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Add section on string formatting.
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- Move build instructions to Python documentation page
- Move File formats and Preferred packages to new pages
- Small copy-editing
  • Loading branch information
jpmckinney committed Oct 13, 2020
1 parent bf563e1 commit 75b7f84
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Showing 11 changed files with 247 additions and 171 deletions.
37 changes: 3 additions & 34 deletions docs/general/documentation.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ How-to guides
- Don't include information that is not directly relevant to the how-to guide.
- Use numbered lists for instructions. Nest sub-tasks to give structure to long lists.
- Give example commands, but don't include default arguments or any other extraneous detail.
- It's okay to put many how-to guides on one page; however, the setup guide should be its own page.
- It's okay to put many how-to guides on one page; however, the setup guide should on its own.

Word choice
Expand All @@ -48,39 +48,8 @@ Link unfamiliar terms to external documentation, if available
Shell examples

Documentation and examples for external users should use ``sh`` or ``bash``. Documentation for internal users can use ``fish``.

Building documentation locally

With Python 3 as your default interpreter, install Python modules:

.. code-block:: shell-session
pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
Build the HTML pages:

.. code-block:: shell-session
sphinx-build docs docs/_build/html
Run a web server:

.. code-block:: shell-session
python -m http.server 8000
Open http://localhost:8000/docs/_build/html/ in your web browser:

.. code-block:: shell-session
open http://localhost:8000/docs/_build/html/
.. note::

If you are using Python 3.7 or greater, you can pass ``-d docs/_build/html`` to the ``python`` command, and open http://localhost:8000/.
Documentation and examples for external users should use ``sh`` or ``bash`` syntax. Documentation for internal users can use ``fish`` syntax.

.. note::

Documentation is built in ``docs/_build/html``, to match the location when building with ``make html`` from the ``docs/`` directory.
Read the Python :doc:`../python/documentation` page to learn what to document in Python projects and how to build Sphinx documentation.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/python/applications.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Requirements are managed by four files at the root of a repository:
The above ensures that:

- Development and production environments use the same versions of production requirements, to avoid errors or surprises during or after deployment due to differences between versions (e.g. a new version of Django requires upgrading application code).
- Different developers and continuous integration use the same versions of development requirements, to avoid unexpected test failures due to differences between versions (e.g. a new version of pytest requires upgrading test code, or a new version of flake8 has stricter linting rules).
- Different developers and continuous integration use the same versions of development requirements, to avoid test failures due to differences between versions (e.g. a new version of pytest requires upgrading test code, or a new version of flake8 has stricter linting rules).

The ``requirements*.txt`` files should be periodically updated, both for security updates and to better distribute the maintenance burden of upgrading versions over time. ``pip-tools`` is used to manage the ``requirements*.txt`` files (it is included in ``requirements_dev.*``).

Expand Down
202 changes: 73 additions & 129 deletions docs/python/code.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,20 +1,22 @@

Code is tested on Python 3.6 (`see the status of Python branches <>`__).
Style guide

.. _style-guide:
Code is written for Python 3.6 and above (`see the status of Python branches <>`__).

Style guide
Common checks

All code is checked as documented by `standard-maintenance-scripts <>`__.

Repositories should not use ``setup.cfg``, ``.flake8``, ``.isort.cfg``, ``.editorconfig`` or ``pyproject.toml`` files to configure the behavior of ``flake8`` or ``isort``, except to ignore generated files like database migrations. Maintainers can find configuration files with:
Repositories should not use ``setup.cfg``, ``.editorconfig``, ``pyproject.toml`` or tool-specific files to configure the behavior of tools, except to ignore generated files like database migrations. Maintainers can find configuration files with:

.. code-block:: shell-session
find . \( -name 'setup.cfg' -or -name '.flake8' -or -name '.isort.cfg' -or -name '.editorconfig' -or -name 'pyproject.toml' \) -exec echo {} \; -exec cat {} \;
find . \( -name 'setup.cfg' -or -name 'pyproject.toml' -or -name '.editorconfig' -or -name '.flake8' -or -name '.isort.cfg' -or -name '.pylintrc' -or -name '.pylintrc' \) -exec echo {} \; -exec cat {} \;
.. note::

If a project uses `Black <>`__ it needs a ``setup.cfg`` file for `flake8 <>`__ and ``isort`` and a ``pyproject.toml`` file for `black <>`__. Otherwise, use only a ``setup.cfg`` file.

