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- osc.builder: added builder module
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The builder.Builder class is a wrapper around the build script
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marcus-h committed Jul 14, 2012
1 parent 039f0c6 commit b22183c
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173 changes: 173 additions & 0 deletions osc/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
"""This module provides a wrapper around the build script.
It can be used to perform a local build.

import subprocess

def su_cmd(cmd, options):
"""Constructs a new command str which invokes cmd with su.
The options are options for cmd.
l = ['su', '--shell', escape(cmd), 'root', '--']
return l + options

def sudo_cmd(cmd, options):
"""Constructs a new command list which invokes cmd with su.
The options are an options list for cmd.
l = ['sudo', escape(cmd)]
return l + options

def escape(value):
"""Escapes value.
This method simply puts double quotes around value (unless it is
an int).
return str(int(value))
except ValueError:
# ok it is a string
return '"' + value + '"'

class ListDelegate(object):
"""Delegete for a list.
It's sole purpose is to simplify the Builder interface
so that multiple options can be specified like this: = 'foo' += 'bar'

def __init__(self):
"""Constructs a new ListDelegate object"""

def clear(self):
"""Clears the list"""
self._list = []

def __iadd__(self, other):
if hasattr(other, 'extend'):
# treat other as list
return self

def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self._list, name)

def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._list)

class Builder(object):
"""Wrapper around the build script."""

# constants for the suwrapper
SU = 'su'
SUDO = 'sudo'

def __init__(self, build_cmd='/usr/bin/build', su_cmd='su', **opts):
"""Constructs a new Builder object.
Keyword arguments:
build_cmd -- name or path to the build script (default: /usr/bin/build)
su_cmd -- specifies which suwrapper should be used (if None is
specified no suwrapper is used) (default: Builder.SU)
**opts -- options for the build script
super(Builder, self).__init__()
self.__dict__['_build_cmd'] = build_cmd
self.__dict__['_su_cmd'] = su_cmd
self.__dict__['_options'] = {}
for opt, val in opts.iteritems():
self.set(opt, val)

def set(self, opt, val, append=False):
"""Sets option opt with value val.
If val is None the option is removed/unset. In case of a multiple
option val can also be a list of values.
Keyword arguments:
append -- do not overwrite old value(s) (default: False)
if not opt in self._options:
self._options[opt] = ListDelegate()
values = self._options[opt]
if val is None:
self._options.pop(opt, None)
elif hasattr(val, 'extend'):
# treat val as a list
elif append:

def opts(self):
"""Returns the option list.
Note all values except ints will be escaped with double
l = []
for opt in sorted(self._options.keys()):
# print opt, self._options[opt]
for val in self._options[opt]:
l.append("--%s" % opt.replace('_', '-'))
if val != True:
# option has a value
return l

def cmd(self):
"""Returns the complete cmd list."""
cmd = ''
if self._su_cmd == Builder.SU:
return su_cmd(self._build_cmd, self.opts())
elif self._su_cmd == Builder.SUDO:
return sudo_cmd(self._build_cmd, self.opts())
return [self._build_cmd] + self.opts()

def run(self, **kwargs):
"""Executes the build script.
The retcode of the build script is returned.
Keyword arguments:
**kwargs -- optional arguments for the method
# make sure shell is disabled (for security reasons)
kwargs['shell'] = False
return, **kwargs)

def __delattr__(self, name):
self.set(name, None)

def __getattr__(self, name):
return self._options[name]

def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if not hasattr(value, 'clear'):
# otherwise it's a ListDelegate
self.set(name, value)

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