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Sampled Values Basics

Davood Sooran edited this page Feb 19, 2024 · 2 revisions

The Sampled Value service is designed to transmit current and voltage measurement data via Ethernet, as defined in 9-2. While there is an alternative way using other connection mechanisms, as outlined in IEC 61850-9-1, this method is neither described nor supported in OpenSCD.

Sampled Value Streams utilize a multicast mechanism instead of TCP/IP to send to all communication participants in the same LAN/VLAN. The sending (publishing) and usage (subscription) of Sampled Value Streams are therefore completely separated. This has implications for the configuration of Sampled Value-related communication in the SCL.

Publishing: Sampled Value Control Block (SampledValueControl)

The configuration of Sampled Value publishers is done in the SCL element SampledValueControl and its referenced DataSet element. The reference to its DataSet is set through the datSet attribute in the SampledValueControl element.

NOTE: SampledValueControl must reside in the LN0 element, and both SampledValueControl and its referenced DataSet must share the same parent.

Configuring the publisher involves three basics steps:

  1. Create control block: Create the element SampledValueControl or import SCL with pre-existing SampledValueControl elements.
  2. Create data set: Create element DataSet in the same parent as the SampledValueControl and add data FCDA to it.
  3. Combine control block and data set: Set the datSet attribute within the SampledValueControl element.

Publishing: Configuring Sampled Values with OpenSCD

  1. Create Sampled Value Control Blocks and its DataSet
  2. Edit Sampled Value Control Blocks and its DataSets

Subscription: Basics

See Subscription basics

Subscription with OpenSCD

See Subscription complete Sampled Value Stream

1. About OpenSCD

4.2 XML editor - pro mode

6.1 Report


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