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Releases: open-ce/open-ce


30 Jun 06:26
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Open-CE Version 1.9.1

This is bug fix 1 of release 1.9 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE).

Bug Fix Changes

Changes For open-ce

  • Release PR for 1.9.1 (#851)
  • Fix conflicts for cuda 11.2 with gcc 11 (#849)
  • Stopped building a few packages as they are available in anaconda (#850)
  • disable pytorch and dependendent packages for cuda 11.2 (#848)
  • Fixed protobuf for new pip (#847)
  • disable pytorch_geometric env for cuda 11.2 (#846)
  • Fix TF serving env import for non-P10 builds (#845)
  • remove occurences of ffmpeg-env from other envs (#844)
  • Fixed aioredis patch to allow python 3.10.* and 1.9.1 items (#843)
  • Fixed jaxlib on P10 (#813)

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE consists of the environment files within the open-ce repository and a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

Package Version
xgboost 1.7.6
DALI 1.26
Pytorch 2.0.1
Ray 2.5.0
Tensorflow-addons 0.19.0
Tensorflow Serving 2.12.1
Onnxruntime 1.15.1
mamba 1.4.2
Tensorboard 2.12.0
Apache-beam 2.48.0

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA versions 11.2,11.8 as well as Python 3.9,3.10. All the packages are built with openssl 1.*.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme

Known Issues

There are some known pip check failures listed here #821.


23 May 07:24
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Open-CE Version 1.7.8

This is bug fix 8 of release 1.7 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE).

Bug Fix Changes

Changes For open-ce

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE consists of the environment files within the open-ce repository and a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

Package Version
Tensorflow 2.9.3 with CVE fixes
Onnx 1.12.1 with CVE fixes

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA versions 11.2,11.8 as well as Python 3.8,3.9,3.10.

CVEs fixed by OpenCE team

  • In addition to CVE fixes backported in Open-CE 1.7.7, we included a few CVE fixes from upstream TensorFlow 2.12, into our Tensorflow's 2.9.3 recipe.
    The list of CVEs that are fixed is as follows:
  • Fix for CVE 2022 25882 has been backported into onnx 1.12 in Open-CE 1.7.7 (#42)

Cumulative list of CVE fixes

CVE fixes done by the OpenCE team in 1.7.x


Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme


31 May 09:06
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Open-CE Version 1.5.7

This is bug fix 7 of release 1.5 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE).

Bug Fix Changes

Changes For open-ce

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE consists of the environment files within the open-ce repository and a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

Package Version
ffmpeg 4.2.2

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA versions 11.2 as well as Python 3.8,3.9.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme


23 May 09:25
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Open-CE Version 1.9.0

This is release 1.9.0 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE).

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE consists of the environment files within the open-ce repository and a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

Package Version
dali 1.25.0
deepspeed 0.8
liblightgbm 3.3.2 and 3.3.5
av 10.0
bazel 5.3.0
boost_mp11 1.76.0
cmdstan 2.31.0
cmdstanpy 1.1.0
cudatoolkit 11.8.0
cudatoolkit-dev 11.8.0
cudnn 8.8.1
datasets 2.10.1
dm-tree 0.1.7
grpc-cpp 1.41.0
gtest 1.13.0
horovod 0.28.0
jpeg-turbo 2.1.4
keras 2.12.0
libdate 3.0.1
libflac 1.3.3
libiconv 1.16
libsndfile 1.0.31
libsolv 0.7.19
magma 2.6.1
mamba 1.4.1
libmamba 1.4.1
nccl 2.17.1
numactl 2.0.16
onnx 1.13.1
onnxconverter-common 1.13.0
onnxmltools 1.11.2
onnxruntime 1.14.1
libopencv 4.7.0
openblas 0.3.23
openmpi 4.1.4
optional-lite 3.4.0
orc 1.8.2
arrow-cpp 11.0.0
prophet 1.1.2
pytorch-base 2.0.0
pytorch-lightning 2.0.1
pytorch_geometric 2.3.0
pytorch-lightning-bolts 0.6.0
pytorch_scatter 2.1.1
pytorch_sparse 0.6.17
torchmetrics 0.11.4
safeint 3.0.26
sentencepiece 0.1.97
skl2onnx 1.14
spdlog 1.9.2
tensorboard-data-server 0.7.0
tensorboard 2.12.2
tensorflow-addons 0.19.0 for cpu only
tensorflow-datasets 4.9.2
tensorflow-estimator 2.12.0
tensorflow-base 2.12.0
tensorflow-hub 0.13.0
tensorflow-io 0.32.0
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 0.32.0
tensorflow-metadata 1.13.1
tensorflow-model-optimization 0.7.4
tensorflow-probability 0.19.0
tensorflow-text 2.12.0
tf2onnx 1.13.0
torchtext-base 0.15.1
torchvision-base 0.15.1
libxgboost 1.7.5 and 1.6.2
xgboost 1.7.5 and 1.6.2
apache-beam 2.46.0
Jax 0.4.7
Array-record 0.2.0
bazel-toolchain 0.1.5
ffmpeg 4.2.2
Protobuf 4.21.12
libprotobuf 3.21.12
lightning-app 2.0.1
lightning-cloud 0.5.32
lightning-fabric 2.0.1
lightning-utilities 0.8.0

