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bolettejurik edited this page Apr 30, 2013 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the scape-xcorrsound wiki!

The SCAPE xcorrSound audio file comparison tool suite compares sound waves using cross correlation and finds the best overlap. The package contains several tools.

  • overlap-analysis (earlier xcorrSound) is a tool to find the overlap between two audio files. It outputs best sample number and second and value of match.
  • sound-match is a tool to find all occurrences of a shorter wav within a larger wav
  • waveform-compare (earlier migration-qa) is a tool that splits two audio files into equal sized blocks (default 5 seconds) and outputs the correlation for each block (a_i,b_i), if a and b was the input
  • sound_index is a tool to build an index in which sound-match can find all occurrences of a shorter wav (still in development phase)

How to get started

You can download the source from Github, and follow the instruction in the README to install the different tools. If you build and install the debian package, you can further read the man pages for the tools.


The tools all make use of cross correlation, which can be computed through the Fourier transform. The xcorrSound waveform comparison tool compares two sound waves, for instance the audio waves of an original audio file and the audio waves of a migrated file. The tool uses the cross correlation function to find the overlap match. This will give us a match score (between 0 and 1) and also an offset in the second file for the match if the audio has been shifted in the migration (we have examples of this happening). This is not a full solution, but a tool used as part of the workflows in full solutions to a number of issues.

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