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OOCRAN Project edited this page Aug 13, 2017 · 2 revisions


Commonly, Network Function packet software needs extra dependencies in order to run. Moreover, the BBUs need to connect with the RRH using an specific driver. For that reason, OOCRAN allows server-side driver storage and installation into the VNF when needed by the Operators.


On the nav side bar under the Catalog section click on Scripts. navside In the next page you can check the available scripts and create new ones. Take into account that the Infrastructure Provider can make public scripts available in order to interconnect the VNF with external hardware. On the other hand, the scripts uploaded by the Operator will remain private. list

Upload a new Script

First of all, click on "Create" and the following window will appear. In this section you can write the name and description of the script. info

At this point, OOCRAN supports fourth ways to install scripts:

  • Script: install dependencies from Ethernet, it can be useful to install source code or OS packages.
  • Direct Input: runs a several bash commands on the VNF.
  • File: allows to upload a file that contains an installation script.
  • Ansible: allows to upload a file that contains an installation script.

An example is provided in the images below: script file

Once all fields are filled in click on "Add". add

Now, on the Scripts list, you will see that a new script was added. For this example we added the script as an Operator, therefore the script is set as private. In order to check the details of a script click on its name.



Create Catalog

Create Network Services (NS)



Register VIM


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