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Add backward conversions from 18->17 for reduce ops (#5606)
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### Description
backward conversion is needed for reduce ops that have axes attribute
changed to input

### Motivation and Context
version converter


Signed-off-by: Liqun Fu <>
Signed-off-by: liqun Fu <>
Signed-off-by: Justin Chu <>
Co-authored-by: Justin Chu <>
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liqunfu and justinchuby committed Sep 26, 2023
1 parent d14f721 commit b5111b8
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Showing 5 changed files with 201 additions and 98 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion docs/
Expand Up @@ -74,7 +74,10 @@ Once the criteria of proposing new operator/function has been satisfied, you wil
1. The testing examples will be extracted to the doc.
2. We also generate binary data for it.
3. Example: [onnx/backend/test/case/node/](/onnx/backend/test/case/node/
5. Add at least one automatic upgrade test for your operator in [onnx/test/](/onnx/test/ using `_test_op_upgrade`. These tests create a given operator at a given opset version (usually the version the operator was introduced in) and test that the version converter is able to convert them to the highest available version. So for a new operator `_test_op_upgrade` will not test anything, but as soon as the operator gets updated in a future opset the test will automatically become nontrivial.
5. Write upgrade and downgrade tests:
1. Add at least one automatic upgrade test for your operator in [onnx/test/](/onnx/test/ using `_test_op_upgrade`. These tests create a given operator at a given opset version (usually the version the operator was introduced in) and test that the version converter is able to convert them to the highest available version. So for a new operator `_test_op_upgrade` will not test anything, but as soon as the operator gets updated in a future opset the test will automatically become nontrivial.
2. Similarly add at least one automatic downgrade test for your operator in [onnx/test/](/onnx/test/ using `_test_op_downgrade`. Specifying the current version so that once the op is updated at a higher opset version the test will ensure downward conversion is validated.

6. Update the documentation and generate the test data.
1. Running [the script](/tools/ If you have files under `onnx/backend/test/data/node` which cannot be generated by the scripts from `onnx/backend/test/case/node`, please further use `python onnx/backend/test/ generate-data --clean` to cleanup the directory and only preserve needed test data.
to update the doc and generate the test data.
Expand Down
125 changes: 125 additions & 0 deletions onnx/test/version_converter/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
# Copyright (c) ONNX Project Contributors

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import string
import unittest
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union, cast

import onnx
from onnx import TensorProto, ValueInfoProto, helper, shape_inference, version_converter

LATEST_OPSET = onnx.defs.onnx_opset_version()

class TestAutomaticConversion(unittest.TestCase):
def _test_op_conversion(
op: str,
from_opset: int,
input_shapes: Sequence[Union[Sequence[Optional[int]], str]] = ((3, 4, 5),),
output_shapes: Sequence[Sequence[Optional[int]]] = ((3, 4, 5),),
input_types: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None,
output_types: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None,
initializer: Sequence[Any] = (),
attrs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
seq_inputs: Sequence[int] = (),
seq_outputs: Sequence[int] = (),
optional_inputs: Sequence[int] = (),
optional_outputs: Sequence[int] = (),
is_upgrade: bool = True,
) -> None:
op: A string representing the name of the operator to test.
from_opset: An integer representing the lowest opset version to convert.
input_shapes: A sequence of tuples or strings representing the shapes of the input tensors.
The default value is ((3, 4, 5),).
output_shapes: A sequence of tuples representing the shapes of the output tensors.
The default value is ((3, 4, 5),).
input_types: An optional sequence of types representing the data types of the input tensors.
output_types: An optional sequence of types representing the data types of the output tensors.
initializer: A sequence of values representing the initial values of the input tensors.
attrs: An optional dictionary of attributes for the operator.
seq_inputs: A sequence of integers representing the indices of the input tensors that are sequences.
seq_outputs: A sequence of integers representing the indices of the output tensors that are sequences.
optional_inputs: A sequence of integers representing the indices of the input tensors that are optional.
optional_outputs: A sequence of integers representing the indices of the output tensors that are optional.
is_upgrade: A boolean value indicating whether to run the version converter from from_opset to
the most recent opset version (True) or from the most recent opset version to from_opset (False).
The default value is True. In both cases, runs checker and shape inference on the final model.
if attrs is None:
attrs = {}

