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Merge 86c536b into f17a839
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jalessio committed Jul 27, 2020
2 parents f17a839 + 86c536b commit f043e89
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Showing 11 changed files with 281 additions and 42 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions .dockerignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,3 +18,6 @@ public/attachments

# docker-compose database directory
95 changes: 57 additions & 38 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,38 +1,57 @@
dist: bionic
language: ruby
- 2.5.3
- bundler
postgresql: 9.5
- firefox-geckodriver
- libarchive-dev
- libgd-dev
- libffi-dev
- libbz2-dev
- memcached
- sed -e 's/ IMMUTABLE / /' -e "/^--/d" db/structure.sql > db/structure.expected
- psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE openstreetmap"
- psql -U postgres -c "CREATE EXTENSION btree_gist" openstreetmap
- psql -U postgres -f db/functions/functions.sql openstreetmap
- cp config/travis.database.yml config/database.yml
- cp config/ config/storage.yml
- touch config/settings.local.yml
- echo -e "---\nmemcache_servers:\n -" > config/settings/test.local.yml
- bundle exec rake db:migrate
- bundle exec rake i18n:js:export
- bundle exec rake yarn:install
- bundle exec rubocop -f fuubar
- bundle exec rake eslint
- bundle exec erblint .
- bundle exec brakeman -q
- bundle exec rake db:structure:dump
- sed -e "/idle_in_transaction_session_timeout/d" -e 's/ IMMUTABLE / /' -e "/^--/d" db/structure.sql > db/structure.actual
- diff -uw db/structure.expected db/structure.actual
- bundle exec rake test:db
- name: "Website Code"
dist: bionic
language: ruby
- 2.5.3
- bundler
postgresql: 9.5
- firefox-geckodriver
- libarchive-dev
- libgd-dev
- libffi-dev
- libbz2-dev
- memcached
- sed -e 's/ IMMUTABLE / /' -e "/^--/d" db/structure.sql > db/structure.expected
- psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE openstreetmap"
- psql -U postgres -c "CREATE EXTENSION btree_gist" openstreetmap
- psql -U postgres -f db/functions/functions.sql openstreetmap
- cp config/travis.database.yml config/database.yml
- cp config/ config/storage.yml
- touch config/settings.local.yml
- echo -e "---\nmemcache_servers:\n -" > config/settings/test.local.yml
- bundle exec rake db:migrate
- bundle exec rake i18n:js:export
- bundle exec rake yarn:install
- bundle exec rubocop -f fuubar
- bundle exec rake eslint
- bundle exec erblint .
- bundle exec brakeman -q
- bundle exec rake db:structure:dump
- sed -e "/idle_in_transaction_session_timeout/d" -e 's/ IMMUTABLE / /' -e "/^--/d" db/structure.sql > db/structure.actual
- diff -uw db/structure.expected db/structure.actual
- bundle exec rake test:db
- name: "Docker-Compose Configuration"
language: minimal
- docker
- cp config/ config/storage.yml
- cp config/docker.database.yml config/database.yml
- touch config/settings.local.yml
- docker-compose build
- docker-compose up -d
- docker-compose run --rm web rake db:migrate
- docker-compose run --rm web osmosis --rx docker/null-island.osm.xml --wd host=db database=openstreetmap user=openstreetmap validateSchemaVersion=no
- curl -siL | egrep '^HTTP/1.1 200 OK'
- curl -siL | grep 'OpenStreetMap is the free wiki world map'
- curl -siL | grep 'Null Island'
98 changes: 98 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
# Using Docker and Docker Compose for Development and Testing

These instructions are designed for setting up The Rails Port for development and testing using [Docker]( This will allow you to install the OpenStreetMap application and all its dependencies in Docker images and then run them in containers, almost with a single command. You will need to install Docker and Docker Compose on your development machine:

- [Install Docker](
- [Install Docker Compose](

The first step is to fork/clone the repo to your local machine:

git clone

Now change working directory to the `openstreetmap-website`:

cd openstreetmap-website

## Initial Setup

### Storage

cp config/ config/storage.yml

### Database

cp config/docker.database.yml config/database.yml

## Prepare local settings file

This is a workaround. [See issues/2185 for details](

touch config/settings.local.yml

## Installation

To build local Docker images run from the root directory of the repository:

docker-compose build

If this is your first time running or you have removed cache this will take some time to complete. Once the Docker images have finished building you can launch the images as containers.

To launch the app run:

docker-compose up -d

This will launch one Docker container for each 'service' specified in `docker-compose.yml` and run them in the background. There are two options for inspecting the logs of these running containers:

- You can tail logs of a running container with a command like this: `docker-compose logs -f web` or `docker-compose logs -f db`.
- Instead of running the containers in the background with the `-d` flag, you can launch the containers in the foreground with `docker-compose up`. The downside of this is that the logs of all the 'services' defined in `docker-compose.yml` will be intermingled. If you don't want this you can mix and match - for example, you can run the database in background with `docker-compose up -d db` and then run the Rails app in the foreground via `docker-compose up web`.

### Migrations

Run the Rails database migrations:

docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rake db:migrate

### Tests

Run the test suite by running:

docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rake test:db

### Loading an OSM extract

This installation comes with no geographic data loaded. You can either create new data using one of the editors (Potlatch 2, iD, JOSM etc) or by loading an OSM extract. Here an example for loading an OSM extract into your Docker-based OSM instance.

For example, let's download the District of Columbia from Geofabrik:


You can now use Docker to load this extract into your local Docker-based OSM instance:

docker-compose run --rm web osmosis \
-verbose \
--read-pbf district-of-columbia-latest.osm.pbf \
--write-apidb \
host="db" \
database="openstreetmap" \
user="openstreetmap" \

Once you have data loaded for Washington, DC you should be able to navigate to `http://localhost:3000/#map=12/38.8938/-77.0146` to begin working with your local instance.

### Additional Configuration

See `` for information on how to manage users and enable OAuth for iD, JOSM etc.

### Bash

If you want to get into a web container and run specific commands you can fire up a throwaway container to run bash in via:

docker-compose run --rm web bash

Alternatively, if you want to use the already-running `web` container then you can `exec` into it via:

docker-compose exec web bash

Similarly, if you want to `exec` in the db container use:

docker-compose exec db bash
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
FROM ruby:2.5

# Add yarn apt repository
RUN curl -sS | apt-key add - && \
echo "deb stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list

# Install system packages
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
build-essential \
imagemagick \
libarchive-dev \
libffi-dev \
libmagickwand-dev \
libpq-dev \
libsasl2-dev \
libxml2-dev \
libxslt1-dev \
locales \
nodejs \
default-jre-headless \
phantomjs \
postgresql-client \
ruby-dev \
yarn && \
apt-get clean && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# Install current Osmosis
RUN curl -OL && \
tar -C /usr/local -xzf osmosis-0.47.2.tgz

# Setup app location
RUN mkdir -p /app

# Install Ruby packages
ADD Gemfile Gemfile.lock /app/
RUN bundle install

# Install NodeJS packages
ADD package.json yarn.lock /app/
RUN yarn
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,12 +3,14 @@
These instructions are designed for setting up The Rails Port for development and testing.
If you want to deploy the software for your own project, then see the notes at the end.

You can install the software directly on your machine, which is the traditional and probably best-supported approach. However, there is an alternative which may be easier: Vagrant. This installs the software into a virtual machine, which makes it easier to get a consistent development environment and may avoid installation difficulties. For Vagrant instructions, see [](
You can install the software directly on your machine, which is the traditional and probably best-supported approach. However, there
are two alternatives which make it easier to get a consistent development environment and may avoid installation difficulties:

These instructions are based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, which is the platform used by the OSMF servers.
The instructions also work, with only minor amendments, for all other current Ubuntu releases, Fedora and MacOSX
* **Vagrant** This installs the software into a virtual machine. For Vagrant instructions see [](
* **Docker** This installs the software using containerization. For Docker instructions see [](

We don't recommend attempting to develop or deploy this software on Windows. If you need to use Windows, then try developing this software using Ubuntu in a virtual machine, or use [Vagrant](
These instructions are based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, which is the platform used by the OSMF servers.
The instructions also work, with only minor amendments, for all other current Ubuntu releases, Fedora and MacOSX.

## Dependencies

Expand Down
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions config/docker.database.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# This configuration is tailored for use with docker-compose. See for more information.

adapter: postgresql
database: openstreetmap
username: openstreetmap
password: openstreetmap
host: db
encoding: utf8

# Warning: The database defined as 'test' will be erased and
# re-generated from your development database when you run 'rake'.
# Do not set this db to the same as development or production.
adapter: postgresql
database: osm_test
username: postgres
host: db
encoding: utf8
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions docker-compose.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
version: "3"

context: .
- .:/app
- "3000:3000"
command: bundle exec rails s -p 3000 -b ''
- db

context: .
dockerfile: docker/postgres/Dockerfile
- "54321:5432"
POSTGRES_DB: openstreetmap
- ./docker-db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions docker/null-island.osm.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<osm version="0.6" generator="Osmosis 0.47.2">
<bounds minlon="-180.00000" minlat="-90.00000" maxlon="180.00000" maxlat="90.00000" origin="Osmosis 0.47.2"/>
<node id="1" version="1" timestamp="1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" uid="1" user="nobody" lat="0" lon="0">
<tag k="name" v="Null Island"/>
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions docker/postgres/Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
FROM postgres:11

# Add db init script to install OSM-specific Postgres functions/extensions.
ADD docker/postgres/ /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions docker/postgres/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
set -ex

# Create 'openstreetmap' user
CREATE USER openstreetmap PASSWORD 'openstreetmap';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE openstreetmap TO openstreetmap;

# Create btree_gist extensions
psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -U "$POSTGRES_USER" -c "CREATE EXTENSION btree_gist" openstreetmap

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