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Releases: open-ce/open-ce


29 Sep 06:23
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Open-CE Version 1.7.2

This is bug fix 2 of release 1.7 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE).


  • OpenCE release contents (#687)

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE consists of the environment files within the open-ce repository and a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

This release updates the following packages from the ones provided with OpenCE v1.7.1.

Package Version
TensorFlow 2.9.2
xgboost 1.6.2
DALI 1.16.1
Ray 1.13.1
PyTorch Geometric 2.1.0
numba 0.56.1
snapml 1.8.10
TF Serving 2.9.2

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA versions 11.2,11.4 as well as Python 3.8,3.9,3.10.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme


01 Sep 08:07
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Open-CE Version 1.7.1

This is bug fix 1 of release 1.7 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE).


  • Support for Python 3.10 (#675)
  • Open-CE 1.7.1 release updates (#676)

Package Versions

This release updates the following packages from the ones provided with OpenCE v1.7.0

Package Version
PyTorch 1.12.1
Torchtext 0.13.1
Torchvision 0.13.1
PyAV 9.2.0
PyTorch Geometric 2.0.4
mamba 0.25.0
DALI 0.16.0
onnxruntime 1.12.1
tf2onnx 1.12.1
skl2onnx 1.12.0
mamba 0.25.0

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA versions 11.2, 11.4 as well as Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme


27 Jul 13:03
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Open-CE Version 1.5.6

This is bug fix 6 of release 1.5 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE).

Bug Fix Changes


Package Versions

This release updates the following packages from the ones provided with OpenCE v1.5.5.

Package Version
PyTorch Lightning 1.6.5
pydeprecate 0.3.2
torchmetrics 0.8.1
snapml 1.8.8

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA version 11.2 as well as Python 3.8 and 3.9.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme


09 Aug 11:04
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Open-CE Version 1.7.0

This is release 1.7.0 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE).

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE consists of the environment files within the open-ce repository and a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

Package Version
dali 1.15.0
liblightgbm 3.3.2
av 8.0.3
bazel 5.1.1
boost_mp11 1.76.0
cudatoolkit 11.2.2 and 11.4.4
cudatoolkit-dev 11.2.2 and 11.4.4
dm-tree 0.1.5
grpc-cpp 1.41.0
gtest 1.10.0
horovod 0.25.0
huggingface_hub 0.6.0
jpeg-turbo 2.1.0
keras 2.9.0
langcodes 3.3.0
libdate 3.0.1
libflac 1.3.3
libiconv 1.16
libsndfile 1.0.31
libsolv 0.7.19
magma 2.6.1
mamba 0.24
libmamba 0.24
nccl 2.12.7
nlohmann_json 3.10.5
numactl 2.0.12
onnx 1.12
onnxconverter-common 1.9.0
onnxmltools 1.11.1
onnxruntime 1.12.0
libopencv 4.6.0
openmpi 4.1.1
optional-lite 3.4.0
orc 1.7.4
arrow-cpp 8.0.0
pybind11-abi 4
pytorch-base 1.12.0 for CUDA 11.4 and cpu
pytorch-base 1.10.2 for CUDA 11.2
pytorch-lightning 1.6.5
pyDeprecate 0.3.2
pytorch_geometric 2.0.3
pytorch-lightning-bolts 0.5.0
pytorch_scatter 2.0.8
pytorch_sparse 0.6.10
torchmetrics 0.8.1
ray_all 1.13.0
ray-tune 1.13.0
reproc 14.2.3
sacremoses 0.0.53
safeint 3.0.26
sentencepiece 0.1.96
skl2onnx 1.11.2
spacy 3.3.1
spacy-legacy 3.0.9
spacy-loggers 1.0.2
spdlog 1.9.2
tensorboard-data-server 0.6.1
tensorboard 2.9.1
tensorflow-addons 0.17.0
tensorflow-datasets 4.6.0
tensorflow-estimator 2.9.0
tensorflow-base 2.9.1
tensorflow-hub 0.12.0
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 0.26.0
tensorflow-metadata 1.8.0
tensorflow-model-optimization 0.7.3
tensorflow-probability 0.17.0
tensorflow-text 2.9.0
termcolor-cpp 2.0.0
tf2onnx 1.11.1
tokenizers 0.11.4
torchtext-base 0.13.0 for CUDA 11.4 and cpu
torchtext-base 0.11.2 for CUDA 11.2
torchvision-base 0.13.0 for CUDA 11.4 and cpu
torchvision-base 0.11.3 for CUDA 11.2
transformers 4.19.2
typeguard 2.12.0
libxgboost 1.6.1
xgboost 1.6.1
yaml-cpp 0.6.3
openblas 0.3.20

This release has updated all the packages to their newer versions built with GCC 11.2 for CUDA 11.4 and cpu variants. This release of Open-CE supports:

  • Python 3.8 and 3.9
  • NVIDIA's CUDA versions 11.2 and 11.4. Note: support for CUDA 11.2 will be dropped in Open-CE 1.7.1

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme


19 May 08:20
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Open-CE Version 1.6.1

This is bug fix 1 of release 1.6 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE).

