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Getting Involved

Daniel Krook edited this page Aug 25, 2021 · 4 revisions

OpenEEW is a community that includes developers, scientists, and makers. We are building a set of technologies that can be deployed by anyone around the world to protect communities from earthquakes.

How can I get involved?

Please start by reading as much as you can about OpenEEW:

What can I contribute?

There are many ways to contribute to OpenEEW and many of them do not involve writing code or building hardware. Here's a few ideas to get started:

If you think you need help planning your contribution, please join Slack and we will be happy to help.

Our development process

OpenEEW uses GitHub as its source of truth. The core team will be working directly there. All changes will be public from the beginning.

Reporting new issues

When opening a new issue, always make sure to fill out the issue template. This step is very important! Not doing so may result in your issue not managed in a timely fashion. Don't take this personally if this happens, and feel free to open a new issue once you've gathered all the information required by the template.

  • One issue, one bug: Please report a single bug per issue.
  • Provide reproduction steps: List all the steps necessary to reproduce the issue. The person reading your bug report should be able to follow these steps to reproduce your issue with minimal effort.

Reporting bugs

We use GitHub Issues for our public bugs. If you would like to report a problem, take a look around and see if someone already opened an issue about it. If you a are certain this is a new, unreported bug, you can submit a bug report.

You can file issues as feature requests or enhancements. If you see anything you'd like to be implemented, create an issue with feature template.

Pull requests


All pull requests will require you to ensure the change is certified via the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO). The DCO is a lightweight way for contributors to certify that they wrote or otherwise have the right to submit the code they are contributing to the project.

Your first pull request

So you have decided to contribute code back to upstream by opening a pull request. You've invested a good chunk of time, and we appreciate it. We will do our best to work with you and get the PR looked at.

Working on your first Pull Request? You can learn how from this free video series:

How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub

We have a list of beginner friendly issues to help you get your feet wet in the OpenEEW codebase and familiar with our contribution process. This is a great place to get started.

Proposing a change

If you would like to request a new feature or enhancement but are not yet thinking about opening a pull request, you can also file an issue with feature template.

If you're only fixing a bug, it's fine to submit a pull request right away but we still recommend to file an issue detailing what you're fixing. This is helpful in case we don't accept that specific fix but want to keep track of the issue.

Sending a pull request

Small pull requests are much easier to review and more likely to get merged. Make sure the PR does only one thing, otherwise please split it.

Please make sure the following is done when submitting a pull request:

Fork the repository and create your branch from master. Add the copyright notice to the top of any code new files you've added. Describe your test plan in your pull request description. Make sure to test your changes! Make sure your code lints (yarn prettier && yarn lint). Make sure your Jest tests pass (yarn test). All pull requests should be opened against the master branch.

What happens next?

The core OpenEEW team will be monitoring for pull requests. Do help us by keeping pull requests consistent by following the guidelines above.


By contributing to OpenEEW, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its Apache 2 license.


The Open Source Guides website has a collection of resources for individuals, communities, and companies who want to learn how to run and contribute to an open source project. Contributors and people new to open source alike will find the following guides especially useful:

How to Contribute to Open Source Building Welcoming Communities