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Date: 02/11/2016

What is this repository for?

  • Telegram Bot
  • Version: 0.54.0
  • name: {S}bot

How do I get set up?

  • Mysql + Php + JQuery + Html with Linux or Windows

Virtual disk with VmWare Player

  • Use the vmware player and the virtual disk. Downalod from: the virtual machine for run {S}bot in 5 minutes

Contribution guidelines

  • Writing tests: Community

Browsers certificate

  • Browser: Internet Explorer 8+ , Firefox, WaterFox, Chrome, Safari

Who do I talk to?

  • Assistance:
  • Search the bot in Telegram
  • Code and conceive:
  • Guion Matteo (
  • Contributors of projects:
  • Massimo Gorla (Mysql connection, Login, Php)
  • Timothy Redaelli (PasswordHash function)
  • Giampiero Marconetto (Send Mail for alert, Testing - very hot testing -)

How to install?

  • Linux install:

  • Create one Bot, use this guide: and generate the Token:

  • The token is a string along the lines of 110201543:AAHdqTcvCH1vGWJxfSeofSAs0K5PALD saw that will be required to authorize the bot and send requests to the Bot API

  • Use the server Linux with Lamp (Php version 5.5 or higher with support for curl and mcrypt (apt-get install php5-mcrypt, apt-get install php5-curl and /etc/init.d/apache2 restart), mysql 5.5 or higher and apache)

  • Insert in config.sample.php the Token, user and pwd user mysql and define the path of INFO_PHOTO e SEND_PHOTO

  • If this is your first install rename config.sample.php to config.php

  • For ability mcrypt at php launch in the bash: "php5enmod mcrypt" and restart Apache or Server. This is very important for login in Sbot management.

  • Use telegram_base.sql in folder sql and install in your server Mysql (launch in DB telegram the instruction sql).

  • In /etc/rc.local your server Linux insert (in two row):

  • "php /var/www/_PATH_OF_FOLDER_SBOT/sbot/demone.php > /var/www/_PATH_OF_FOLDER_SBOT/sbot/sbotAdmin/log/sbot.log &

  • exit 0"

  • Delete the " " before inserting the file

  • "EXIT 0" -> for force the exit

  • If you want the send images to work directory upload_img must be writable (set to 777)

  • reboot Server linux.

  • Ok, the sbot is run and you to be working. User login: admin Password login: password

  • Windows install:

  • For install with Windows use the guide for Linux Server, but not configure rc.local. Configure Scheduled Tasks in Windows panel.



  • BugFix and insert tracker user and create level user (admin, user)


  • BugFix


  • BugFix and clean a code


  • New parameter for message exit and search with Google or my site if user not found responce.
  • In config.php file deprecate variable: define('MESSAGE_NULL')
  • Launch 11_update.sql
  • BugFix and clean a code


  • Implements the short link for send news ecc.
  • Launch 10_update.sql



  • This version control this error: [Error : 403 : Bot was blocked by the user]. In this case the user is delete from Sbot.


  • Bug fix for version 0.40.


  • New version permit the scheduler send.
  • In Linux server create a crontab for launcher this script:
  • #!/bin/bash
  • Questo script serve per richiamare il componente crontab.php

  • di sbot e deve essere utilizzato solo per lanciare il crontab

  • /usr/bin/php -f /var/www/html/sbot/crontab.php > /dev/null 2>&1
  • In Windows Server create a scheduled task from control pannel


  • Implement send message into Channel Telegram.


  • New version change the config file and demone. This versione permit the change buttonBot with web page.


  • Notification of new posts by email. Ability to start and stop the demon. Ability to set parameters via mail interface.
  • Modify the script for start demone: "php /var/www/_PATH_OF_FOLDER_SBOT/sbot/demone.php > /var/www/_PATH_OF_FOLDER_SBOT/sbot/sbotAdmin/log/sbot.log & exit 0"


  • Bug Fix


  • New table style, add possibility disable user in admin page setting
  • Bug Fix


  • Now is possibile search message with function
  • Bug Fix


  • Convert date format Europe/IT
  • Add archive message function
  • Bug Fix


  • Insert change signature for user
  • Launch 4_update.sql for update Db
  • Sortable single column for table users
  • Bug Fix


  • Correct bug in scructure Db
  • Launch 3_update.sql for update Db


  • IMPORTANT: Change folder for log --> In /etc/rc.local your server Linux insert: "php /var/www/_PATH_OF_FOLDER_SBOT/sbot/demone.php > /var/www/_PATH_OF_FOLDER_SBOT/sbot/sbotAdmin/log/sbot.log, and restart Server linux.
  • Corret error in config.sample.php and demone.php replace the file config
  • Insert update


  • change functionDB function dbLogTextSend
  • change sendSingle.php add into dbLogTextSend ($testo_ricevuto,$_SESSION['username'],$MessageID, $utenti_messageID);
  • change function dbLogTextFull()
  • change sendSingle for connection with single message send
  • change send for new functionDB dbLogTextSend
  • disable button send message after one click
  • add connection single user with single messag
  • launch 2_update.sql


  • Add page of insert multiuser
  • Insert in single message signature of user to send message
  • Update table admins and send_message (use 1_update.sql)