Bug Fix Changes

  • add patch to fix spdlog build on baremetal (#631)
  • fix validation error and fix openmp build on baremetal (#629)
  • build string added for dali-tf-plugin (#51)


All recipes for P10 now use GCC11, except tensorflow-io-gcs which still uses GCC10.

  • Open-CE 1.6.1 release updates (#632)

Package Versions

This release updates the following packages from the ones provided with OpenCE v1.6.0

Package Version
pytorch-lightning 1.6.3
pyDeprecate 0.3.2
torchmetrics 0.8.2
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 0.25.0
ray 1.11.1

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA versions 11.2 as well as Python 3.8,3.9.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme


20 May 06:19
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Open-CE Version 1.5.5

This is bug fix 5 of release 1.5 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE).

Bug Fix Changes


  • Release updates for Open-CE 1.5.5 (#634)
  • Update Tensorflow to v2.7.2 (#89)

Package Versions

This release updates the following packages from the ones provided with OpenCE v1.5.4

Package Version
Tensorflow 2.7.2

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA versions 10.2 and 11.2 as well as Python 3.8 and 3.9.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme


13 May 10:53
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Open-CE Version 1.5.4

This is bug fix 4 of release 1.5 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE).

Bug Fix Changes

  • Added openblas to dali-env (#603)


We did not update any library versions in this release, compared to 1.5.3. However, this release enables s390x support for Tensorflow family packages.

  • Open-CE 1.5.4 release changes (#624)
  • Fixed llvm build in a container (#622)
  • Enable s390x for tensorflow-env.yaml (#620)
  • Dependencies versions update for s390x (#618)
  • Conda build config file update for TensorFlow s390x support (#605)
  • Allow 1.21.x numpy for s390x (#613)
  • clangdev fix and more s390x deps (#606)
  • Enable flatbuffers for s390x (#604)

Package Versions

Package versions are the same as OpenCE 1.5.3.
This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA versions 10.2,11.2 as well as Python 3.8,3.9.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme


21 Apr 10:21
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Open-CE Version 1.6.0 (Muskrat)

This is release 1.6.0 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE), codenamed Muskrat.

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE consists of the environment files within the open-ce repository and a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

Package Version
dali 1.10.0
liblightgbm 3.3.2
av 8.0.3
bazel 4.2.1
boost_mp11 1.76.0
tzdata-java-cos6-x86_64 2019c
cli11 2.2.0
cpp-filesystem 1.5.8
cudatoolkit 11.2.2
cudnn 8.1.1_11.2
dm-tree 0.1.5
grpc-cpp 1.41.0
gtest 1.10.0
horovod 0.24.2
huggingface_hub 0.4.0
jpeg-turbo 2.1.0
keras 2.8.0
langcodes 3.3.0
libdate 3.0.1
libflac 1.3.3
libiconv 1.16
libsndfile 1.0.31
libsolv 0.7.19
magma 2.6.1
mamba 0.22.1
libmamba 0.22.1
nccl 2.12.7
nlohmann_json 3.10.5
numactl 2.0.12
onnx 1.11
onnxconverter-common 1.9.0
onnxmltools 1.11.0
onnxruntime 1.11.0
libopencv 4.5.5
openmpi 4.1.1
optional-lite 3.4.0
orc 1.7.2
arrow-cpp 7.0.0
pybind11-abi 4
pytorch-base 1.10.2
pytorch-lightning 1.5.10
pyDeprecate 0.3.1
pytorch_geometric 2.0.3
pytorch-lightning-bolts 0.5.0
pytorch_scatter 2.0.8
pytorch_sparse 0.6.10
torchmetrics 0.6.2
ray_all 1.11.0
ray-tune 1.11.0
reproc 14.2.3
sacremoses 0.0.46
safeint 3.0.26
sentencepiece 0.1.96
skl2onnx 1.11.1
spacy 3.2.1
spacy-legacy 3.0.8
spacy-loggers 1.0.1
spdlog 1.9.2
tensorboard-data-server 0.6.1
tensorboard 2.8.0
tensorflow-addons 0.16.1
tensorflow-datasets 4.4.0
tensorflow-estimator 2.8.0
tensorflow-base 2.8.0
tensorflow-hub 0.12.0
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 0.24.0
tensorflow-metadata 1.7.0
tensorflow-model-optimization 0.7.1
tensorflow-probability 0.16.0
tensorflow-text 2.8.1
termcolor-cpp 2.0.0
tf2onnx 1.9.3
tokenizers 0.11.4
torchtext-base 0.11.2
torchvision-base 0.11.3
transformers 4.17.0
typeguard 2.12.0
libxgboost 1.5.2
xgboost 1.5.2
yaml-cpp 0.6.3

