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Olanto Foundation edited this page Jun 14, 2018 · 2 revisions

Examine the result file from training and test experiment

 fileName	alpha1	alpha3	alpha4	alpha7
 path	C:/MYCLASS_MODEL/experiment/first/	C:/MYCLASS_MODEL/experiment/first/	C:/MYCLASS_MODEL/experiment/first/	C:/MYCLASS_MODEL/experiment/first/
 number of cpu	2	2	2	2
 in memory	true	true	true	true
 level of classification	1	3	4	7
 start with				
 K	5	5	5	5
 initial value	1000	1000	1000	1000
 coef train	1.04	1.04	1.04	1.04
 minocc	2	2	2	2
 maxocc	400000	400000	400000	400000
 delta min	300	300	300	300
 delta max	300	300	300	300
 verbose	false	false	false	false
 test from training cat	true	true	true	true
 training part	80	80	80	80
 number of prédiction	3	3	3	3
 maintest	true	true	true	true
 	false	false	false	false
 	false	false	false	false
 multitest	true	true	true	true
 	false	false	false	false
 	false	false	false	false
 avg BOW	36	36	36	36
 min BOW	3	3	3	3
 max BOW	158	158	158	158
 number of Features	77045	77045	77045	77045
 number of Classes	8	114	451	1847
 training part	60199	60199	60199	60199
 test until	75251	75251	75251	75251
 number of used  Features 	77045	77045	77045	77045
 time for training in seconds	0	2	8	28
 main test sum 3	95.46	84.69	74.39	57.98
 main error	4.53	15.3	25.6	42.01
 main first prediction	74.299	62.538208	51.22259	36.78577
 main second prediction	16.724253	16.418604	16.292358	13.784075
 main third prediction	4.438538	5.740864	6.8770766	7.4156785
 reserve	-1	-1	-1	-1
 reserve	-1	-1	-1	-1
 reserve	-1	-1	-1	-1
 reserve	-1	-1	-1	-1
 multi test top3 3	96.99	89.02	81.17	68.04
 multi  error	3	10.97	18.82	31.95
 multi  first prediction	81.049835	71.40199	61.647842	48.667797
 multi  in second prediction	12.644518	12.963454	13.920266	12.960111
 multi  third prediction	3.2956812	4.664452	5.6079736	6.4146004
 reserve	-1	-1	-1	-1
 reserve	-1	-1	-1	-1
 reserve	-1	-1	-1	-1
 reserve	-1	-1	-1	-1
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