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OOCRAN Project edited this page Aug 14, 2017 · 3 revisions


OOCRAN allows to trigger alerts that apply changes on the network. This alerts can be launched for example by Grafana or by kapacitor. Triggering alerts operators can improve the performance of the overall network, changing the configuration of the VNFs, save power energy when its need, etc...

Create an Alert for a BBU Pool

Move in Pools->Scenarios and click on the "Alert" tab. Then click on "Add" and fill in the form writing the name and a small description of the propose of this alert.


Then click to "Details" and select the NS and the action.


Create an Alert for a NVF

The creation of an alert by a NVF or a group of NVFs is quite similar to the previous subsection. Just move to Pools->Scenario and click on the interesting Pool. Then click on "Add", the following form contain the same tab as the subsection explained before plus the tab "Elements". On the tab "Elements" select the VNFs which the changes will be applied.

Trigger the Alert

Once the Alert is created, you must copy the identify allocated on the details of the alerts. In order to activate the alert is necessary to send a POST request to: http://localhost:8000/alerts/listener. The POST have to contain the following structure:




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