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Split image build into base and top
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ansible-playbook playbooks/build_image.yaml \
  -e "openshift_gcp_image=origin-37-node" \
  -e "openshift_gcp_base_image=rhel-7" \
  -e openshift_test_repo= \
  -e "openshift-pkg-version=-3.7.0-0.alpha.1.859.5d7f1b8" \
  -e "skip_node_svc_handlers=true"
  • Loading branch information
smarterclayton committed Oct 5, 2017
1 parent a541d91 commit ef81603
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Showing 2 changed files with 131 additions and 21 deletions.
47 changes: 26 additions & 21 deletions playbooks/image.yaml → playbooks/build_base_image.yaml
Expand Up @@ -5,32 +5,37 @@
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- name: Require openshift_gcp_root_image
msg: "A root OS image name or family is required for base image building. Please ensure `openshift_gcp_root_image` is defined."
when: openshift_gcp_root_image is undefined

- name: Create the image instance disk
service_account_email: "{{ (lookup('file', gce_service_account_keyfile ) | from_json ).client_email }}"
credentials_file: "{{ gce_service_account_keyfile }}"
project_id: "{{ gce_project_id }}"
zone: "{{ gce_zone_name }}"
name: "{{ provision_prefix }}build-image-instance"
service_account_email: "{{ (lookup('file', openshift_gcp_iam_service_account_keyfile ) | from_json ).client_email }}"
credentials_file: "{{ openshift_gcp_iam_service_account_keyfile }}"
project_id: "{{ openshift_gcp_project }}"
zone: "{{ openshift_gcp_zone }}"
name: "{{ openshift_gcp_prefix }}build-image-instance"
disk_type: pd-ssd
image: "{{ provision_gce_base_image | default('') }}"
image: "{{ openshift_gcp_root_image }}"
size_gb: 10
state: present

- name: Launch the image build instance
service_account_email: "{{ (lookup('file', gce_service_account_keyfile ) | from_json ).client_email }}"
credentials_file: "{{ gce_service_account_keyfile }}"
project_id: "{{ gce_project_id }}"
zone: "{{ gce_zone_name }}"
project_id: "{{ openshift_gcp_project }}"
zone: "{{ openshift_gcp_zone }}"
machine_type: n1-standard-1
instance_names: "{{ provision_prefix }}build-image-instance"
instance_names: "{{ openshift_gcp_prefix }}build-image-instance"
state: present
- build-image-instance
disk_auto_delete: false
- "{{ provision_prefix }}build-image-instance"
- "{{ openshift_gcp_prefix }}build-image-instance"
register: gce

- add_host:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,19 +136,19 @@
- name: Terminate the image build instance
service_account_email: "{{ (lookup('file', gce_service_account_keyfile ) | from_json ).client_email }}"
credentials_file: "{{ gce_service_account_keyfile }}"
project_id: "{{ gce_project_id }}"
zone: "{{ gce_zone_name }}"
instance_names: "{{ provision_prefix }}build-image-instance"
service_account_email: "{{ (lookup('file', openshift_gcp_iam_service_account_keyfile ) | from_json ).client_email }}"
credentials_file: "{{ openshift_gcp_iam_service_account_keyfile }}"
project_id: "{{ openshift_gcp_project }}"
zone: "{{ openshift_gcp_zone }}"
instance_names: "{{ openshift_gcp_prefix }}build-image-instance"
state: absent
- name: Save the new image
command: gcloud --project "{{ gce_project_id}}" compute images create "{{ provision_gce_registered_image_id | default(provision_gce_registered_image + '-' + lookup('pipe','date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')) }}" --source-disk "{{ provision_prefix }}build-image-instance" --source-disk-zone "{{ gce_zone_name }}" --family "{{ provision_gce_registered_image }}"
command: gcloud --project "{{ openshift_gcp_project}}" compute images create "{{ openshift_gcp_base_image_name | default(openshift_gcp_base_image + '-' + lookup('pipe','date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')) }}" --source-disk "{{ openshift_gcp_prefix }}build-image-instance" --source-disk-zone "{{ openshift_gcp_zone }}" --family "{{ openshift_gcp_base_image }}"
- name: Remove the image instance disk
service_account_email: "{{ (lookup('file', gce_service_account_keyfile ) | from_json ).client_email }}"
credentials_file: "{{ gce_service_account_keyfile }}"
project_id: "{{ gce_project_id }}"
zone: "{{ gce_zone_name }}"
name: "{{ provision_prefix }}build-image-instance"
service_account_email: "{{ (lookup('file', openshift_gcp_iam_service_account_keyfile ) | from_json ).client_email }}"
credentials_file: "{{ openshift_gcp_iam_service_account_keyfile }}"
project_id: "{{ openshift_gcp_project }}"
zone: "{{ openshift_gcp_zone }}"
name: "{{ openshift_gcp_prefix }}build-image-instance"
state: absent
105 changes: 105 additions & 0 deletions playbooks/build_image.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- name: Require openshift_gcp_base_image
msg: "A base image name or family is required for image building. Please ensure `openshift_gcp_base_image` is defined."
when: openshift_gcp_base_image is undefined

