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Configuration Repo

This repository contains:

  1. config: my personal customized computer user configuration files (mainly for GNU/Linux and MacOS but also some configs and setup commands for Windows);

  2. setup: executable scripts to apply these configurations for shells, shell apps, the Mac desktop, and Mac GUI apps; and

  3. notes/reference: notes on the repo (in the notes folder), notes on the configs (in the config folder), and a reference for common commands.

The purpose of this repo is mostly for my own convenience, to make my working environment consistent across different machines and to make it very easy to set up a working environment on a new machine. But for anyone who's curious, it's also here to share config ideas and enable you to try out my setup. See the Terminology section below for explanation of terms.

Two Versions

I created two versions of the installation process: the first one that's designed primarily for my own usage on my own computers, and a second one that's designed for remote and unowned machines with a greater emphasis on safety/backup and a little more minimalism. The instructions for the first version are below, and the instructions for the second version can be found here.


WARNING: This code risks deleting (over-writing) important files. It was made for my convenience, not for the safety of your files. (Safety will come later.) Be sure to understand the code before running it, and save copies of important relevant files that will be over-written if you want to go back to your original settings.

New Steps

  1. Ensure that either there is no ~/.gitconfig file yet or that it at least does not refer to non-existent files, to enable successful git-cloneing. Otherwise, you may see errors such as
    fatal: remote-curl: fetch attempted without a local repo
    fatal: --stdin requires a git repository
    fatal: fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output

    • Note: I also see these sorts of errors when the HEAD template file is a link (symlink, symbolic link) rather than a real file, where this file is specified in the .gitconfig by location with
      templateDir = ~/.config/git/template/
  2. In a shell, clone this repo to obtain a local copy the files. Either use https or ssh:

    • https:
      git clone ~/.config-repo
    • ssh:
      git clone ~/.config-repo
      or (using abbreviations you can set up in your .ssh/config file)
      git clone github:oneforawe/config-repo.git ~/.config-repo
    • If cloning fails due to a permission error where the ssh key is not being used, you may need to add the keys to the ssh-agent. For example:
      eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" && ssh-add ~/.ssh/keys/github
    • If cloning fails for, say, the emacs/org-mode submodule with, say, a fatal access error (server certificate verification failed. CAfile: none CRLfile: none), then you may need to use the cert installation solution here (along with the git configs of step 2 below):
  3. Copy the git config file as a dot-file to the home directory, and edit to remove the user info (or put appropriate default user info). This file (~/.gitconfig) is the global gitconfig file. For me, the owner of this repo, I can execute the additional commands below to modify the repo's local config file in ~/.config-repo/.git/config (editing to give my appropriate identity):
    cp ~/.config-repo/config/git/gitconfig ~/.gitconfig (and edit as desired)
    In ~/.config-repo:
    git config "My Name"
    git config
    (Alternatively, I could add a .gitconfig in the top level of the repo and add that file to the local include.path:
    cp ~/.config-repo/config/git/gitconfig ~/.config-repo/.gitconfig (and edit)
    git config --local include.path ../.gitconfig
    For Mac systems, you might have to change the location of the git template, using a more appropriate global location for Mac than your user .config folder, and using a hard copy rather than a link into the config files. For instance:
    cp ~/.config-repo/config/git/template/HEAD /opt/homebrew/share/git-core/templates/HEAD
    And, accordingly, you'll have to alter the ~/.gitconfig file,
    changing templateDir = ~/.config/git/template/
    to templateDir = /opt/homebrew/share/git-core/templates/.
    Without that change, I got an error when attempting to git-clone:
    Cloning into 'repository'...
    fatal: --stdin requires a git repository
    fatal: fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output

  4. If intending on using emacs (with a config file that enables org-mode), prep for org-mode usage (to eliminate start-up errors):
    cd ~/.config-repo/config/emacs/emacs.d/org-mode
    make autoloads

  5. Run this command to over-write existing shell configuration files with links to the config files in this repo and to install the necessary and desired packages:
    bash ~/.config-repo/setup/

  6. See here for installation of oh-my-zsh and plugins.

  7. For Mac systems, you can run the MacOS environment setup script:
    bash ~/.config-repo/setup/

Older Steps

(Previously, submodules were used; now, subtrees are used and no recursion is necessary.)

  1. In a shell, clone this repo to obtain a local copy the files:
    git clone ~/.config-repo

  2. For Mac systems, you can run the MacOS environment setup script:
    bash ~/.config-repo/setup/

  3. Enter the repo and initialize and update (clone) the submodules contained in this repo:
    cd ~/.config-repo
    git submodule init
    git submodule update --recursive

  4. Run this command to over-write existing shell configuration files with links to the config files in this repo and to install the necessary and desired packages:
    bash ~/.config-repo/setup/

  5. You may want to clean up (delete) extraneous config files, and you may have to do some trouble-shooting once everything is set up. For instance, I had to use brew link --overwrite python after setting up on an old Mac system.

  6. Copy the git config file to the home directory, as a dot-file, and edit to fill in the email address.
    cp ~/.config-repo/config/git/gitconfig ~/.gitconfig


Configuration files are often hidden files, by default not shown when viewing the contents of directories so as to not clutter up one's view or confuse regular users who are unaware of their purpose. In Unix-like operating systems, any file or folder starting with a period (a "dot") is treated as a hidden file or hidden folder. These hidden files are sometimes called "dot-files" or "dotfiles" or even ".dotfiles", and so configuration files are often also "dot-files".

Configuration files go by many names: config-files, dot-files, initialization files, init-files, run-commands files, rc-files, and possibly environment files, variable files, and so on. A configuration file for some hypothetical utility util may have a name such as the following: util, util.config, util.conf, util.cfg, .util, .util.conf, .utilrc, etc. An associated config folder might have one of these same names or util.d or .util.d, where the d presumably refers to "directory".