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React | Typescript | Jest | Cypress - Tree Visualizer

Binary Trees are trees whose nodes can only have up to two children (Hence the name Binary)

  1. Clone this repository to destination folder.

git clone

  1. Install dependencies.

npm install

  1. Run local environment.

npm start

npm start - run development server with hot reload mode,

npm build - build distributon package,

npm run lint - run lints,

npm run lint:code - run lint for typescript / javascript files,

npm run lint:code:fix - run lint for typescript / javascript files with auto fix option,

npm run lint:style - run lint for style files,

npm run lint:style:fix - run lint for style files with auto fix option,

npm run test:jest - run Jest tests,

npm run test:jest:watch - run Jest tests with watch mode,

npm run test:jest:coverage - run Jest tests and generate coverage report,

npm run test:cypress - run Cypress tests in terminal,

npm run test:cypress:open - open Cypress application.

Name Version Docs
Typescript 4.9.5
React 18.2.0
Jest 29.4.1
Cypress 12.7.0
Sass 1.58.3
ESLint 8.35.0
Prettier 2.8.4
Husky 8.0.3

Before You commit or push something on repository, Husky will run code lints and tests.

The configuration files are in the main project folder.