- name: Launch image build instance
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- name: Set facts
openshift_node_bootstrap: True

- name: Create the image instance disk
service_account_email: "{{ (lookup('file', openshift_gcp_iam_service_account_keyfile ) | from_json ).client_email }}"
credentials_file: "{{ openshift_gcp_iam_service_account_keyfile }}"
project_id: "{{ openshift_gcp_project }}"
zone: "{{ openshift_gcp_zone }}"
name: "{{ openshift_gcp_prefix }}build-image-instance"
disk_type: pd-ssd
image: "{{ openshift_gcp_base_image }}"
size_gb: 10
state: present

- name: Launch the image build instance
service_account_email: "{{ (lookup('file', gce_service_account_keyfile ) | from_json ).client_email }}"
credentials_file: "{{ gce_service_account_keyfile }}"
project_id: "{{ openshift_gcp_project }}"
zone: "{{ openshift_gcp_zone }}"
machine_type: n1-standard-1
instance_names: "{{ openshift_gcp_prefix }}build-image-instance"
state: present
- build-image-instance
disk_auto_delete: false
- "{{ openshift_gcp_prefix }}build-image-instance"
register: gce

- name: add host to nodes
hostname: "{{ item.public_ip }}"
groupname: nodes
with_items: "{{ gce.instance_data }}"

- name: Wait for instance to respond to SSH
delay: 1
host: "{{ item.public_ip }}"
port: 22
state: started
timeout: 120
with_items: "{{ gce.instance_data }}"

- name: normalize groups
include: /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/openshift-cluster/initialize_groups.yml

- name: run the std_include
include: /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/evaluate_groups.yml

- name: run the std_include
include: /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/initialize_facts.yml

- name: run the std_include
include: /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/common/openshift-cluster/initialize_openshift_repos.yml

- name: run node config setup
include: /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/common/openshift-node/setup.yml

- name: run node config
include: /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/common/openshift-node/configure_nodes.yml

- name: Re-enable excluders
include: /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/common/openshift-node/enable_excluders.yml

- name: Commit image
hosts: localhost
connection: local
- name: Terminate the image build instance
service_account_email: "{{ (lookup('file', openshift_gcp_iam_service_account_keyfile ) | from_json ).client_email }}"
credentials_file: "{{ openshift_gcp_iam_service_account_keyfile }}"
project_id: "{{ openshift_gcp_project }}"
zone: "{{ openshift_gcp_zone }}"
instance_names: "{{ openshift_gcp_prefix }}build-image-instance"
state: absent
- name: Save the new image
command: gcloud --project "{{ openshift_gcp_project}}" compute images create "{{ openshift_gcp_image_name | default(openshift_gcp_image + '-' + lookup('pipe','date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')) }}" --source-disk "{{ openshift_gcp_prefix }}build-image-instance" --source-disk-zone "{{ openshift_gcp_zone }}" --family "{{ openshift_gcp_image }}"
- name: Remove the image instance disk
service_account_email: "{{ (lookup('file', openshift_gcp_iam_service_account_keyfile ) | from_json ).client_email }}"
credentials_file: "{{ openshift_gcp_iam_service_account_keyfile }}"
project_id: "{{ openshift_gcp_project }}"
zone: "{{ openshift_gcp_zone }}"
name: "{{ openshift_gcp_prefix }}build-image-instance"
state: absent

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