32 or 64). As far as I can tell, sign
# extension requires a branch, at least in portable C (on the sign bit).
# Thes second option is semantically cleaner. But it needlessly
# inflates the size of both the source code and the data. Instead of having a
# single "inline" integer, we would need a reference to another value.
# We could also try to do some fancy thing like fd = None |
# Range<1..max_fd>(fd), with smart encoding. But that is overkill for these
# use cases.
# Using InvalidInt instead of -1 seems like a good compromise.


# NOTE: In Python: 1 << (n * 8) - 1 is wrong! I thought that bit shift would
# have higher precedence.

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