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File metadata and controls

243 lines (183 loc) · 8.39 KB

Workflow Definition

Each workflow is represented by a file or directory structure below workflow.def.<name> inside the realm configuration. The name of the file is equal to the internal name of the workflow. Each such file must have the following structure, not all attributes are mandatory or useful in all situations:

    label: The verbose name of the workflow, shown on the UI
    description: The verbose description of the workflow, shown on the UI
    prefix: internal short name, used to prefix the actions, must be unique
            Must not contain any other characters than [a-z0-9]

    name_of_state:  (used as literal name in the engine)
        autorun: 0/1
        autofail: 0/1
        label: visible name
        description: the text for the page head
          - name_of_action > state_on_success ? condition_name
          - name_of_other_action > other_state_on_success !condition_name
            name_of_action: A verbose text shown aside of the button
            name_of_other_action: A verbose text shown aside of the button
                label: Label to put on the button (default is label from action)
                format: layout of the button = assigned stylesheet
                # add a confirmation popup when button is pressed
                    label: Headline of the popup dialog
                    description: Text inside the popup
                    confirm: label of the proceed button
                    cancel: label of the abort button

    name_of_action: (as used above)
        label: Verbose name, shown as label on the button
        tooltip: Hint to show as tooltip on the button
        description: Verbose description, show on UI page
        class: Name of the implementation class
        button: Label for the submit button (default is "continue")
        abort: state to jump to on abort (UI button, optional) # not implemented yet
        resume: state to jump to on resume (after exception, optional) # not implemented yet
          - name_of_validator (defined below)
          - name_of_field (defined below)
          - name_of_other_field
            key: value - passed as params to the action class

    field_name: (as used above)
        name:        key used in context
        label:       The fields label
        placeholder: Hint text shown in empty form elements
        tooltip:     Text for "tooltip help"
        type:        Type of form element (default is input)
        required:    0|1
        default:     default value
        api_type:    Shortcut syntax to specify an OpenAPI type
        api_label:   Label to use in OpenAPI specification
        more_key:    other_value  (depends on form type)

    class: OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Validator::CertIdentifierExists
        emptyok: 1
      - $cert_identifier

Note: All entity names must contain only letters (lower ascii), digits and the underscore.

Below is a simple, but working workflow config (no conditions, no validators, the global action is defined outside this file):

    label: I am a Test
    description: This is a Workflow for Testing
    prefix: test

        label: initial state
        description: This is where everything starts
        action: run_test1 > PENDING

        label: pending state
        description: We hold here for a while
        action: global_run_test2 > SUCCESS

        label: finals state
        description: It's done - really!
            level: success
            message: This is shown as green status bar on top of the page

    label: The first Action
    description: I am first!
    class: Workflow::Action::Null
    input: comment
        message: "Hi, I am a log message"

    comment: (as used above)
        name: comment
        label: Your Comment
        placeholder: Please enter a comment here
        tooltip: Tell us what you think about it!
        type: textarea
        required: 1
        default: ''

Workflow Head


The action attribute is a list (or scalar) holding the action name and the follow up state. Put the name of the action and the expected state on success, seperated by the > sign (is greater than).




SELECT field with options

type: select
      - unspecified
      - keyCompromise
      - CACompromise
      - affiliationChanged
      - superseded
      - cessationOfOperation

If the label tag is given (below option!) the values in the drop down are i18n strings made from label + uppercase(key), e.g I18N_OPENXPKI_UI_WORKFLOW_FIELD_REASON_CODE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED.

OpenAPI specific field parameters

api_type: Array[Str]
api_label: List of surnames

To be able to generate the OpenAPI spec the data types of all relevant input/output parameters must be defined. The most precise way to do this is to specify api_type in a field definition.

If api_type is not given then OpenXPKI tries to deduce the correct OpenAPI type from the field parameters format and type (and from the field name in some rare cases). See Perl class OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Workflow::get_openapi_typespec for technical details.


api_type accepts a custom shortcut syntax to define OpenAPI data types. The syntax is close to the syntax used in Moose types. All type names are case insensitive.

Supported types

  • String alias Str

  • Integer alias Int

  • Numeric alias Num

  • Boolean alias Bool

  • Array alias ArrayRef

    The type of array items may be specified in square brackets:

    Array[ Str ]
    Array[ Str | Int ]
  • Object alias Obj, Hash, HashRef

    The object properties (i.e. hash items) may be specified in square brackets:

    Object[ age: Integer, name: String ]

Type parameters/modifiers

Modifiers may be passed in brackets. Please note that those modifiers are case sensitive as they are used as-is in the OpenAPI spec.

Integer(minimum: 1)


Some more complex examples of nested types:

Array[ Object[ comment:Str, names:Array[Str] ] ]
HashRef[ size:Integer(minimum:5), data:Array, positions:Array[ Integer | Numeric ] ]

Please note

  • types are case insensitive
  • you can insert spaces wherever you like in a type definition


api_label is used as a field description in the OpenAPI spec. If not given, label is used instead.

For an OpenAPI overview please see :ref:`openapi-overview`.

Global Entities

You can define entities for action, condition and validator for global use in the corresponding files below The format is the same as described below, the global_ prefix is added by the system.

Creating Macros (not implemented yet!)

If you have a sequence of states/actions you need in multiple workflows, you can define them globally as macro. Just put the necessary state and action sections as written above into a file below workflow.macros.<name>. You need to have one state named INITIAL and one FINAL.

To reference such a macro, create an action in your main workflow and replace the class atttribute with macro. Note that this is NOT an extension to the workflow engine but only merges the definitions from the macro file with those of the current workflow. After successful execution, the workflow will be in the state passed in the success attribute ofthe surrounding action.