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openSUSE Container Build Checks Hopefully green test status

This tool checks that built container images conform to the openSUSE container image policies (

It is designed to run at the end of image builds inside OBS, where it will look at all built images (both KIWI and DOCKER types) and fail the build if fatal issues were found. make install copies it to the directory where OBS expects it (openSUSE/obs-build#675).

As input, it reads .containerinfo files generated by OBS, which contain information like the disturl, chosen tags and the name of the tarball in docker save format (other container tools are available). The latter contains manifest.json, the image config and layers.

To run it against built containers outside of OBS, it's necessary to craft a .containerinfo file containing the needed metainfo yourself, e.g.:

   "disturl" : "obs://",
   "file" : "proper-derived.tar",
   "release" : "7.21",
   "tags" : [

When called outside of OBS, it looks at all *.containerinfo files in the current directory.


Configuration files are in ini-format. All *.conf files in the configuration directory are read in alphabetical order. By default it looks for files in /usr/share/container-build-checks/, but the CBC_CONFIG_DIR environment variable can be used to override the path.

Available configuration options and their default values are:

# If true, treat all warnings as fatal. Errors are always fatal.
# If set, verify that the image-specific label prefix starts with this
# If set, verify that the org.opensuse.reference value uses this as registry

# All tags have to match one of the patterns, e.g. opensuse/*,kubic/*
# Tags must not match any of the patterns in here.


To build and run tests, run make test (parallel jobs are fine). If there are differences to the expected output, the diff will be shown and the test run fails.

Each subdirectory in tests/ contains a Dockerfile used to build the tarball, a suitable .containerinfo with the metainformation and a checks.out file. The latter contains the expected output and exit status of running against that image.

Whenever the Dockerfile changes (tracked by the built stamp file), the image is rebuilt and the tarball updated. The image is tagged as c-b-c-tests/<dirname> and can be used as base image by other tests.

To update the checks.out files for all tests, run make test-regen.

make lint invokes flake8 to perform linting on the source code.

Creating test cases

To create a new test case, create a subdirectory in tests/ and create or copy suitable Dockerfile and *.containerinfo files.

LABEL statements can be created from an existing image by running:

podman image inspect foo | jq '.[0]["Config"]["Labels"]' | sed 's/": /=/g;s/^ "/LABEL /g;s/,$//g'

Run make test (or just make tests/foo/tested) to see the output and make test-regen (or just make tests/foo/regen) to save it as checks.out.

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This tool checks that built container images conform to the openSUSE container image policies.





