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Releases: okdana/twigc

twigc version 0.4.0

22 Apr 17:56
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twigc 0.4.0 includes updated dependencies which allow it to work properly with PHP 7.4. (Sorry for the delay!) PHP 7.0 is no longer supported. Otherwise, there are no significant changes.

twigc version 0.3.1

28 Nov 23:55
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twigc 0.3.1 is a minor update. The only changes are dependency updates, and the addition of a zsh completion function to the source archive.

twigc version 0.3.0

02 Jun 07:23
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twigc 0.3 is a major restructuring of the application. Most of the work is internal, but here are some changes you'll notice:

  • Replace Symfony Console app/command/input components. I felt compelled to do this due to several limitations and bugs inherent in Console's design. This changes the way error messages are presented, the way the usage help looks, &c. — but hopefully it shouldn't affect too much in terms of actual behaviour.

  • Allow multiple simultaneous input sources. It's now possible to give input via both JSON and key=value pairs, for example. You can specify them in any combination you like, though there is a particular order used to resolve same-name conflicts (see README).

  • Add -E/--env to inherit input data from the environment. This allows you to use environment variables in your templates — though you'll have to configure PHP correctly to support this. Thanks to @peets for this feature!

  • Add json auto-escape strategy. This uses json_encode() to quote/escape rendered variables. Thanks again to @peets for this!

  • Add sh auto-escape strategy. This double-quotes and escapes rendered variables so that they can be used in shell scripts and 'dotenv' config files.

  • Update Twig. Of course, the most important thing for twigc is that it renders Twig templates properly. You should now have access to all of the latest features and bug fixes in that regard.

  • Update minimum PHP version. twigc now requires PHP 7.0 or higher.

  • Expand documentation. This is just the README for now. Some day i'll try to add an actual man page.

Please let me know if you find any bugs!

twigc version 0.2.0

01 Aug 00:13
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  • autoescape value is now detected automatically based on file extension (false by default)
  • Improved recognition of boolean-ish autoescape values
  • Improved auto-loader resolution

twigc version 0.1.1

24 Jul 21:26
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  • Added --cache option
  • Fixed compiler issue which caused several Twig classes to be missing from the phar

twigc version 0.1.0

24 Jul 21:05
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  • Initial release