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Deploy to Netlify

Buooy edited this page Mar 26, 2021 · 14 revisions

In this step, we will clone the repository into your GitHub account and deploy the frontend website to Netlify.

1. Click to "Deploy to Netlify"

The button below will launch a simple wizard on Netlify to help guide you in deploying your new Queue website

Deploy to Netlify

2. Select "Connect To Github"

Login and authorise Netlify for access to your GitHub account.


Pro Tips:

  • Before Netlify deploys the website, it will clone (or in engineering terms, fork) this repository into your GitHub Account.
  • It will then use the code found in your GitHub Account to deploy the website.
  • This means that you could modify the code in your GitHub account and launch the website, if there is a need to.

3. Add Your Configurations and Click "Save & Deploy"

Available Configurations

Repository Name

The name of the cloned/forked Github Repository in your account.

App Name

  • Name of the application

Expiration Duration

  • Duration of the admin login token. This determines how you long after you login before you need to login again. Default: 1hour


  • Permissions that the admin panel will have to interact with your Trello board. Default: read,write

Redirect Url

  • URL to redirect the user to after the user authorises on Trello. e.g.

Trello Board ID

Trello API Key

Trello API Token

Refresh Interval (in milliseconds)

  • How frequently the website refreshes to reflect the latest queue number. Defaults to 5000 i.e. 5 seconds

  • Note that each time the website refreshes, we invoke Netlify serverless functions. As a result, the shorter the refresh interval, the more often we will invoke these functions. If you exceed the Netlify free tier, you will be charged additional fees.

  • We recommend setting the Refresh Interval to a minimum of 3000. If you run a large queue and wish to stay within the free tier, we recommend increasing the Refresh Interval to 10000 or more.

Waiting Time (in minutes)

How long each person the queue is expected to take. Defaults to 3 i.e. 3 minutes

  • We use this to inform the participant approximately how long they will need to wait for. For example, if there are 5 persons in front of them, we will display 15 minutes.

Public Board

Is the Trello board you are on a public or private board. Defaults to False i.e. private board


4. Wait For Deployment To Complete

It may take a few minutes for your new website to be deployed or launched.

Once it is up, you will see your site on the Netlify Dashboard that is similar to

Netlify Deployed

Visit the URL listed under your Netlify App name to see your new website. In the case above, the URL is ""

Pro Tips:

  • Don't like the name or URL of your website? No worries. We will guide you how to change that in the next step.


At this stage, you should

  1. Have deployed a queue website on Netlify
  2. Cloned this GitHub repository into your own account
  3. Visited your new queue Website. Hurray!

You are now ready for the next step: Configuring Your New Queue