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Releases: open-ce/open-ce

v1.2.3 (Prairiedog)

16 Jul 19:33
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Open-CE Version 1.2 (Prairiedog)

This is bug fix 3 of release 1.2 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE), code named Prairiedog.

Bug Fix Changes

  • libgcc and libstdc++ pins were removed from runtime dependencies #452 .
  • Pytorch: set USE_TBB and package tbb headers to resolve OpenBLAS warnings open-ce/pytorch-feedstock#63

For a complete list of changes also see 1.2.0, 1.2.1, and 1.2.2.

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE now consists of the environment files within the open-ce repository and a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

Package Version
Tensorflow 2.4.2
TensorFlow Estimators 2.4.0
TensorFlow Probability 0.12.1
TensorBoard 2.4.1
TensorFlow Text 2.4.1
TensorFlow Model Optimizations 0.5.0
TensorFlow Addons 0.12.1
TensorFlow Datasets 4.1.0
TensorFlow Hub 0.10.0
TensorFlow MetaData 0.26.0
PyTorch 1.7.1
TorchText 0.8.1
TorchVision 0.8.2
PyTorch Lightning 1.1.0
PyTorch Lightning Bolts 0.2.5
XGBoost 1.3.3
Transformers 3.5.1
Tokenizers 0.9.3
SentencePiece 0.1.91
Spacy 2.3.4
Thinc 7.4.1
DALI 0.28.0
OpenCV 3.4.10
Horovod 0.21.0
LightGBM 3.1.1
PyArrow 3.0.0
grpc 1.29.1

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA version 10.2 and 11.0 as well as Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme

v1.1.7 (Meerkat)

16 Jul 18:40
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Open-CE Version 1.1 (Meerkat)

This is bug fix 7 of release 1.1 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE), code named Meerkat.

The 1.1.x branch of Open-CE continues to use protobuf 3.9.x, whereas the 1.2.x branch of Open-CE uses protobuf 3.11.x. For more information on the differences between Open-CE 1.1.x and Open-CE 1.2.x, please see the release notes for Open-CE 1.2.0.

Bug Fix Changes

  • libgcc and libstdc++ pins were removed from runtime dependencies #452 .
  • Pytorch: set USE_TBB and package tbb headers to resolve OpenBLAS warnings open-ce/pytorch-feedstock#63

For a complete list of changes also see 1.1.0, 1.1.1 , 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.1.5, and 1.1.6.

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE now consists of the environment files within the open-ce repository and a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

Package Version
Tensorflow 2.4.2
TensorFlow Serving 2.4.1
TensorFlow Estimators 2.4.0
TensorFlow Probability 0.12.1
TensorBoard 2.4.1
TensorFlow Text 2.4.1
TensorFlow Model Optimizations 0.5.0
TensorFlow Addons 0.12.1
TensorFlow Datasets 4.1.0
TensorFlow Hub 0.10.0
TensorFlow MetaData 0.26.0
PyTorch 1.7.1
TorchText 0.8.1
TorchVision 0.8.2
PyTorch Lightning 1.1.0
PyTorch Lightning Bolts 0.2.5
XGBoost 1.3.3
Transformers 3.5.1
Tokenizers 0.9.3
SentencePiece 0.1.91
Spacy 2.3.4
Thinc 7.4.1
DALI 0.28.0
OpenCV 3.4.10
Horovod 0.21.0
LightGBM 3.1.1

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA version 10.2 and 11.0 as well as Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme

v1.2.2 (Prairiedog)

16 Jun 21:21
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Open-CE Version 1.2 (Prairiedog)

This is bug fix 2 of release 1.2 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE), code named Prairiedog.

Bug Fix Changes

  • libgcc and libstdc++ were pinned to cos6 versions to allow for compilation with GCC 7.2/7.3 #433
  • TensorFlow was updated to version 2.4.2
  • Dependency pins were loosened for networkx, requests, scipy and werkzeug #439
  • Changed PyArrow to build with -O2 optimizations to avoid a compiler error in GCC 7.x
  • Add patch to PyArrow to fix handling of decimal types with negative scale in C data import

For a complete list of changes also see 1.2.0, and 1.2.1.

