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Toolchain development

Michael Jastram edited this page May 15, 2015 · 133 revisions

2015 Active Organizations

Partner Activity Timeframe
CEA Luna Migration + builds by the end of Q2
ENSEEIHT Marc Pantel: "the funding of academic partners in ITEA projects only covers non permanent people (...) currently, we did not find the appropriate candidate." 2015-Feb-03
Formal Mind WP Leadership, ProR-related development Q2-Q4
Fraunhofer WP Leadership Q1
LAAS Data Dictionary, Traceability Q1-Q4
MERCE SysML-to-B (work on Luna, UI integration, tests, experiments) Q2-Q4

Sprint Activity Log

Decision at the WP7 Telco at 31.01.2015: The Sprint Activity Log will not longer maintained. Instead, on the Friday Telcos a status round will be held in which every WP7 Partner gives a short summary of their activities in the last week.

Partner Effort planned Effort spent Description (including issue references)
SQS Test Plan, Documentation
FhG 50h SCADE Integration, SysML Constraints
FM 40h WP7 Leadership
Uni Bremen
Inst. Telecom
Partner Effort planned Effort spent Description (including issue references)
SQS Test Plan, Documentation
FhG 50h SCADE Integration, SysML Constraints
FM 60h 60h WP7 Leadership
Uni Bremen
Inst. Telecom
Partner Effort planned Effort spent Description (including issue references)
CEA 20h 30h Working on Luna migration (#376 & #446) & Build issues (#445)
FhG 50h SCADE Integration, SysML Constraints
FM 40h 40h WP7 Leadership
Uni Bremen 40h Task organization
Partner Effort planned Effort spent Description (including issue references)
CEA 50h 30h Integrating SysML2B transfo (#422) & Luna migration (#376)
SQS Qualification Plan. Test Plan
TWT Qualification Plan
FhG 50h SCADE Integration
FM 40h 40h WP7 Leadership
Uni Bremen 40h Task organization and final Qualification Plan
Partner Effort planned Effort spent Description (including issue references)
CEA 50h 30 h Integrating SysML2B transfo (#422)
TWT Qualification Plan
FhG 50h SCADE Integration
FM 40h 40h
UniBremen 20h Qualification Plan and Task organization
Partner Effort planned Effort spent Description (including issue references)
CEA 20h 30h Looking at SysML2B transfo + correcting #410 & #411 + Looking for #423
SQS 25 Creation of a final Test Plan. Elaboration of the documentation test cases.
TWT 5 Qualification Plan
FhG 60 SCADE Integration
FM 40 Covering Task Leadership (Cecile on Vacation), Organization
Systerel 4h Review D7.3 (issue #402), document review
Partner Effort planned Effort spent Description (including issue references)
FM 8 8 Organization, Issue Grooming
Partner Effort planned Effort spent Description (including issue references)
CEA 20h 45h working on issue #380 , and issues #382 , #383 and #360 + fixing the Maven build
SQS 25 Qualification Plan + test plan draft
TWT 8 Qualification Plan
FhG 30 Working on Scade integration #391, Providing git training #375, Continue working on #372, Work on Data Dictionary
FM 8 12 Bug Fixes, Organization
UniBremen 30h Qualification plan, organization tasks
Partner Effort planned Effort spent Description (including issue references)
CEA 20h 50h Working on the Papyrus / ProR proxy (issues #349 #380) (added workforce of my collegue)
LAAS 30h waiting for papyrus API documentation + development for LAAS
TWT 12h 6h Qualification plan
FM 20h WP Leadership; Backlog grooming; supporting #380 and #358.
Partner Effort planned Effort spent Description (including issue references)
Rostock 4h Continuing work on git tutorial documentation
Partner Effort planned Effort spent Description (including issue references)
Rostock 4h Continuing work on git tutorial documentation
Partner Effort planned Effort spent Description (including issue references)
Rostock 4h Continuing work on git tutorial documentation
Partner Effort planned Effort spent Description (including issue references)
LAAS 30h #359, #360 + learning RCP & EMF
SQS 24h #315, #330, check qualification process
Rostock 8h Continuing work on git tutorial documentation: here
TWT 5h Review of EN 50128 w.r.t. tool qualification
FhG 15 Scade Integration
Partner Effort planned Effort spent Description (including issue references)
LAAS 30h #351 + learning eclipse
SQS 8h #315, #330
Rostock 8h Continuing work on git tutorial documentation
TWT 5h Continuing work on tool qualification example
FhG 15h Looking into merge conflict issue by investigating CDO with Papyrus. Staring with documentation for existing and new SysML Constraints.
Partner Effort planned Effort spent Description (including issue references)
CEA 8h On standby, reserving workforce for Luna M7 Papyrus related issues
LAAS 16h DataDictionary #351 #327
SQS 24h #315, #330, #343, #348
FhG 20h Constraint Checker, can help out DataDictionary, SysML to B Transformation
Partner Effort planned Effort spent Description (including issue references)
CEA 25h Papyurus
LAAS DataDictionary
SQS #315, #330, #335, #343, #348
Rostock 4h git Tutorial
TWT Example Tool Qualification
FhG Constraint Checker, can help out DataDictionary, SysML to B Transformation
Partner Effort planned Effort spent Description (including issue references)
CEA 24h + 28h* Papyrus
LAAS 30h #310 Data dictionnary
SQS 24h #304 Documentation Link , Installation Procedure, Optimize plugin -subpages-
Rostock 2h #285
TWT 2h Participation in telcos only
FhG 30h DataDictionary, SysML Constraints, Classical B
Partner Effort planned Effort spent Description (including issue references)
CEA 24h + 28h* Papyrus Problems
LAAS 30h Data Dictionary getting up to speed
SQS 24h Documentation (Plugin optimization, #315 automate plugin on jenkins)
Rostock 2h SystemC
TWT 5h SystemC, Architecture
FhG 30h Data Dictionary
enseeiht Traceability getting up to speed
  • note from CEA, the + is to correct the omission of co-worker Papyrus dev guy time spend (late repart !)
Partner Effort planned Effort spent Description (including issue references)
Inst. Telecom