``noqa`` comments should be kept to a minimum, and should reference the specific error, to avoid shadowing another error: for example, ``# noqa: E501``. The errors that are allowed to be ignored are:

Expand All @@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ Maintainers can find unwanted ``noqa`` comments with this regular expression: ``
Otherwise, please refer to common guidance like the `Google Python Style Guide <>`__.

Optional checks

flake8's ``--max-complexity`` option (provided by `mccabe <>`__) is deactivated by default. A threshold of 10 or 15 is `recommended <>`__:

Expand All @@ -43,7 +45,65 @@ flake8's ``--max-complexity`` option (provided by `mccabe <
pip install pylint
pylint --max-line-length 119 directory
The `Python Code Quality Authority <>`__ maintains ``flake8`` (which includes ``mccabe``, ``pycodestyle`` and ``pyflakes``), ``isort`` and ``pylint``. Its other tools include `pydocstyle <>`__ (docstrings), `doc8 <>`__ (RST files), `bandit <>`__ (security issues) and `flake8-bugbear <>`__ (additional checks).
The `Python Code Quality Authority <>`__ maintains ``flake8`` (which includes ``mccabe``, ``pycodestyle`` and ``pyflakes``), ``isort`` and ``pylint``. Its other tools, for your consideration, include `pydocstyle <>`__ (docstrings), `doc8 <>`__ (RST files), `bandit <>`__ (security issues) and `flake8-bugbear <>`__ (additional checks).

String formatting

`Format strings <>`__ (f-strings), introduced in Python 3.6 via `PEP 498 <>`__, are preferred for interpolation of variables:

.. code-block:: python
message = f"hello {name}"
For interpolation of expressions, the `str.format() <>`__ method is preferred if it is easier to read and write. For example:

.. code-block:: python
message = "Is '{name}' correct?".format(name=person["name"])

.. code-block:: python
message = "Is '{person[name]}' correct?".format(person=person)
is easier to read and write than:

.. code-block:: python
message = f"""Is '{person["name"]}' correct?"""
There are two cases in which f-strings and ``str.format()`` are not preferred:

`"Formatting of message arguments is deferred until it cannot be avoided." <>`__. If you write:

.. code-block:: python
logger.debug("hello {}".format("world")) # WRONG
then ``str.format()`` is called whether or not the message is logged. Instead, please write:

.. code-block:: python
logger.debug("hello %s", "world")
Internationalization (i18n)
String extraction in most projects is done by the ``xgettext`` command, which doesn't support f-strings. To have a single syntax for translated strings, use named placeholders and the ``%`` operator, as recommended by `Django <>`__.

.. code-block:: python
_('Today is %(month)s %(day)s.') % {'month': m, 'day': d}
Remember to put the ``%`` operator outside, not inside, the ``_()`` call:

.. code-block:: python
_('Today is %(month)s %(day)s.' % {'month': m, 'day': d}) # WRONG
.. note::

To learn how to use or migrate between ``%`` and ``format()``, see ` <>`__.

