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Maikel edited this page Feb 7, 2022 · 3 revisions

Would you like to contribute to the Open Food Network but you are not confident in Ruby on Rails just yet? There are plenty of good and mostly free online resources to learn all the basics. We compiled a few recommendations for you:

  • The Ruby on Rails Tutorial is one of the most established (online) books for learning Rails. The free introduction covers the basics but you need to pay for the full book. Maybe just see how much fun you have with the free part first. 😉
  • The Odin Project is a completely free resource to learn Rails. It's not as comprehensive as the tutorial above but we can improve it on Github if you get stuck somewhere.
  • GoRails is a great collection of articles to specific topics. So if you know some stuff already and want to read in more detail about a certain aspect, you may be lucky here.
  • Ruby on Rails Guides are the official documentation which aim to help the beginner and are still a great reference for experienced experts. You will definitely read some on your Rails journey.
  • Udemy Complete Ruby on Rails Developer course introduces you to a lot of tools we use within the Open Food Network code.

How did you learn Rails? Found another great resource? Let us know and improve this wiki! 😄

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