n_inputs = len(input_shapes)
letters = list(string.ascii_lowercase)[:n_inputs]
input_names = [
letter if shape != "" else ""
for (letter, shape) in zip(letters, input_shapes)
if input_types is None:
input_types = [TensorProto.FLOAT] * n_inputs
is_sequence = [0 if id not in seq_inputs else 1 for id in range(n_inputs)]
is_optional = [0 if id not in optional_inputs else 1 for id in range(n_inputs)]
# turn empty strings into [0] to ease type analysis, even though those entries
# will be ignored
input_shapes_cast = cast(
[[0] if isinstance(shape, str) else shape for shape in input_shapes],
inputs: List[ValueInfoProto] = []
for name, ttype, shape, is_seq, is_opt in zip(
input_names, input_types, input_shapes_cast, is_sequence, is_optional
if name != "":
if is_seq:
inputs += [
helper.make_tensor_sequence_value_info(name, ttype, shape)
elif is_opt:
type_proto = helper.make_tensor_type_proto(ttype, shape)
optional_type_proto = helper.make_optional_type_proto(type_proto)
inputs += [helper.make_value_info(name, optional_type_proto)]
inputs += [helper.make_tensor_value_info(name, ttype, shape)]

n_outputs = len(output_shapes)
output_names = list(string.ascii_lowercase)[n_inputs : n_inputs + n_outputs]
if output_types is None:
output_types = [TensorProto.FLOAT] * n_outputs
is_sequence = [0 if id not in seq_outputs else 1 for id in range(n_outputs)]
is_optional = [
0 if id not in optional_outputs else 1 for id in range(n_outputs)
output_shapes_cast = cast(
[[0] if isinstance(shape, str) else shape for shape in output_shapes],
outputs: List[ValueInfoProto] = []
for name, ttype, shape, is_seq, is_opt in zip(
output_names, output_types, output_shapes_cast, is_sequence, is_optional
if is_seq:
outputs += [helper.make_tensor_sequence_value_info(name, ttype, shape)]
elif is_opt:
type_proto = helper.make_tensor_type_proto(ttype, shape)
optional_type_proto = helper.make_optional_type_proto(type_proto)
outputs += [helper.make_value_info(name, optional_type_proto)]
outputs += [helper.make_tensor_value_info(name, ttype, shape)]

node = helper.make_node(op, input_names, output_names, **attrs)
graph = helper.make_graph([node], op, inputs, outputs, initializer)
start_opset = from_opset if is_upgrade else LATEST_OPSET
end_opset = LATEST_OPSET if is_upgrade else from_opset
original = helper.make_model(
opset_imports=[helper.make_opsetid("", start_opset)],
shape_inference.infer_shapes(original, strict_mode=True)

converted = version_converter.convert_version(original, end_opset)
shape_inference.infer_shapes(converted, strict_mode=True)
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions onnx/test/version_converter/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# Copyright (c) ONNX Project Contributors

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import unittest

import automatic_conversion_test_base
import numpy as np
import parameterized

import onnx
from onnx import helper

# Every test calls _test_op_conversion to downgrade a model from the most recent opset version
# to a early version and runs checker + shape inference on the downgraded model.

class TestAutomaticDowngrade(automatic_conversion_test_base.TestAutomaticConversion):
def _test_op_downgrade(self, op: str, *args, **kwargs):
self._test_op_conversion(op, *args, **kwargs, is_upgrade=False)

def test_reduce_ops(self, op) -> None:
# TODO: need to add test cases for missing axes input which depends on this pr:
axes = helper.make_tensor(
"b", onnx.TensorProto.INT64, dims=[3], vals=np.array([0, 1, 2])
input_shapes=[[3, 4, 5], [3]],
output_shapes=[[1, 1, 1]],
input_types=[onnx.TensorProto.FLOAT, onnx.TensorProto.INT64],

if __name__ == "__main__":
@@ -1,117 +1,27 @@
# Copyright (c) ONNX Project Contributors

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import string
import unittest
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union, cast

import automatic_conversion_test_base
import numpy as np
import pytest

import onnx
from onnx import TensorProto, ValueInfoProto, helper, shape_inference, version_converter
from onnx import TensorProto, helper

# Every test creates a model containing a single operator from the lowest possible
# opset version, upgrades it to the most recent opset version and then runs checker +
# shape inference on the upgraded model.
# Every test calls _test_op_conversion to upgrade a model from an initial opset version
# to the most recent version and runs checker and shape inference on the final upgraded model.

LATEST_OPSET = onnx.defs.onnx_opset_version()
tested_ops = []

class TestAutomaticUpgrade(unittest.TestCase):
def _test_op_upgrade(
op: str,
from_opset: int,
input_shapes: Sequence[Union[Sequence[Optional[int]], str]] = ((3, 4, 5),),
output_shapes: Sequence[Sequence[Optional[int]]] = ((3, 4, 5),),
input_types: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None,
output_types: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None,
initializer: Sequence[Any] = (),
attrs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
seq_inputs: Sequence[int] = (),
seq_outputs: Sequence[int] = (),
optional_inputs: Sequence[int] = (),
optional_outputs: Sequence[int] = (),
) -> None:
if attrs is None:
attrs = {}

class TestAutomaticUpgrade(automatic_conversion_test_base.TestAutomaticConversion):
def _test_op_upgrade(self, op, *args, **kwargs):

n_inputs = len(input_shapes)
letters = list(string.ascii_lowercase)[:n_inputs]
input_names = [
letter if shape != "" else ""
for (letter, shape) in zip(letters, input_shapes)
if input_types is None:
input_types = [TensorProto.FLOAT] * n_inputs
is_sequence = [0 if id not in seq_inputs else 1 for id in range(n_inputs)]
is_optional = [0 if id not in optional_inputs else 1 for id in range(n_inputs)]
# turn empty strings into [0] to ease type analysis, even though those entries
# will be ignored
input_shapes_cast = cast(
[[0] if isinstance(shape, str) else shape for shape in input_shapes],
inputs: List[ValueInfoProto] = []
for name, ttype, shape, is_seq, is_opt in zip(
input_names, input_types, input_shapes_cast, is_sequence, is_optional
if name != "":
if is_seq:
inputs += [
helper.make_tensor_sequence_value_info(name, ttype, shape)
elif is_opt:
type_proto = helper.make_tensor_type_proto(ttype, shape)
optional_type_proto = helper.make_optional_type_proto(type_proto)
inputs += [helper.make_value_info(name, optional_type_proto)]
inputs += [helper.make_tensor_value_info(name, ttype, shape)]

n_outputs = len(output_shapes)
output_names = list(string.ascii_lowercase)[n_inputs : n_inputs + n_outputs]
if output_types is None:
output_types = [TensorProto.FLOAT] * n_outputs
is_sequence = [0 if id not in seq_outputs else 1 for id in range(n_outputs)]
is_optional = [
0 if id not in optional_outputs else 1 for id in range(n_outputs)
output_shapes_cast = cast(
[[0] if isinstance(shape, str) else shape for shape in output_shapes],
outputs: List[ValueInfoProto] = []
for name, ttype, shape, is_seq, is_opt in zip(
output_names, output_types, output_shapes_cast, is_sequence, is_optional
if is_seq:
outputs += [helper.make_tensor_sequence_value_info(name, ttype, shape)]
elif is_opt:
type_proto = helper.make_tensor_type_proto(ttype, shape)
optional_type_proto = helper.make_optional_type_proto(type_proto)
outputs += [helper.make_value_info(name, optional_type_proto)]
outputs += [helper.make_tensor_value_info(name, ttype, shape)]

node = helper.make_node(op, input_names, output_names, **attrs)
graph = helper.make_graph([node], op, inputs, outputs, initializer)
original = helper.make_model(
opset_imports=[helper.make_opsetid("", from_opset)],
shape_inference.infer_shapes(original, strict_mode=True)

converted = version_converter.convert_version(original, LATEST_OPSET)
shape_inference.infer_shapes(converted, strict_mode=True)
self._test_op_conversion(op, *args, **kwargs, is_upgrade=True)

def test_Abs(self) -> None:
self._test_op_upgrade("Abs", 1, attrs={"consumed_inputs": [0]})
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions onnx/version_converter/convert.h
Expand Up @@ -545,6 +545,17 @@ class DefaultVersionConverter : public BaseVersionConverter {
registerAdapter(std::make_unique<AxesAttributeToInput>("ReduceProd", OpSetID(17), OpSetID(18)));
registerAdapter(std::make_unique<AxesAttributeToInput>("ReduceSumSquare", OpSetID(17), OpSetID(18)));

/******** 18 -> 17 ********/
registerAdapter(std::make_unique<AxesInputToAttribute>("ReduceL1", OpSetID(18), OpSetID(17)));
registerAdapter(std::make_unique<AxesInputToAttribute>("ReduceL2", OpSetID(18), OpSetID(17)));
registerAdapter(std::make_unique<AxesInputToAttribute>("ReduceLogSum", OpSetID(18), OpSetID(17)));
registerAdapter(std::make_unique<AxesInputToAttribute>("ReduceLogSumExp", OpSetID(18), OpSetID(17)));
registerAdapter(std::make_unique<AxesInputToAttribute>("ReduceMax", OpSetID(18), OpSetID(17)));
registerAdapter(std::make_unique<AxesInputToAttribute>("ReduceMean", OpSetID(18), OpSetID(17)));
registerAdapter(std::make_unique<AxesInputToAttribute>("ReduceMin", OpSetID(18), OpSetID(17)));
registerAdapter(std::make_unique<AxesInputToAttribute>("ReduceProd", OpSetID(18), OpSetID(17)));
registerAdapter(std::make_unique<AxesInputToAttribute>("ReduceSumSquare", OpSetID(18), OpSetID(17)));

/******** 18 -> 19 ********/
registerAdapter(std::make_unique<CompatibleAdapter>("Equal", OpSetID(18), OpSetID(19)));
registerAdapter(std::make_unique<CompatibleAdapter>("AveragePool", OpSetID(18), OpSetID(19)));
Expand Down

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