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE now consists of the environment files within the open-ce repository and a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

Package Version
Tensorflow 2.4.2
TensorFlow Estimators 2.4.0
TensorFlow Probability 0.12.1
TensorBoard 2.4.1
TensorFlow Text 2.4.1
TensorFlow Model Optimizations 0.5.0
TensorFlow Addons 0.12.1
TensorFlow Datasets 4.1.0
TensorFlow Hub 0.10.0
TensorFlow MetaData 0.26.0
PyTorch 1.7.1
TorchText 0.8.1
TorchVision 0.8.2
PyTorch Lightning 1.1.0
PyTorch Lightning Bolts 0.2.5
XGBoost 1.3.3
Transformers 3.5.1
Tokenizers 0.9.3
SentencePiece 0.1.91
Spacy 2.3.4
Thinc 7.4.1
DALI 0.28.0
OpenCV 3.4.10
Horovod 0.21.0
LightGBM 3.1.1
PyArrow 3.0.0
grpc 1.29.1

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA version 10.2 and 11.0 as well as Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme

v1.1.6 (Meerkat)

16 Jun 20:47
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Open-CE Version 1.1 (Meerkat)

This is bug fix 6 of release 1.1 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE), code named Meerkat.

The 1.1.x branch of Open-CE continues to use protobuf 3.9.x, whereas the 1.2.x branch of Open-CE uses protobuf 3.11.x. For more information on the differences between Open-CE 1.1.x and Open-CE 1.2.x, please see the release notes for Open-CE 1.2.0.

Bug Fix Changes

  • libgcc and libstdc++ were pinned to cos6 versions to allow for compilation with GCC 7.2/7.3 #433
  • TensorFlow was updated to version 2.4.2
  • Dependency pins were loosened for networkx, requests, scipy and werkzeug #439
  • Remove all builder code from the open-ce-r1.1 branch #419

For a complete list of changes also see 1.1.0, 1.1.1 , 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4, and 1.1.5.

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE now consists of the environment files within the open-ce repository and a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

Package Version
Tensorflow 2.4.2
TensorFlow Serving 2.4.1
TensorFlow Estimators 2.4.0
TensorFlow Probability 0.12.1
TensorBoard 2.4.1
TensorFlow Text 2.4.1
TensorFlow Model Optimizations 0.5.0
TensorFlow Addons 0.12.1
TensorFlow Datasets 4.1.0
TensorFlow Hub 0.10.0
TensorFlow MetaData 0.26.0
PyTorch 1.7.1
TorchText 0.8.1
TorchVision 0.8.2
PyTorch Lightning 1.1.0
PyTorch Lightning Bolts 0.2.5
XGBoost 1.3.3
Transformers 3.5.1
Tokenizers 0.9.3
SentencePiece 0.1.91
Spacy 2.3.4
Thinc 7.4.1
DALI 0.28.0
OpenCV 3.4.10
Horovod 0.21.0
LightGBM 3.1.1

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA version 10.2 and 11.0 as well as Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme

v1.1.5 (Meerkat)

18 May 18:51
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Open-CE Version 1.1 (Meerkat)

This is bug fix 5 of release 1.1 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE), code named Meerkat.

The 1.1.x branch of Open-CE continues to use protobuf 3.9.x, whereas the 1.2.x branch of Open-CE uses protobuf 3.11.x. For more information on the differences between Open-CE 1.1.x and Open-CE 1.2.x, please see the release notes for Open-CE 1.2.0.

Bug Fix Changes

  • The typeguard recipe was added, which is required by tensorflow-addons #400
  • The pin for pillow has been loosened to allow for some fixes #400
  • CUDA variants have been added to tensorflow-addons
  • The pin for click has been loosened #406
  • Conda variant hashing has been adding to package name strings along with the protobuf variant string where appropriate
  • Remove pillow as runtime dependency for tensorflow

For a complete list of changes also see 1.1.0, 1.1.1 , 1.1.2, 1.1.3, and 1.1.4.

