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Using Microsoft Graph Explorer

Microsoft Graph Explorer is a valuable tool for testing and interacting with the Microsoft Graph API, which is used to retrieve data from Microsoft Teams. Here's how you can use it for a successful integration:

  1. Visit the Microsoft Graph Explorer website.
  2. Sign in with your Microsoft 365 or Azure AD credentials.
  3. Under "Select an operation," choose the appropriate API endpoint for Microsoft Teams, such as "List messages in chat" or "Search for messages."
  4. Authorize the application to access your Microsoft Teams data.
  5. Set any required parameters, such as the chat ID or search query.
  6. Click the "Run Query" button to make a test request to the Microsoft Teams API.
  7. Review the response to ensure that it returns the expected data.

Microsoft Teams Integration for Message Retrieval

This integration allows you to retrieve chat messages from Microsoft Teams and search for technical keywords within those messages.


  1. Clone the GitHub repository where the integration code is hosted.
  2. Configure your Microsoft Teams API credentials by creating an Azure AD App and generating a client ID and client secret.
  3. Update the configuration file with your credentials.
  4. Deploy the integration code to a web server or a cloud platform of your choice.
  5. Access the integration through the provided URL.
  6. Use the integration to:
    • Retrieve all messages from a specific chat.
    • Search for technical keywords within the chat messages by providing a question.
    • Filter the results to find relevant technical information.

Integration Code

The integration code and detailed setup instructions can be found in the GitHub repository:

GitHub Repository

Example Usage

Here's an example of how you can use this integration:

    // Retrieve all messages from a chat
    GET /api/retrieve-messages?chatId=123456
    // Search for technical keywords
    POST /api/search-messages
    Request Body: { "question": "How to configure SSL certificate" }

Important Notes

Please note the following:

  • Ensure that your Azure AD App has the necessary permissions to access Microsoft Teams.
  • Securely store your credentials and configuration files.
  • Regularly update the integration code and libraries to maintain security and functionality.

If you encounter any issues or have questions, refer to the GitHub repository for support and documentation.

Happy integrating!