Old Reporting Data

This data is kept for reference. Please don't add to it.

Sprint # CEA LAAS SQS Rostock TWT FhG enseeiht other
S15 Effort 30h 0h
S15 Issues waiting for papyrus API documentation + development for LAAS
S14 Effort 2h
S14 Issues Continuing work on git tutorial documentation
S13 Effort 4h
S13 Issues Continuing work on git tutorial documentation
S12 Effort 4h
S12 Issues Continuing work on git tutorial documentation
S11 Effort 30h 24h 8h 5h 15
S11 Issues #359, #360 + learning RCP & EMF #315, #330, check qualification process Continuing work on git tutorial documentation: here Review of EN 50128 w.r.t. tool qualification Scade Integration
S10 Effort 30h 8h 8h 5h 15h
S10 Issues #351 + learning eclipse #315, #330 Continuing work on git tutorial documentation Continuing work on tool qualification example Looking into merge conflict issue by investigating CDO with Papyrus. Staring with documentation for existing and new SysML Constraints.
S9 Effort 8H 16h 24h 0h 0h 20h
S9 Issues On standby, reserving workforce for Luna M7 Papyrus related issues DataDictionary #351 #327 #315, #330, #343, #348 git tutorial Constraint Checker, can help out DataDictionary, SysML to B Transformation
S8 Effort 4h
S8 Issues Papyurus DataDictionary #315, #330, #335, #343, #348 git Tutorial Example Tool Qualification Constraint Checker, can help out DataDictionary, SysML to B Transformation
S7 Effort 24h + 28h* 30h 24 h 2h 2h 30h
S7 Issues Papyrus #310 Data dictionnary #304 Documentation Link , Installation Procedure, Optimize plugin -subpages- #285 Participation in telcos only DataDictionary, SysML Constraints, Classical B

Major contributors to the Toolchain Development recorded their availability in the Doodle. These are:

Organization 2014 Contact Status Eclipse Skills Notes
CEA 1.0PY Mathieu Perrin, Mathilde Arnaud Active Yes Papyurus; Works with Cecile on Datatypes. Bernd pointed out that WP3 and WP4 are also customers.
Formal Mind 1.0PY Michael Jastram 100% Active Yes No capacity due to WP7 leadership
ERTMS Solutions 1.0PY Laurent Ferier Active No
LAAS 0.8PY Silvano Dal Zilio Reengaging Data Dictionary Still don't know exactly what has to be done. Alexander will work with Silvano on clarifying
SQS 0.7PY Izaskun de la Torre Active Yes Current focus on Documentation. (A group of 3 people will collaborate in the WP7 activities and the expected contribution is 8 hours/week each one. They have knowledge in java, eclipse IDE, Jenkins and in technical writing.) Problem: Documentation generation from works, but not from gitHub. Jonas may be able to help
University of Rostock 0.4PY Alexander Nitsch Active No Generating SystemC-Code from SysML in close cooperation with TWT.
Uni Bremen 0.6PY Cécile Braunstein Active No Little capacity due to T7.3 leadership
Mitsubishi Electric 0.5PY David Mentré Active No Will act as Stakeholder (Modeling), Tester and Tech Writer
Systerel 0.5PY Marielle Petit-Doche Active Yes Due to T7.2 activities, no capacity for toolchain development for now.
TWT 0.25PY Stefan Rieger Yes No Reduced efforts due to stronger WP3 commitment Topics: Architecture, collaboration with Rostock regarding SystemC
FhG 0.3PY Alexander Stante Active Yes Supporting role in #204 (Data Dictionary) for now. Also some work on Classical B. Validation of SysML Plugin.
enseeiht Marc Pantel Active Yes Traceability
EclipseSource 0.1PY Jonas Helming Active Yes
Institute Telecom 0.1PY
Alstom 0.1PY
Alstom Transport 0.1PY
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