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE consists of the build tools within the open-ce repository, as well as a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

Package Version
Tensorflow 2.4.1
TensorFlow Serving 2.4.1
TensorFlow Estimators 2.4.0
TensorFlow Probability 0.12.1
TensorBoard 2.4.1
TensorFlow Text 2.4.1
TensorFlow Model Optimizations 0.5.0
TensorFlow Addons 0.12.1
TensorFlow Datasets 4.1.0
TensorFlow Hub 0.10.0
TensorFlow MetaData 0.26.0
PyTorch 1.7.1
TorchText 0.8.1
TorchVision 0.8.2
PyTorch Lightning 1.1.0
PyTorch Lightning Bolts 0.2.5
XGBoost 1.3.3
Transformers 3.5.1
Tokenizers 0.9.3
SentencePiece 0.1.91
Spacy 2.3.4
Thinc 7.4.1
DALI 0.28.0
OpenCV 3.4.10
Horovod 0.21.0
LightGBM 3.1.1

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA version 10.2 and 11.0 as well as Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme

v1.2.1 (Prairiedog)

13 May 21:43
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Open-CE Version 1.2.1 (Prairiedog)

This is bug fix 1 of release 1.2 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE), code named Prairiedog.

Bug Fix Changes

  • With this release, TensorFlow Serving was added in a separate environment file which will build against a separate set of dependencies. This requires a open-ce-builder version of 4.0 or greater [#403]
  • The typeguard recipe was added, which is required by tensorflow-addons [#399]
  • CUDA variants have been added to pyarrow and tensorflow-addons
  • The pin for pillow has been loosened to allow for some fixes [#401]
  • A pin for zstd has been added to control versioning [#409]
  • The pin for click has been loosened [#407]
  • Conda variant hashing has been adding to package name strings along with the protobuf variant string where appropriate
  • Remove pillow as runtime dependency for tensorflow

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE now consists of the environment files within the open-ce repository and a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

Package Version
Tensorflow 2.4.1
TensorFlow Estimators 2.4.0
TensorFlow Probability 0.12.1
TensorBoard 2.4.1
TensorFlow Text 2.4.1
TensorFlow Model Optimizations 0.5.0
TensorFlow Addons 0.12.1
TensorFlow Datasets 4.1.0
TensorFlow Hub 0.10.0
TensorFlow MetaData 0.26.0
PyTorch 1.7.1
TorchText 0.8.1
TorchVision 0.8.2
PyTorch Lightning 1.1.0
PyTorch Lightning Bolts 0.2.5
XGBoost 1.3.3
Transformers 3.5.1
Tokenizers 0.9.3
SentencePiece 0.1.91
Spacy 2.3.4
Thinc 7.4.1
DALI 0.28.0
OpenCV 3.4.10
Horovod 0.21.0
LightGBM 3.1.1
PyArrow 3.0.0
grpc 1.29.1

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA version 10.2 and 11.0 as well as Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme

v1.2.0 (Prairiedog)

16 Apr 21:02
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Open-CE Version 1.2 (Prairiedog)

This is release 1.2 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE), code named Prairiedog.

Previously, the Open-CE build tools were part of the open-ce repository. They can now be found in their own repo.

A release of Open-CE now only includes:

  • The Open-CE env files used to generate a conda channel containing all of the packages that are part of an Open-CE release.
  • A collection of feedstocks containing conda recipes for building the packages that are part of an Open-CE release.

New Features

  • PyArrow is now included as part of Open-CE.
  • The protobuf version that all Open-CE packages use is now set to 3.11.2.
  • TensorFlow serving was removed, due to its incompatibility with protobuf 3.11.2

Bug Fix Changes

  • The conda hash string has been removed from the name of all noarch packages.
  • The version of sqlite that TensorFlow uses is now explicitly set 38 39.

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE now consists of the environment files within the open-ce repository and a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

Package Version
Tensorflow 2.4.1
TensorFlow Estimators 2.4.0
TensorFlow Probability 0.12.1
TensorBoard 2.4.1
TensorFlow Text 2.4.1
TensorFlow Model Optimizations 0.5.0
TensorFlow Addons 0.12.1
TensorFlow Datasets 4.1.0
TensorFlow Hub 0.10.0
TensorFlow MetaData 0.26.0
PyTorch 1.7.1
TorchText 0.8.1
TorchVision 0.8.2
PyTorch Lightning 1.1.0
PyTorch Lightning Bolts 0.2.5
XGBoost 1.3.3
Transformers 3.5.1
Tokenizers 0.9.3
SentencePiece 0.1.91
Spacy 2.3.4
Thinc 7.4.1
DALI 0.28.0
OpenCV 3.4.10
Horovod 0.21.0
LightGBM 3.1.1
PyArrow 3.0.0

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA version 10.2 and 11.0 as well as Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme

v1.1.4 (Meerkat)

02 Apr 20:34
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Open-CE Version 1.1 (Meerkat)

This is bug fix 4 of release 1.1 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE), code named Meerkat.

