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Configuring Your New Queue

Buooy edited this page Feb 4, 2021 · 4 revisions

Congratulations if you have reached this stage. You have a working queue!

You might have noticed though that your queue sits on a random URL. In this step, we will show you how to configure your queue to make it your own.

If you are happy with a random URL, please feel free to skip this step.

Changing the Project Name in Netlify

By default, Netlify automatically generated a name for your site. Let’s update that by visiting the "settings" tab and clicking “Change site name”:

Netlify Change Site Name

Changing the Subdomain Name in Netlify

By default, Netlify creates a random subdomain e.g.

You can change a site’s default Netlify subdomain by selecting the Options button next to the subdomain in the Custom domains panel, then selecting Edit site name in the dropdown.

Custom Domain Name

If you want to use a custom domain name e.g., you can follow the documentation found here to configure a custom domain name:

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