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Potential Future Abilities

vavrek edited this page Dec 19, 2020 · 1 revision

System: listening confirmation / audio detection / microphone calibration, open / close assistant, time, date, day of the week, diagnostics (drive space, temperature, cpu activity), opening / closing applications, copy / paste, window focus, interactive command configuration, logoff / suspend / shutdown.

Network: status (online / offline), enable / disable, ip address, ping, speed test.

Information: weather, news, email, messages, spelling, searches, screen reading, audio playing / recording, scheduling, alarms.

Vision: facial / object recognition, gesture commands, motion detection.

Display: console messages, interactive “face” or graphics, basic OA listening and muting control.

Minds: create specific “personalities” or “bots” offering advanced functionality (learning, teaching, data analysis, conversation, entertainment)