Bug Fix Changes

For a complete list of changes also see 1.1.0, 1.1.1 , 1.1.2, and 1.1.3.

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE consists of the build tools within the open-ce repository, as well as a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

Package Version
Tensorflow 2.4.1
TensorFlow Serving 2.4.1
TensorFlow Estimators 2.4.0
TensorFlow Probability 0.12.1
TensorBoard 2.4.1
TensorFlow Text 2.4.1
TensorFlow Model Optimizations 0.5.0
TensorFlow Addons 0.12.1
TensorFlow Datasets 4.1.0
TensorFlow Hub 0.10.0
TensorFlow MetaData 0.26.0
PyTorch 1.7.1
TorchText 0.8.1
TorchVision 0.8.2
PyTorch Lightning 1.1.0
PyTorch Lightning Bolts 0.2.5
XGBoost 1.3.3
Transformers 3.5.1
Tokenizers 0.9.3
SentencePiece 0.1.91
Spacy 2.3.4
Thinc 7.4.1
DALI 0.28.0
OpenCV 3.4.10
Horovod 0.21.0
LightGBM 3.1.1

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA version 10.2 and 11.0 as well as Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme

v1.1.3 (Meerkat)

24 Feb 15:32
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Open-CE Version 1.1 (Meerkat)

This is bug fix 3 of release 1.1 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE), code named Meerkat.

Bug Fix Changes

For a complete list of changes also see 1.1.0, 1.1.1 and 1.1.2.

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE consists of the build tools within the open-ce repository, as well as a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

Package Version
Tensorflow 2.4.1
TensorFlow Serving 2.4.1
TensorFlow Estimators 2.4.0
TensorFlow Probability 0.12.1
TensorBoard 2.4.1
TensorFlow Text 2.4.1
TensorFlow Model Optimizations 0.5.0
TensorFlow Addons 0.11.2
TensorFlow Datasets 4.1.0
TensorFlow Hub 0.10.0
TensorFlow MetaData 0.26.0
PyTorch 1.7.1
TorchText 0.8.1
TorchVision 0.8.2
PyTorch Lightning 1.1.0
PyTorch Lightning Bolts 0.2.5
XGBoost 1.3.3
Transformers 3.5.1
Tokenizers 0.9.3
SentencePiece 0.1.91
Spacy 2.3.4
Thinc 7.4.1
DALI 0.28.0
OpenCV 3.4.10
Horovod 0.21.0
LightGBM 3.1.1

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA version 10.2 and 11.0 as well as Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme

v1.1.2 (Meerkat)

02 Feb 17:56
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Open-CE Version 1.1 (Meerkat)

This is bug fix 2 of release 1.1 of Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE), code named Meerkat.

Bug Fix Changes

Package Versions

A release of Open-CE consists of the build tools within the open-ce repository, as well as a collection of feedstock repositories. The feedstock repositories contain recipes for various python packages. The following packages (among others) are part of this release:

Package Version
Tensorflow 2.4.1
TensorFlow Serving 2.4.1
TensorFlow Estimators 2.4.0
TensorFlow Probability 0.12.1
TensorBoard 2.4.1
TensorFlow Text 2.4.1
TensorFlow Model Optimizations 0.5.0
TensorFlow Addons 0.11.2
TensorFlow Datasets 4.1.0
TensorFlow Hub 0.10.0
TensorFlow MetaData 0.26.0
PyTorch 1.7.1
TorchText 0.8.1
TorchVision 0.8.2
PyTorch Lightning 1.1.0
PyTorch Lightning Bolts 0.2.5
XGBoost 1.3.0
Transformers 3.5.1
Tokenizers 0.9.3
SentencePiece 0.1.91
Spacy 2.3.4
Thinc 7.4.1
DALI 0.28.0
OpenCV 3.4.10
Horovod 0.21.0
LightGBM 3.1.1

This release of Open-CE supports NVIDIA's CUDA version 10.2 and 11.0 as well as Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.

Getting Started

To get started with this release, see the main readme