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA version 11.8 well as Python 3.9 and 3.10. Support for CUDA 11.2 and python 3.8 will be added back in Open-CE 1.9.1. CUDA 11.4 support is dropped.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme

Known Issues

There is an issue in isolating CPU packages from CUDA packages when built on same channel. Hence it is recommended to build CPU and CUDA packages into separate channels.

The following pip check failures are known:

deepspeed 0.7.5+06e00f61 requires ninja, which is not installed.
multiprocess has requirement dill>=0.3.4, but you have dill
lightning-bolts 0.6.0.post1 has requirement lightning-utilities==0.7.1, but you have lightning-utilities 0.8.0.
tf-model-optimization-nightly 0.7.4.dev0 has requirement absl-py~=1.2, but you have absl-py 1.0.0.


18 Apr 07:15
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Open-CE Version 1.7.7

This is bug fix 7 of release 1.7 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE).

Bug Fix Changes

Changes For open-ce

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE consists of the environment files within the open-ce repository and a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

Package Version
mamba 1.4.1
Tensorflow 2.9.3 with CVE fixes

CVEs fixed by OpenCE team

  • We included fixes for several CVEs from upstream TensorFlow 2.12, into our Tensorflow's 2.9.3 recipe.
  • OpenCE 1.7.7 also contains the fixed pytorch CVE from OpenCE 1.7.5

The full list of CVEs that are fixed is as follows:


This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA versions 11.2,11.4 as well as Python 3.8,3.9,3.10.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme


23 Mar 07:35
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Open-CE Version 1.7.6

This is bug fix 6 of release 1.7 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE).

Changes For open-ce

Package Versions

This release does not update package versions from the ones provided with OpenCE v1.7.5.
This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA versions 11.2,11.4 as well as Python 3.8,3.9,3.10.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme


24 Feb 06:39
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Open-CE Version 1.7.5

This is bug fix 5 of release 1.7 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE). It addresses several CVEs.

Changes For open-ce

Package Versions

This release does not update package versions from the ones provided with OpenCE v1.7.4

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA versions 11.2,11.4 as well as Python 3.8,3.9,3.10.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme


06 Dec 14:44
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Open-CE Version 1.7.4

This is bug fix 4 of release 1.7 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE).

Changes For open-ce

  • Release 1.7.4 changes - all packages are built with zlib 1.2.13 (#729 )
  • Enable lightgbm for s390x (#721 )
  • Tensorflow and Tensorflow Serving are updated to 2.9.3 release.
  • Stop building zlib, llvmdev and mpi for s390x (#751)
  • Enable coremltools, onnx and uwsgi for s390x (#750)
  • Add sklearn-pandas (#750)

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE consists of the environment files within the open-ce repository and a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

Package Version
Tensorflow 2.9.3
Tensorflow Serving 2.9.3
sklearn-pandas 2.1.0

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA version 11.4 for Python 3.8,3.9,3.10.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme


14 Dec 08:52
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Open-CE Version 1.8.0

This is release 1.8.0 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE). See #706 for detailed release contents.

