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@NogginBops NogginBops released this 08 Sep 19:41
· 250 commits to master since this release

BREAKING: Removed the ALTest class from the OpenAL namespace. This was an internal test class that was accidentally included in the package. (@NogginBops)
API: Deprecated Box.Contains function in favor of Box.ContainsInclusive and Box.ContainsExclusive to explicitly state if the box boundary sould be considered contained. (@NogginBops, @Oribow)
API: Exposed EGL bindings to match the WGL bindings. (@NogginBops)
API: Box2, Box2d, Box2i, Box3, Box3d, and Box3i now support XML serialization. (@NogginBops)
API: Added ProgramBinaryLength to the GetProgramParameterName enum. (@NogginBops)
FIX: MathHelper.ClampAngle and MathHelper.ClampRadians now return correct results. (@FlashX64)
FIX: MathHelper.NormalizeRadians now return correct results. (@FlashX64)
FIX: OpenAL now correctly loads on FreeBSD. (@Partmedia)
Clarify in the readme that running on Windows requires "Visual C++ Redistributable 2015" (@NogginBops)
Update to GLFW 3.3.8 (@NogginBops)