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oldlaptop edited this page Oct 4, 2018 · 5 revisions

You must first record the uqm-crossbuilder ISO to a blank CD or or set up a Virtual Machine.

Windows XP/Vista

  1. Download the uqm-crossbuilder ISO image from the Downloads page.
  2. Download and install ISO Recorder:
  3. Record the ISO image to a blank CD. The ISO Recorder website has a good tutorial for this:

Windows 7

  1. Download the uqm-crossbuilder ISO image from the Downloads page.
  2. Use Windows 7's built in ISO recording ability to record the image to a blank CD. Microsoft gives instructions on this here:


  1. Download the uqm-crossbuilder ISO image from the Downloads page.
  2. Install wodim through your distribution's package manager.
  3. Now you can burn the image from commandline: `wodim []

Now you can reboot your computer with the CD in your drive. Hopefully you boot from the CD and get a nice boot menu, from which you can choose either 'Live 486' or 'Live 486 (failsafe)'. It is recommended to choose 'Live 486' unless this option causes serious problems.

If your computer does not boot from the CD, you probably need to alter your BIOS settings. A good tutorial for this is available here:

Once you have booted from the CD, you should get a login prompt:

Debian GNU/Linux 9 uqm-crossbuilder tty1

uqm-crossbuilder login:

You should log in now; by default, the username is 'fwiffo', and the password is 'live'. Once you do, you should get a Linux command prompt:


Your home directory contains these files (you can see them with the ls command):  uqm-0.7.0-source.tgz  uqm-win-alterations.patch

As you can see, we provide you with a copy of the UQM source code right out of the box. All you have to do is compile it!

First, extract the UQM source code with the tar command. You want to do something like this:

tar -zxvf uqm-0.7.0-source.tgz

Now, you need to copy into the UQM source directory you just unpacked. This special script tells UQM all about the cross compiler. The command you run will look something like this:

cp uqm-0.7.0/

Now, enter the UQM source directory:

cd uqm-0.7.0

You are now ready to build UQM! Try this command to start:

sh uqm

Once it's all finished, you will need to copy the .exe file you just made to a USB disk, or your computer's hard drive. A good tutorial on how to mount a USB drive, ready to copy files, is available here:

You will now be able to try and run your executable. If it does not work the first time, follow the instructions about DLLs.

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