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE consists of the environment files within the open-ce repository and a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

Package Version
dali 1.19.0
deepspeed 0.7.5
liblightgbm 3.3.3
av 10.0.0
bazel 5.1.1
boost_mp11 1.76.0
cmdstan 2.29.2
cmdstanpy 1.0.7
cudatoolkit 11.2.2 and 11.4.4
cudatoolkit-dev 11.2.2 and 11.4.4
datasets 2.7.1
dm-tree 0.1.5
grpc-cpp 1.41.0
gtest 1.10.0
horovod 0.26.1
jpeg-turbo 2.1.4
keras 2.10.0
libdate 3.0.1
libflac 1.3.3
libiconv 1.16
libsndfile 1.0.31
libsolv 0.7.19
magma 2.6.1
mamba 1.0.0
libmamba 1.0.0
nccl 2.12.7
numactl 2.0.12
onnx 1.12
onnxconverter-common 1.13.0
onnxmltools 1.11.1
onnxruntime 1.13.1
libopencv 4.6.0
openblas 0.3.21
openmpi 4.1.4
optional-lite 3.4.0
orbit-ml 1.1.1
orc 1.8.0
arrow-cpp 10.0.0
prophet 1.1.1
pybind11-abi 4
pytorch-base 1.13.0 for CUDA 11.4 and cpu
pytorch-base 1.10.2 for CUDA 11.2
pytorch-lightning 1.8.2
pyDeprecate 0.3.2
pytorch_geometric 2.1.0
pytorch-lightning-bolts 0.6.0
pytorch_scatter 2.0.8
pytorch_sparse 0.6.10
torchmetrics 0.8.1
ray_all 2.0.1
ray-tune 2.0.1
reproc 14.2.3
safeint 3.0.26
sentencepiece 0.1.96
skl2onnx 1.13
spdlog 1.9.2
tensorboard-data-server 0.6.1
tensorboard 2.10.1
tensorflow-addons 0.18.0
tensorflow-datasets 4.7.0
tensorflow-estimator 2.10.0
tensorflow-base 2.10.1
tensorflow-hub 0.12.0
tensorflow-io 0.27.0
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 0.27.0
tensorflow-metadata 1.11.0
tensorflow-model-optimization 0.7.3
tensorflow-probability 0.18.0
tensorflow-text 2.10.0
tensorflow-serving 2.10.1
termcolor-cpp 2.0.0
tf2onnx 1.13.0
torchtext-base 0.14.0 for CUDA 11.4 and cpu
torchtext-base 0.11.2 for CUDA 11.2
torchvision-base 0.14.0 for CUDA 11.4 and cpu
torchvision-base 0.11.3 for CUDA 11.2
typeguard 2.12.0
libxgboost 1.7.1
xgboost 1.7.1
yaml-cpp 0.6.3
apache-beam 2.42

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA versions 11.2,11.4 as well as Python 3.8,3.9,3.10.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme


  • CUDA support
    • This is the last major OpenCE release to support CUDA 11.2.
    • CUDA 11.2 limitations:
      • The OpenCE recipes build CUDA 11.2 packages only for Python 3.8 and 3.9, not for 3.10
      • The PyTorch OpenCE recipe builds PyTorch 1.10. PyTorch 1.13 is only built for CPU and CUDA 11.4.

Known Issues

The following pip check failures are known:

deepspeed 0.7.5+06e00f61 requires ninja, which is not installed.
skl2onnx 1.13 has requirement scikit-learn<=1.1.1, but you have scikit-learn 1.1.3.
pyro-ppl 1.8.3 has requirement torch>=1.11.0, but you have torch 1.10.2.
arviz 0.11.2 has requirement typing-extensions<4,>=, but you have typing-extensions 4.4.0.
multiprocess has requirement dill>=0.3.4, but you have dill


19 Oct 10:12
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Open-CE Version 1.7.3

This is bug fix 3 of release 1.7 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE).

Bug Fix Changes

Changes For open-ce

  • Release 1.7.3 changes (#710)
  • update numba patch (#709)
  • Import p10 conda_build_config in opence-p10-env file (#707)
  • Added Apache-beam in Open-CE (#700)
  • update numba patch to unpin setuptools (#702)

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE consists of the environment files within the open-ce repository and a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

Package Version
mamba 0.27
Apache-beam 2.41.0
SnapML  1.8.12

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA versions 11.2,11.4 as well as Python 3.8,3.9,3.10.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme