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Service Catalog CI CD (4.0)

Jay Boyd edited this page May 15, 2019 · 2 revisions

Service Catalog CI is configured here in openshift/release/ci-operator/config. Of specific note, the binary_build_commands specifies how to build Service Catalog. The sections around test as: unit and test as: e2e-aws-operator specify how unit tests and e2e is run. Pretty straight forward, but a little explanation may jump start you.

Note that the upstream Service Catalog Makefile is renamed to and a custom OpenShift Makefile replaces it. It is used to build the rpms for Service Catalog.

Reviewing the e2e test configuration:

- artifact_dir: /tmp/artifacts
  as: e2e-aws-operator
  commands: make build-e2e && hack/ && hack/
    cluster_profile: aws

hack/ actually toggles the two Service Catalog cluster operator resources to "Managed" to cause installation of Service Catalog. hack/ waits until Service Catalog is installed and the API is ready and then kicks off running the upstream e2e tests. Excuse the poor script naming, it's a carry over from when we had first planned on installing Service Catalog via OLM and subscriptions were required to configure the installation source.