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schtap edited this page Dec 10, 2022 · 5 revisions


git clone
git checkout openFLASH
  • Clone the ConformalFLASH repository
git clone
  • In MATLAB, add in the PATH, the folders and subfolders in REGGUI and ConformalFLASH

If you are running MATLAB under Linux, then this is the end of the installation and you can start using the program.

If you are running MATLAB under Windows, it is preferable to install WSL2 on Windows. This allows the LINUX version of MCsquare to compute the dose maps. The MCsquare executable compiled for LINUX is updated more regularly in the git repository than the executable for Windows. By running MCsquare for Linux, you will have a more up to date version of MCsquare.

To execute MCsquare in the WSL environment:

  • Install WSL2 as described on this page
  • Configure MCsquare to be executed on WSL. Open the file REGGUI\plugins\openMCsquare\functions\wsl.conf and write yes on the first line of the file.

MCsquare will now be executed in the WSL environment.

Code update

To pull the latest version of the code from the repositories:

  • Go the the REGGUI folder and type:
git pull

This will update the code

  • Go the the ConformalFLASH folder and type:
git pull