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Rooms API in InNoHassle ecosystem


Getting started

  1. Install Python 3.11+

  2. Install Poetry

  3. Install dependencies

    poetry install
  4. Set up pre-commit hook

    poetry run pre-commit install
  5. Set up settings file.

    cp example.env .env
  6. Create postgres database

    psql -c 'CREATE DATABASE rooms_api_108_test;'
  7. Upgrade database schemas

    poetry run alembic upgrade head


poetry run fastapi dev src/

Via Docker

Check the DB_URL setting in .env file.

docker build . -t innohassle-rooms-api
docker run --rm -ti -d -p 80:80 --env-file .env innohassle-rooms-api


Send requests with X-Token header (generated by src.api.auth.utils.create_jwt({'sub': 'tgbot'})) to verify you are the bot.