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hydrargyrum edited this page Mar 26, 2024 · 6 revisions


A tag that can be applied to files.

Name Type Primary Key Comment
id integer
name text


A file that has been tagged.

Name Type Primary Key Comment
id integer
directory text
name text
fingerprint text used to detect moved and duplicate files
mod_time datetime used to detect modified files
size integer used to detect modified files
is_dir boolean


A tag value.

Name Type Primary Key Comment
id integer
name text

Since v0.4.0

File Tag

An application of a tag upon a file.

Name Type Primary Key Comment
file_id integer
tag_id integer
value_id integer


Note: this is in the process of being replaced.

Auto-application of a tag when another is applied.

Name Type Primary Key Comment
tag_id integer
value_id integer Since v0.6.0
implied_tag_id integer
implied_value_id integer Since v0.6.0

Since v0.2.0


Queries created within the VFS.

Name Type Primary Key Comment
text text the query text (e.g. 'apple and pear')

Since v0.3.0


Configures TMSU's behaviour.

Name Type Primary Key Comment
name text
value text

Since v0.4.0


This records the TMSU schema version.

When TMSU starts it checks the version stored in this table to see if the schema is up-to-date. There should only ever be a single row in this table.

Name Type Primary Key Comment
major number
minor number
patch number
revision number

Since v0.5.0

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