SQL statements
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,122 +207,6 @@ Scripts
Read the general :ref:`scripts` content.
- If a repository requires a command-line tool for management tasks, create an executable script named ```` in the root of the repository. (This matches Django.)
- Examples: `extension_registry <>`__, `deploy <>`__
Input formats
In most cases, simply use the `standard library <>`__.
For critical paths involving small files, use `orjson <>`__.
.. note::
We can switch to the Python bindings for simdjson, pending `benchmarks <>`__. For JSON documents with known structures, `JSON Link <>`__ is fastest, but the files relevant to us have unknown structures.
For large files, use the `same techniques <>`__ as OCDS Kit to stream input using `ijson <>`__, stream output using `iterencode <>`__, and postpone evaluation using iterators. See its `brief tutorial <>`__ on streaming and re-use its `default method <>`__.
.. note::
ijson uses `Yajl <>`__. `simdjson <>`__ is faster, but is limited to `files smaller than 4 GB <>`__ and has no `streaming API <>`__.
Output formats
We read and write a lot of CSV and JSON files. Their format should be consistent.
Use LF (``\n``) as the line terminator. Example:
.. code:: python
with open(path) as f:
reader = csv.DictReader(f)
fieldnames = reader.fieldnames
rows = [row for row in reader]
with open(path, 'w') as f:
writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames, lineterminator='\n')
Indent with 2 spaces, use UTF-8 characters, and preserve order of object pairs. Example:
.. code:: python
with open(path) as f:
data = json.load(f)
with open(path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(data, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2)
If (and only if) the code must support Python 3.5 or earlier, use:
.. code:: python
from collections import OrderedDict
with open(path) as f:
data = json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
.. _preferred-packages:
Preferred packages
We prefer packages in order to:
- Limit the number of packages with which developers need to be familiar.
- Re-use code (like Click) instead of writing new code (with argparse).
For :doc:`applications`, we prefer all-inclusive and opinionated packages, because they:
- Encourage greater similarity and code re-use across projects. With Django, for example, developers are encouraged to use its authentication mechanism. With Flask, each developer can choose a different mechanism, or write their own.
- Are more robust to changes in scope. For example, you might not need the `Django admin site <>`__ on day one, but you'll be happy to have it when it becomes a requirement.
Web framework
`Django <>`__. Do not use `Flask <>`__, except in limited circumstances like generating a static site with `Frozen-Flask <>`__.
No preference. Consider `Django Tastypie <>`__, `Django REST Framework <>`__ or `FastAPI <>`__.
Command-line interface
`Click <>`__, unless a framework provides its own, like `Django <>`__ or `Scrapy <>`__. Do not use `argparse <>`__.
Object Relational Mapper (ORM)
Django. If you don't need an ORM, use `psycopg2 <>`__. Do not use `SQLAlchemy <>`__, except in low-level libraries with limited scope *where an ORM is needed*.
HTTP client
`Requests <>`__, unless a framework uses another, like Scrapy (Twisted).
HTML parsing
`lxml <>`__. Do not use `BeautifulSoup <>`__.
`Jinja <>`__
`gettext <>`__, `Babel <>`__ and `transifex-client <>`__, unless a framework provides an interface to these, like `Django <>`__ or `Sphinx <>`__.
`logging <>`__
`pytest <>`__, unless a framework uses another, like `Django <>`__ (unittest).
`Coveralls <>`__
`Sphinx <>`__. Its Markdown extensions should only be used for OCDS documentation.
Maintainers can find dependencies with:
.. code-block:: shell-session
find . \( -name '' -or -name '' \) -exec echo {} \; -exec cat {} \;
If a repository requires a command-line tool for management tasks, create an executable script named ```` in the root of the repository. (This matches Django.)
- `18F Python Development Guide <>`__
**Examples**: `extension_registry <>`__, `deploy <>`__
39 changes: 37 additions & 2 deletions docs/python/documentation.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,10 +5,45 @@ Documentation

Read the general :doc:`../general/documentation` page.

Packages and applications must have documentation to describe their usage for an external audience. They may have documentation to describe how to contribute. Documentation is written using `Sphinx <>`__ in a ``docs`` directory.
:doc:`packages` and :doc:`applications` *must* have documentation to describe their usage for an external audience. They *may* have documentation to describe how to contribute. Documentation is written using `Sphinx <>`__ in a ``docs`` directory.

Packages must have `Sphinx-style docstrings <>`__ for public modules, classes and methods, so that Sphinx can automatically generate documentation and so that Python's `help() function <>`__ can display useful output.
:doc:`packages` must have `Sphinx-style docstrings <>`__ for public modules, classes and methods, so that Sphinx can automatically generate documentation and so that Python's `help() function <>`__ can display useful output.

.. note::

We can consider writing `Architecture Decision Records (ADRs) <>`__.

Building documentation locally

With Python 3 as your interpreter, install Python modules:

.. code-block:: shell-session
pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
Build the HTML pages:

.. code-block:: shell-session
sphinx-build docs docs/_build/html
Run a web server:

.. code-block:: shell-session
python -m http.server 8000
Open http://localhost:8000/docs/_build/html/ in your web browser:

.. code-block:: shell-session
open http://localhost:8000/docs/_build/html/
.. note::

If you are using Python 3.7 or greater, you can pass ``-d docs/_build/html`` to the ``python`` command, and open http://localhost:8000/.

.. note::

Documentation is built in ``docs/_build/html``, to match the location when building with ``make html`` from the ``docs/`` directory.

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