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Olli Tapaninen edited this page Nov 25, 2015 · 3 revisions

User guide


There are a number of example scripts on the Tests-folder of the repository.

Combines three different API Apps together for local demonstration. The example covers connecting a ray tracer app to thermal app and scattering app with micro model. The ray tracer uses Monte Carlo to trace rays through LED module. The scattering in the phosphor particles in the LED is modeled by Mie-theory. The parameters (probability of scattering angles and scattering cross sections) for the tracer are provided by the MMP-Mie App. The tracer then produces an absorption distribution in the LED for the phosphor which is then transferred to a thermal model of the LED. (Currently only a dummy app for the thermal model is available)

The example script will first initialize the apps and connect the two relevant functions (mie parameters by FuncID_ScatteringCrossSections and FuncID_ScatteringInvCumulDist). The ComsolDummy app provides a Field object with some arbitrary cone shaped mesh. The Mie and Tracer apps then perform the tracing via solveStep()-functions. Resulting absorption Field is then saved to VTK-format.

NOTE: You will need to get the ComsolDummy app and an example output of the tracer (tracer binary) from the developers separately.


This is a networked test for single instances of raytracer-api and mie-api. Network test The MieServer and TracerServer must be started using the runMieServerSingle and runTracerServerSingle processes using the configuration files in the example folder.

On the client machine the example test script can be then run.

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