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA version 11.2 as well as Python 3.8,3.9.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme


03 Mar 12:10
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Open-CE Version 1.5.3

This is bug fix 3 of release 1.5 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE).

Bug Fix Changes



We did not update any library versions in this release, compared to 1.5.2. However, we updated our recipes with the ability to build libraries that harness the Power10 MMA acceleration. For details, see

  • 1.5.3 Release update (#594)
  • P10 support (#588)
  • Added environment file for Power10 enabled packages (#600 )
  • Enabled xgboost on s390x (#599 )

Package Versions

Package versions are the same as OpenCE 1.5.2.
This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA versions 10.2,11.2 as well as Python 3.7,3.8,3.9.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme


21 Feb 06:35
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Open-CE Version 1.5.2 (Otter)

This is bug fix 2 of release 1.5 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE).

Bug Fix Changes

See #584 for a detailed list. Key changes include:

  • Refresh PyTorch to v1.10.2
  • Update Tensorflow to v2.7.1
  • Update XGBoost to v1.5.2
  • Update LightGBM to v3.3.2.
  • Update OpenCV to 4.5.5
  • All the recipes are updated to support protobuf 3.19.1
  • Added mamba package

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE consists of the environment files within the open-ce repository and a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

Package Version
dali 1.9.0
liblightgbm 3.3.2
av 8.0.3
bazel 3.7.2
boost_mp11 1.76.0
tzdata-java-cos6-x86_64 2018e
cli11 2.1.2
cpp-filesystem 1.5.8
cudatoolkit 11.2.2
cudnn 8.0.5_10.2
dm-tree 0.1.5
grpc-cpp 1.41.0
gtest 1.10.0
horovod 0.23.0
huggingface_hub 0.0.19
jpeg-turbo 2.1.0
keras 2.7.0
langcodes 3.3.0
libdate 3.0.1
libflac 1.3.3
libiconv 1.16
libsndfile 1.0.31
libsolv 0.7.19
magma 0.19.1
mamba 2.5.4
libmamba 0.19.1
nccl 2.11.4
nlohmann_json 3.9.1
numactl 2.0.12
onnx 1.10.2
onnxconverter-common 1.9.0
onnxmltools 1.10.0
onnxruntime 1.10.0
libopencv 4.5.5
openmpi 4.1.1
optional-lite 3.4.0
orc 1.7.2
arrow-cpp 5.0.0
pybind11-abi 4
pytorch-base 1.10.2
pytorch-lightning 1.5.10
pyDeprecate 1.3.1
pytorch-lightning-bolts 0.5.0
torchmetrics 0.6.2
reproc 14.2.3
sacremoses 0.0.46
safeint 3.0.26
sentencepiece 0.1.96
skl2onnx 1.10.4
spacy 3.2.1
spacy-legacy 3.0.8
spacy-loggers 1.0.1
spdlog 1.9.2
tensorboard-data-server 0.6.1
tensorboard 2.7.0
tensorflow-addons 0.15.0
tensorflow-datasets 4.4.0
tensorflow-estimator 2.7.0
tensorflow-base 2.7.1
tensorflow-hub 0.12.0
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 0.23.1
tensorflow-metadata 1.5.0
tensorflow-model-optimization 0.7.0
tensorflow-probability 0.15.0
tensorflow-text 2.7.3
termcolor-cpp 2.0.0
tf2onnx 1.9.3
tokenizers 0.10.3
torchtext-base 0.11.2
torchvision-base 0.11.3
transformers 4.11.3
typeguard 2.12.0
libxgboost 1.5.2
yaml-cpp 0.6.3

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA versions 10.2,11.2 as well as Python 3.7,3.8,3.9.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme