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@NogginBops NogginBops released this 17 Jul 19:06
· 93 commits to master since this release

BREAKING: Renamed the OpenTK.OpenAL assembly to OpenTK.Audio.OpenAL to match the namespace (this also changes the nuget package name from OpenTK.OpenAL to OpenTK.Audio.OpenAL). (@NogginBops)
BREAKING: Make OpenAL extensions nested classes of AL and ALC instead of being namespaces to more closely match the OpenGL bindings. (@NogginBops)
BREAKING: Removed AL.BindBufferToSource, AL.GetSourceState, AL.GetSourceType, and ALC.GetAvailableSamples that doesn't exist in the OpenAL API (use AL.Get* and ALC.Get* instead). (@Khhs167, @NogginBops)
BREAKING: NativeWindow.Location, NativeWindow.Size, and NativeWindow.Bounds now correctly refer to the external size and location of the window. (@NogginBops)
BREAKING: Removed a few functions marked [Obsolete] since at least 4.7.2 but some even older. (@NogginBops)
BREAKING: Removed OpenTK.Core.Utils.Swap<T>, use MathHelper.Swap<T> instead. (@NogginBops)
API: Rename Box.Inflate to Box.Extend, and mark Box.Inflate as obsolete so we can change the behavior of Box.Inflate in future versions. (@NogginBops)
API: Added GameWindow.TimeSinceLastUpdate() and GameWindow.ResetTimeSinceLastUpdate() which are useful when dealing with the modal move/resize loop on windows. (@NogginBops)
API: Added NativeWindow.RawMouseInput and NativeWindow.SupportsRawMouseInput for activating raw mouse input. (@NogginBops)
API: Added opt-in preliminary GLFW Wayland support through the environment variable OPENTK_4_USE_WAYLAND (it's broken when used with GameWindow or NativeWindow in this version). (@NogginBops)
API: Updated the GameWindow run loop to be much more accurate. Exposed GameWindow.ExpectedSchedulerPeriod to tell OpenTK how accurate Thread.Sleep can be expected to be (this defaults to good defaults for Windows, Linux, and macos). (@NogginBops)
FIX: Cleaned up some internal OpenGL definitions (doesn't change any bindings). (@BoyBaykiller)
API: Expose MouseCursor.StandardShape as public. (@NogginBops)
API: Add VectorNi.EuclideanLengthSquared. (@NogginBops)
FIX: Added helpful exception message to NativeWindow when running with trimmed assemblies with a workaround for the issue. (@NogginBops)
FIX: Fixed an issue where starting NativeWindow as a fullscreen window and then going to a normal window would throw an exception. (@NogginBops)