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Project Title TheBasher

Team Members Orie Mickelsen Tyson Romero Michael Olson Braden Flory

Project Description A simple free speech application with the ability to pull a random news article and have a safe open debate platform. There won't be anything holding people back from what they want to say.

Motivation More and more content creators are being censored on social media platforms because of their political views rather than content. This is jeopardizing what we think of as 'Free Speech', and wanted an app that everyone can feel free expressing their true opinion.

Results We were able to create a functioning chat app that stores users information and comments to a database. We couldn't implement all of the feature ideas we had in mind, but, it looks simple and functions properly.

Team Efforts Each class we would delegate who would work on what features for the next few days, and be sure to stay in touch with each other on progress via our workspace we created in SLACK. We had a team meeeting everynight via SLACK for everyone to give updates on where they are at with their duties, and if they needed any help. In class, we would all work together on the most critical aspects, to make sure we had a functioning app first and foremost.

Individual Responsibilities Tyson: Display comments from database, and getting them to look the same as newly made comments. Worked on different looks for front end and attempted to add trigger button for certain comments.

Orie: Set up pusher and MVC model. Got app running up on Heroku.  Created starting html page. Helped get comments to show on page and attempted to add trigger button for certain comments.

Braden: Created database and helped get it to store user comments.  Got comments to display a timestamp 

Michael: Got NewsAPI to generate results and getting article to display on page in correct format. Improved front end design 

All: helped store API Keys and to get comments to generate on page


  1. Adding a trigger button that would change the look of certain comments when someone is triggered by a comment/article
  2. Adding emojis to your own and other user's comments
  3. User authentication
  4. Displaying just 1 article per day that is most controversial at that time
  5. Have different 'Bash Rooms' that have different subjects to bash on



No description, website, or topics provided.






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